

Tác giả: Granviosk_2620
Realistic Fiction
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Đọc tiểu thuyết CERAMAH AKHIR ZAMAN UST AMIRULHAKIM của tác giả Granviosk_2620 được xuất bản trên WebNovel....

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DC/Young Justice: Colors

Benjamin David spent half his days in a hospital bed, dying alone in what had become a colorless world without notice. But his time didn’t end as expected. Now, he suddenly woke up in another place. A strange universe where people dress as bats, aliens wear underwear outside their pants, and gods/immortals roam among men. Will his world continue to forever remain only a bleak black, gray, and white? Can he learn that color can be found in even the most unexpected of places? After all, we live in a rainbow of chaos called life. ------------------ Current Days of Upload: Sunday (Indefinitely, I hope) Personal Rating: M+ (Language is censored for my own preferences, but scenes of violence, blood, and death may be present.) ------------------ What to expect from this story... -Slightly Slow-Paced -Slightly Slice of Life -Action, Adventure, Mystery and Discovery (DC began by standing for "Detective Comics" before anything else, and I wish to stand by that origin if possible.) -Slow Power Increase (Strong to Stronger. Come on... it's a high-tiered world. He's got to be strong eventually.) -One Single Female Lead (NOT AN OC! She will be from either Young Justice or DC. I can't satisfy everyone, so don't give me ideas or get your hopes up! Romance will be later in the story.) ------------------ Hey it's the author here. I just wanted to speak to everyone regarding my fanfic. I first tried my hand at a novel due to my love for the hobby known as writing. Didn't go so well if you notice by scrolling to the bottom… As such, I decided to try writing some fanfics instead to improve my skill and bring to life these different ideas that came into my head. I'm starting with this fic right here, inspired by many other DC and Marvel stories. In this novel the MC will have no knowledge of the universe and its inhabitants. He only knows that he is in the DC Universe thanks to his powers. Other than that, he's in the dark as to what kind of place it is. Obviously I can't do this alone, and every bit of support goes a long way. I have managed to put up a Patreon for if someone wants to give me ideas or share my burden. Currently, you can read up to three chapters ahead over there. I want to bring the best possible quality content for everyone, and if I can make some money on the side, why not? Other than the prologue, the first 4 chapters are wonkey in word count, but they're between 4-8 thousand words each. At chapter 5, you'll be getting regular updates with a minimum of 8 thousand words or more. As I said, quality is important, but I'm not perfect. Even though I constantly review the chapters and put them through Grammarly or what not, THERE WILL BE MISTAKES. I can't guarantee to fix every single one of them, but if I accidentally right a huge plot hole or something, please let me know. Burn out is a real thing, and if I have to constantly go back to fix every single little detail, I'll eventually blow a fuse. Your support means the world to me, and I wish to go as far as possible with this story. Thanks! patreon.com/Geo_Ruler ------------------ Note: This is an AU (Alternate Universe) of my design with tweaks to Young Justice, DC Comics, and any other relevant DC works. Disclaimer: I do not own DC, Young Justice, nor any mention towards already owned and existing works, ideas, or other characters. I only own my OC and other certain elements. (Cover is AI generated.)

