

The night was dark as ink. Only the bright and beautiful moon glimmered, illuminating the hooded man's path. Although the road was muddy and rugged. It was still tolerable. His footsteps suddenly quickened as he saw a distant light. His slow march became a quick dash. It was a small village, bricks and Hay filled the small space. He walked around for awhile until he spotted the only place with its windows still giving of candlelight.

He arrived in front of the only tavern in the desolate road. Worn down enough to make it look homely. Sounds of merriment came from the inside. Although it's the only tavern in sight. It made the man sigh in relief. He opened the tavern with enthusiasm and entered the place.

He was greeted with a warm breeze from the fireplace. However the laughter stopped and all eyes fell on the man. Every step and every movement was under the watchful eyes of the drunkards.

"Greetings barkeep. I'll have two ice cold pints please." The man said with his smooth and silvery voice as he removed his hood. Revealing Silky smooth black hair. A pair of sharp onyx eyes filled with conviction. A casual smirk filled with confidence. He looked like a handsome noble, however his cloak was caked with mud and occasional bloodstains.

The barkeep squinted his eyes as he put down the two mugs he was cleaning. "You're quite the guy, eh traveler? Going all over the place in this time of the year."

The black haired man scratched the back of his head and laughed, "Despite how I look I'm quite the sturdy bastard."

The barkeep ruffled his beard and said in a soft hoarse whisper. "I'm talking bout demons traveller. This ain't the part o the damn kingdom to go and travel to. The whole fucking fiefdom got them bastards prowling about. You don't know who's possessed or body snatched! Better pray to his holiness and keep your cross close."

The barkeep said as he filled the black haired man's mug with ice cold beer.

"That's certainly scary. I've mostly encountered imps and hell hounds on the way. So I've had quite the simple journey." The black haired man said. The barkeep's eyes shone as he laughed out loud.

"Imps? Hell hounds? Those are barely demons! Even John the farmers kid could kill one with a pitchfork!

Nay, what I'm tellin' ye are different. The ones who have lizard like eyes who could blend in with the townsfolk. Succubus, Bloodsuckers, Corpse walkers, and fucking ghouls. The countryside ain't as merciful unlike the warm comforts of the iron bloods."

Suddenly a drunken man in the middle of the tavern retorted, "You talking bout your wife again Davis?" It was followed by sonorous laughter that filled the tavern once more.

The black haired man gulped down his beer and wiped his foamy mouth. "What's stopping you guys from leaving then?"

The barkeep scoffed, "Bah! Let those bastards come I ain't afraid! Got me bloody wife whose scarier than a demon!" Davis joked as he refilled his glass.

Then another man spoke in an almost hushed tone. "Rumor is... The theocracy's sending their best men to deal with the situation. If anything else this place will be the safest there is."

"What are they gonna send priests? They're gonna pray the demons to death? Hahahaha!" Another skeptical drunkard retorted. The man shook his head, "I's heard they's sendin the Arch Paladins. Better pray no one would tell on ye."

"Bah! Arch Paladins? They're nothin but glorified exorcists!" The skeptical man said as he tapped his belly.

The man shook his head once more, "Traveller, best you don't copy this daft idiot. Cause I heard they's sendin' <<Zalman>>. The most frightening out of all of 'em. Got a lot of demon blood on his hands that one. Heard a rumour from a man, He saw him crush a ghouls head with his bare hands."

The barkeep nodded his head, "Aye, I also heard that he's a white haired devil. Got lizards for eyes, Carries a massive cross on his back, And He loves to drink virgin blood to increase his holy powers they say. No human or demon 'ave seen him in person."

"He's the leader of the Arch Paladins. His holiness' greatest warriors. So if they's sendin' 'im then some terrifying monster lurks in this here town." The barkeep continued.

The black haired man nodded in seriousness. "What a terrifying man! I'd love to meet him."

