A Teen gains a system to help him for the rest of his life.... watch him enjoy a new life in a new way while keeping his new system hidden from the world.... wouldn’t want the government experimenting on him.
This headache is killing me ever since I woke up earlier it has not gone away, I just want to die. Sitting down at the small round table in the kitchen I watch as my mom finish's making me a bowl of cereal before she heads off to work. Seeing me in agony she places the bowl in front of me before checking my temperature, when she pulls he hand back she gasp in astonishment.
"What is wrong with you Josh? You are burning up, go back to bed school can wait until tomorrow." She says brushing my hair back then letting it fall down.
"No I can make it through the day, plus I still have work and I can't miss that we need the money." I argue trying to stand but I get dizzy as I stand up.
Putting her hands on her tiny hips and making a stern face she stares me down, "Josh Royce Cooper, you will stay here no if and or buts is that clear, you may be bigger than me but I can still whoop you."
It's funny when some who is almost a foot shorter than you tells you this but when it's my mom I'm to scared to argue so I just nod. Sighing in satisfaction she gives me a kiss on the forehead and then lets me take her bed so I can sleep. Rushing out the door she leaves me out only cell phone and promises to call me at her lunch break. After she is gone I drag myself to her bed and lie down, we only have a one bedroom house and I let her take the only room so I really sleep on the couch.
Since I was three it's just been mom and I my dad left at that time and I haven't seen him since nor do I wish to. Summer just ended and I figured since I'm seventeen I can start helping with bills so after we moved to this new city I found work at bookstore. Today was suppose to be my first day starting at Starlight HighSchool home of the shooting star. Now I have to miss the first day of school and a day I work so it sucks. Groaning I flop on the queen bed and curl up into a ball clutching my head the pain is getting worse and there is nothing I can do about it. I tried taking painkillers but it hasn't helped at all only making me drowsy, holding a pillow over my face to block from the light of the windows I drift to sleep.
User of 'The Growing System Found'
..... When I wake up three hours later it is almost time for my mom to call and my headache is now completely gone, I feel refreshed. Stretching I move to get out of bed but stop and jump when I here a monotone voice call out to me.
[New user Found..... Would user like to open Starter Pack?]
"What the hell who's there!" I shout jumping out of bed and getting into a fighting stance, even though I have never thrown a punch.
[User please don't be alarmed I am 'The Growing System' here to make your life easier]
"Bullshit show yourself before I call the...." I don't get to finish because a screen pops up in front of my face and it is kinda like a game screen in it has a status like screen showing me information about myself.
Name:Josh Cooper
Strength:15 Defense:15
Intelligence:40 Wisdom:30
Luck:250 Charm:20
Money:20 Points:150
[Now That User has seen his status would you like to open Starter Pack? Y/N]
"Yes I guess." I answer waiting to see what would come out of it all.
[Opening Starter Pack...0%....100%...
User has received 5 things x1 $2,000,000... x1 Instant Mastery Skill... x1 Bloodline Of Vampire God..... x1 Bloodline Of Phoenix God... x1 Lightning Magic...]
A power that was unknown started to travel through me I could feel myself growing stronger, my sickly complexion went from being that to smooth like a new born baby and my black hair now had red tented highlights. I could also feel fangs growing from my mouth along with a slight pain in my eyes but I ignored it all because I was to shocked by what was going on to think it was true. Taking a moment I looked over my status to see just how much I have grown I felt like I could take on anyone in this world without having to try.
Name:Josh Cooper
Bloodline: Vampire/Phoenix God
Strength:1,500 Defense:1,500
Intelligence:2,000 Wisdom:3,000
Luck:250 Charm:150
Money:1,998,353 Points:150
Skills: Lightning Magic, Instant Mastery
"Holy crap I'm the strongest person in this world." I whispered but of course the system was there to pour cold water all over my dreams.
[Sorry To day Host but you can't even control 3% of your power so you can at most handle a low class Vampire so no you are not that strong.]
"Ahh well that sucks but are you saying that there are actual vampires in this world?" I ask genuinely curious about why I even need powers.
[ No Host will be sent to a dungeon one weekend a month to grow and beat the dungeon gaining the right to travel worlds. That is all Host can know right now so don't bother asking about more]
Nodding I just let it go, "Well are there any missions that I need to do or anything since it seems you have a point system."
Q1-Make it to floor 10 in the dungeon: 150 points
Q2-Gain a Date: 50 points
Q3-Learn something New: 25 points
Q4-Gain a Friend:100 points
Points can also be exchanged for money with a ratio of 1point:$200,000,000 that is how valuable points are so use them wisely.]
I stopped thinking about the system for now and looked around my house seeing how small and broken down it was with this I now have a new focus in life that I will accomplish. Thinking about the tattered shoes and worn out clothes I have for the new school I'm going to I decide to hop on the bus to the mall before I have to go to work at the bookstore.
Leaving a note for my mom just Incase she gets back before I do I lock up the house and hop on a bus to the mall. We have a car but it is a broke down piece of junk but at least it can get my mom to and from work and I don't have to worry about her taking the city bus. Getting off at the mall I roam the stores finding things that i need buying two new pairs of shoes both high top converse, I also get four new shirts and some designer pants before moving to my real goal. Walking into the nearest Gorilla Jungle store I spot the jacket that I have wanted for months it is black and orange and extremely comfortable. Paying $400 for it I walk out the store satisfied it's getting colder and all I have is my old jacket that has holes in it so I am glad to have a new comfortable one.
I spent three hours going from store to store and spent a little over a thousand dollars, so I decide to call it a day so I can use the rest to help my mom with bills. The trip back home was uneventful and when I walk through the door the smell of my moms famous spaghetti assaults my nose. Wiping the drool from the corner of my mouth I throw the bags of clothes next to the couch and walk into the kitchen, my mom is humming along to a song on the radio and stirring the spaghetti in the pot.
"Hey mom, how was work?" I ask coming up behind her to smell the spaghetti more.
She turns around and instead of the smile I am expecting I get a glare and she waves the big spoon she is holding in her hands at me. "Don't you hey mom me, I told you to stay home and in bed today no one told you that you could go out!" Her scowls doesn't mess up the beauty of her face sometimes I wonder how my dad could leave her. At thirty-five, she is a petite woman about five foot two with straight black hair green eyes and an angel face. Since I was young she has never dated though she says her responsibility is me and that she has no time for men but I think that she only says it so she won't get hurt again.
"I'm sorry mom but honestly I was feeling better and I didn't want to sit around here and schools rules state I have to go for the full day or don't show at all." I try my best to convince her acting like a spoiled kid.
"Don't try that nonsense on me you are to old to act like that. Now sit down the food is done and I want you to eat before you go to work." She gives me her signature small smile letting me know I'm off the hook but she still wants to play the stern mother.
Grinning I take a seat and she dishes out the food it's nearly time for me to go to work so I wolf it down and then change into my work shirt. Before I leave I take out the $1,500 I got out the System so I can give it to my mom to help with the bills I know we are behind on. "Hey mom, I took out some money from the ATM to help you out a little it's not much but here."
"Josh I told you to stop with that your money is for you to save for college and other things. I don't want it." We go through this every time but I always win.
"Mom I'm going to be late for work and I told you I will get a scholarship for college please just take it I promised that I will always help you even when I'm older so just take it." Shoving the money in her hands I smile not missing the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes, Rushing out the door I run to the book store since I missed the bus.
Working was uneventful I spent three points to buy a soda and beef jerky for dinner from the Miscellaneous section of the system so I won't go hungry. After I went home and fell asleep after a long day.