Geo_Ruler · Tranh châm biếm
29 Chs

God Brawler: From Streetfighter to God Brawler

Brawlers: The name given to the humans who have been awakened to a power gifted by the gods. These people can wield immense power with almost no effort and are not bound in any fashion. Well... most are... F-Rank: Streetfighter E-Rank: Combatant D-Rank: Boxer C-Rank: Soldier B-Rank: Warrior A-Rank: Warlord S-Rank: Olympian Champion Z-Rank: God Brawler These are the ranks given to each Brawler individually. F-Rank: The bottom of the barrel. Not worth anything to the world beyond. A lowly human. Some of them are even weaker than humans. Which is why they are viewed as such an expendable pieces on society’s game board. They are used for one purpose; a simple means to an end. But this is where some differences between the fates of these warriors begin. Most F's are killed immediately upon being activated. Their deaths have little or no impact on society. They are considered trash to throw and nothing else But some things are more precious than that. Some are priceless. And this is one of them. In a world where only the strongest can survive, a person with enough strength could make everything change. A singular person is capable of making history. And while they may be small in stature, they can make people believe otherwise. To bring the light into darkness. Words spoken by humans may seem hollow and empty but they carry much weight within a world like this. A world where everyone lives according to their own selfish goals. A world where you either get things to go the way you want or die trying. Where there are no second chances nor fruits bored when you fail. This is his goal. His desire. This desire, which he had never felt before, drove him onward in life. In order to become stronger. For others to follow behind him. For the future to change. Reaching the final step toward Apotheosis. That was his mission.

Kanjun · Võ hiệp
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5 Chs

The veil of illusions

Emma, a gifted psychologist, has dedicated her life to understanding the human mind and unraveling the secrets of perception. Through her research, she comes across a mysterious book, "The Veil of Illusions," rumored to hold the key to unlocking hidden dimensions of the mind. Intrigued, Emma delves into the book's teachings, experimenting with altering her perception to traverse different layers of reality. As she starts delving deeper into the practices outlined in the book, strange occurrences begin happening around Emma. She encounters enigmatic characters who blur the line between real and illusionary, facing impossible challenges and mind-bending puzzles. The more she searches for answers, the more her understanding of reality crumbles, leaving her unsure of what is true and what is just an illusion. Along the way, Emma forges unlikely alliances and discovers secret societies dedicated to controlling perception and reality. Betrayal and intrigue surround her as she slowly uncovers the enigmatic organization responsible for the simulations she has been trapped within. The elusive truth seems closer than ever as Emma realizes she is not alone in this journey – there are others like her who have been trapped in the simulations. With each chapter, Emma inches closer to unveiling the sinister intentions behind the simulations. She starts to question her own existence and identity, wondering if she's just a pawn in a larger game. As she races against time, Emma must decipher the cryptic messages left behind by the book's author, navigate through treacherous illusions, and outsmart the puppetmasters manipulating her perception.

Esther_Aiyeku · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Not the rose she wanted

A girl who doesn't feel any emotion at all. She cannot cry, she cannot smile,she cannot laugh,she doesn't know what happiness is,she doesn't know what sadness is,the feeling of being alone,scared,depressed,the feeling of falling in love,having crush,liking someone,giving out compliments,the feeling of being cared for.She was deprived of human feelings and emotions ,she's just a living doll. "I'll cure her biizzinillah, I promise you that" he said with determination portraying in his surreal emerald green eyes. Follow us as Hameed help Asma discover different kind of feelings... |||~ The room was dark,the lights switched off,yet from the brightness coming from the windows as the sun rose from the east, Hameed closed the Muhsaf that he was reading as he raised his hands up praying and thanking Almighty Allah for His Mercy and Blessings,he rubbed his hands to his face as he glanced at the lean yet small figure laying across him "His Wife" smile adorned his handsome face,his eyes wrinkled slightly with delight as his hand ran over her clad hijab head. "Asma" His husky morning voice whispered her name beautifully. Such a long wait but bless full outcome he thought. Never would he ever be able to get over that fact. It was just so beautiful to be able to see her smile again, laugh till her hazel eyes adorned themselves with tears,look at him in the eyes with so much love and care. He looked at her peaceful sleeping face . Her long thick eyelashes cast a soft shadow onto her pale smooth cheeks,her bushy yet carved eyebrows raised slightly,her flawless straight nose perfectly proportioned by the Almighty Allah like every other aspect of her and rosy plump lips parted slightly taking in air and out . She was a diamond amongst dirt , his rose in the dessert and she was his wife. SubhanAllah!!. How did he get so damn lucky.

Eedahtea · Thành thị
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9 Chs

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General Audiencesmature rating
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