18 Boat Ride.

We continue to talk some light topics mostly about history with hermione. I didn't speak to Ron if he didn't start the conversation so mostly we didn't talk.

The two godbrothers looks like they trying to know each other, mostly harry asking neville about the life in the wizarding world. Good, his learning about his future battlefield, the only thing that is left is breaking his shell, he need to breakout in his own comfort zone, he need to meet more potential allies.

I look into my watch and I see that its only two hours left before we arrive. I need to become more familiar with the two future Slytherin with my compartment. I silently summon trevor and give it to Neville. Its looks like Neville don't have a plan to go so I first bid farewell to them and say that I will be back in my compartment. They didn't mind including Harry that is busy asking Neville. Hermione leave with me.

While walking to my compartment I talk to hermione about the discrimination of pureblood wizards to muggleborns. I tell her to read the wizarding customs and etiquette so she doesn't get an enemy.

I told her that being a Muggleborn have many Cons, so she need to learn not to stand out more. I tell her to tone down her bossy attitude which earn me a glare but after some explaining and patting she looks like listening.

I tell her to learn moderately and enjoy her life more but its looks like she is not listening when learning is involve. I sign.

I tell her to be like a silent lion that learn and wait silently then get a high grades, through this she will get known not by having a bossy attitude but by being a genius. She think and seems contemplating what to do but I can see that she will follow my advice.

I can't do anything about her authority is always right persona for now, but when the time is right I can change that too.

I didn't ask her about house she will go because If I give her a lecture I mostly push her to Ravenclaw because, i mean she is more of a Raven than Gryffin.

Before I drop her to her compartment, I don't forget to tell her that I am always here if she needed me, giving a smile and pat to her head which she replied a thank you.

I enter my own compartment and momentarily walking because of Daphne's why are you just now glare. I walk to my sit after giving her a smile and a flick to her forehead earning me an annoyed look.

"What are your problems with my forehead" Daphne asked looking annoyed while rubbing her forehead.

"I just want too." I said giving her my killer smile. She glare at me the look away form me but I see that she have a small blush in her chicks. Cute.

We talk mostly me and Tracey about classes and the teachers while daphne is just giving some small talk. I told them about my searching for Trevor the toad and meeting Harry. They seem interested about the boy who lived so asking me questions about him.

I told them that Harry is very far from what the book is saying and he live in muggle world resulting a confuse faces. They didn't know why the hero of wizarding world is in the muggle world.

We heard that were here and look into the window and see that the train is stopping. I get out to the compartment to let them change and after they close the door, I look to my left and right and see If there is someone in the hallway and seeing there is no one, I did my magic and change through reequip spell like in F*iry T*il. It is one of my spell that I invent and every time that I change clothes, the clothes that I remove will go to my ring world and get wash by the elves.

Opening their compartment they seem surprised seeing me dressed while going out empty handed without clothes. They try to ask but I only said Magic earning me a glare for the both of them.

"Let's go." I said to them leaving our trunks. Hagrid is yelling outside to leave our trunks so we lived them.

We walk in the exit and see that its very dark so I cast a lumos spell to make some lights and make it float above all the first years, they seem to appreciate it giving me a small smile of appreciation. Daphne and Tracey just look at me and said together. "Show off " before looking away from me. I cant help to smile and shake my head lightly.

"Ferst Yer, Ferst Yer come here. Form a line, form a line." Hagrid shouted at us.

We follow him and I see Harry and Neville from the crowd but not call them. We continue to walk going to the lake.

"Whet ar yer waiting fer, ride the boat, jest four in one boat." Hagrid said riding the front boat.

Me, Daphne and Tracey ride a boat together with Hermione that looks like looking for me wanting to ride with me.

"Hermione, come we're still lacking one person." I said to her taking her arm, guiding her to ride the boat.

"Thank you" she said to me with a small blush. Daphne look at us with a hint of jealousy in her face. And Tracey with an amused smile.

"Everything in?" Hagrid asked, seeing everything is in the boat he shouted. " Good.... Forward."

The boat starting to move, we sit the side of the boat looking to the way that is not visible because of darkness. I make the lumos charm ball like orb and multiplying it making it float to our way to properly see it. Hermione look at me and asked.

"Is that a Lumos charm? Why is it not in your wand? Are you doing a wandless magic?" She asked not knowing what I did.

"No its not wandless. Its just one branch of lumos charm. Basically you just have to willed it to take shape of a ball and cast it.

I still need a wand to cast and uncast it." I said explaining to them what i did.

Nodding and thinking about my answer Hermione just looking at the light orb that I made, the other first year is also looking, some with have a jealous look wanting to show off to others while some just looking at it with amazement.

Their musing stop when they heard hagrids shout. "Duck" they all duck passing the bridge. Seeing all of them duck I cant help to slightly laugh. Daphne heard my laugh and ask. "Whats funny". I chuckle and answered "Nothing its just he is a talk so he need to duck, but you all follow it" I said with a small smile in my face.

Some heard it and be embarrass of what I said including the three girls with me. They glare at me and harrumph looking away from me.

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