The barkeep looked at him all shocked, "Ye daft? Didnae hear what I just said? The man's fuckin bad news I tell ye. Think about it... If no one's seen 'im. Must mean that the order don't want nobody knowing their secrets. Cause he's a bloody fucking demon!"

The whole tavern shook with laughter as they clinked their mugs with one another. The black haired man couldn't help but chuckle.

However their merriment soon came to a grinding halt. The tavern doors flung open and a wounded woman came rushing in. A beautifully enchanting blonde haired woman came rushing in.

"Murderer! Someone help!" The woman bellowed as he clutched the travelers clothes. The barkeep frowned, "What's wrong young lass? Who done this? Is it the flaxon's boy?"

The woman shook her head as she stared frightfully at the door.

"Nay, Uncle Davis. Twas a white haired devil. He shot me right in my shoulders." She said as she showed a singed wound that was charred black with traces of bright metal shards lodged in her skin. The entire tavern was silent their faces were solemn as they looked at one another.

Then methodical footsteps resounded from outside the tavern. A hooded mad with a gigantic cross covered in pure white cloth with gold markings strapped on his back.

"You have nowhere to hide devil... Repent. For his holiness may yet forgive your sins." Every step he took his gilded white armor beneath his cloak would clink.

Davis jumped out of the counter to shield the downtrodden young woman. "Sir, please wait! This is Mary's lass. She's just a seamstress. There ain't no demons in this village!"

The hooded man threw his cloak aside revealing a lustrous short silver hair. His eyes like emerald that shone in the nights cold gleam. With a toothy grin he put his hand on the golden revolver on his waist. "I don't like liars. You may deceive a weary traveler... But you will never fool me!" His handsome face contorted in pain as his eyes slowly turned orange and his pupils turned into slits.

His hands were extremely fast, in a mere second he has drawn his sidearm and shot the young woman straight in the chest.

She stared at the gaping hole in her heart as white flames spewed out forming a flaming cross.

She screamed in agony as she bled from all of her orifices. She twisted and turned as she emitted black smoke. Slowly turning into a blood red abomination. Her black wings spread out. Horns grew from her smooth forehead. Her fangs extended as she wailed from the pain. Her hands were replaced with black talons singed with hell fire. Her blood red skin then flaked as white light burst forth turning her into Ash.

[Deus Vod Tecum.]

He said as a blood red miasma flew and seeped into the giant cross on his back. He stared at the black haired traveller. "Don't worry young man. My name Is Zalman. I'm an Arch Paladin of Mylacadmus Theocracy. Leave this tavern at once, for your own safety please take this."

He threw away the gun he used earlier to kill the succubus towards the traveller. The man caught it by instinct and raised his eyebrows towards the priest.

The barkeep who stood there stunned finally regained his senses. Blood red miasma seeped into his body as he slowly transformed.

"Meat Bag! You could have walked away... You could have just chosen to be a lapdog of the theocracy to eliminate those lesser demons... But now, that's no longer an option.

I will drink the marrow from your bones. Your soul will be tormented in perpetual hell fire! I will carve you open and parade your corpse on your holy land!"

With a deafening howl all the patrons of the tavern transformed into devils. One by one they surrounded Zalman. Blood red miasma filled the air making it hard for a regular human to breath.

Two charged at him hoping to tear him apart. However zalman drew his giant cross and removed the Holy cloth and wrapped it in his arms. It shone a bright white light as it disappeared and melded into his gilded armor.

He swung the cross flinging away the two demons that charged at him. He charged towards the Barkeep with murderous intent. Flipping over the table and dodging the feral claws of the demons, he landed right at its shoulders. He gently placed the bottom of the cross on the devils head.


With a loud bang the barkeep's head scattered everywhere. Splattering the worn tavern with devil's blood.

Zalman gently landed and slung the cross on his shoulders. With a snarky grin he said.

[May his Holiness grant mercy on your souls.]

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