
Chained Souls

A boy and his sister orphaned and forgotten soon realizes there family had far more secrets then they cared to know, as they get dragged back into a family blood war that's been going on for hundreds of years, they make many friends and lose some on the way growing stronger mentally and physically, All in efforts to claim the most desired family heirloom that grants whichever family branch overwhelming power and authority over the other branches, only then will the blood war end. : Author, a journey between right and wrong and the thin line in-between and how the MC Armel has to choose which road to take, going through many trails and finding a new home and making new friends and losing some along the way in cruel even grotesque nerve wrenching ways, will these cruel fate's and torment from whom claim themselves and others consider the heroes change him for better or for the worst, after all what exactly is a hero anyway if not a beautiful lie, what is fate if not a twisted truth and can a soul escape these chain's.

Tristen_M_Williams · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Truth Revealed, chapter 8.

when Ben had laid down for the night he couldn't help but have a strange gut feeling, and his ear was itching like crazy, he tossed and turned for hours but eventually fell asleep.

that next morning everyone had gathered at the dining room sitting and starring at the empty table, all three of them were getting annoyed as even Dracul hadn't even showed up yet, but just as Iris was about to complain the door opened and people started to pour into the dining room, all carrying large amounts of food, one set the his giant platter on the table and straightened his back, and looked at all the kids.

my name is Alex my sincere apologies for the delay, we were not informer we would be having you all this morning, we had to make a unexpected trip to the food market, I hope this didn't anger any of you the teenage girl said, and both Ben and Armel started to say it was ok at the same time and jumbled there word, both shocked at how pretty the woman was she had Short black hair and was in a butlers uniform, "Armel" ya no worries, "Ben" ya thank you thay said nervously.

you don't happen to know we're Dracul is do you Iris said stoping the blabbering a little annoyed, yes I do he is currently in the garden my lady, he will be here shortly, but don't hesitate to start your breakfast, she said with a cute smile giving Ben a wink, and she and the rest of the butlers excited the dining room.

bro I know you saw that bragging to Armel, ya man she looks about your age to Armel said you know sixteen he said, I thought you were already seventeen still close enough man, well my birthday is only two months away any way he said, were do we start there's so much food.

I know there's everything possible you could have for breakfast, from biscuits gravy, omelets to pancakes, oatmeal or creeps, I don't know man Iris had already put some creeps on her plate, and started to eat, not waiting on the others, Armel got some biscuits and gravy, Ben went for some pancakes.

I see y'all started without me they turned around to see Dracul standing there, may I join he asked, sure help your self Armel said and Iris almost choked laughing, making Ben laugh to squirting milk out of his nose making Dracul Start to chuckle, man y'all are a lively bunch he said, I guess said Iris so what were you doing in the garden she asked.

I take a morning walk every morning it helps me to wake up and feel energized, he said as he put some oatmeal in his bowl, so how was your first night he asked, It was good said Iris the bed was very spacious and cozy, it was good said Armel, actually I had problems sleeping my stomach was acting funny and my ear started to itch really bad said Ben, you know that means someone was talking about you, shut up Armel Iris said quit trying to freak him out, now Dracul was staring at Ben but shook it off quickly and continued to eat.

afterwards Dracul ask Armel to fallow him to the library room to talk about his parents away from the others, they sat down at a table, so we're to start, your parents are a part of a very old blood line that goes back to the 5th century the pindragon family, the family of king Arthur, but your family is from the side of his son Mordred, wait what Armel said getting pissed off, you brought me all the way here to tell me a bunch of bull shit.

hold on for a second I getting to the point demanded Dracul in a frustrated tone, fine continue, ok so arthur had two sons each with there own family tree, they clashed quite often, to the point we're your father was the only one left, but when they killed your father they didn't know of you or your sister.

they died here in this Castle, right after y'all were born, the woman that left y'all at the orphanage was my wife, she was killed as well, wy were they trying to kill us Armel now with his head down with tears falling on too the table, there inheritance Dracul said sternly, what inheritance is so great that you would kill family, now looking at Dracul, a unimaginable power he replied your's is your connection to Mordred, soul chains in which allows you to summon his legendary magic weapon and or armor, this is your inheritance.

there inheritance is from Arthur's other son Gawain, there is other branches considering arthur had nine children possible some non legitimate children, your family's inheritance is the strongest out of all the branches but since you're family's numbers were so small they saw it as a opportunity, because of this the Gawain branch attacked your parents, because the last branch standing inherits excalibur and the inheritance of what branches they have defeated.

any questions please feel free to drop me a comment or even leave me a review thank you for reading.

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