

The sky is so bright and blue in the apartment of one simple and harmonious family while all family members are eating their breakfast together before leaving for work.

"Hanna, have you been accepted for a job at a cafe not far from our apartment?" Elsa asked.

"Yes, Mom. I've been accepted. I'm very happy, I'm so happy, please pray for me. I hope my work will be smooth," replied Hanna.

"Of course, Hanna. I will always wish you all the best," Elsa replied.

"If you get a salary, don't forget to give your parents later. At least you pay for the electricity of this apartment," said Louis.

"Okay, Dad," Hanna replied.

"Niko, so do you want continue to study?" Elsa asked.

"I want to go to college while working, Mom," answered Niko.

"I agree if that's what you want," replied Louis.

The sound of the cell phone ringing made Hanna smile. She's a girl who is easy to socialize and loves to surf on social media. Hanna usually video call with her virtual friends and she gets along very easily with people.

"Hanna, what are you doing?" Nico asked.

"None of your business," Hanna replied.

"Don't get used to having conversation with strangers or you'll be in trouble," said Niko.

"What the hell? Nonsense," replied Hanna who was annoyed with her brother.

"Well, you have to hurry up and eat," said Elsa.

"Okay, Mom," Niko replied.

"Honey, I'm leaving first," said Louis.

"Yes, Honey. I will take you to the front," Elsa replied.

Elsa escorted Louis to the front door of the apartment.

"Honey, send my regards to the kids. Tell Hanna to work carefully and also tell Niko to study properly so he can get the highest grade so he can get a better job to help us financially," said Louis.

"Yes, Honey," Elsa replied.

Louis went from their family apartment to his workplace which was at the train station. He became an office boy there.

"Careful, Honey," said Elsa.

Elsa smiled at Louis while waving her hand. After that, She went back in and saw the children had finished eating. She smiled at his son.

"Kids, you two please be careful and these foods for your lunch," said Elsa.

"Okay, Mom. Thank you for the lunch," Hanna replied as she took her lunch and put it in her bag.

Niko also put his lunch in his backpack. They hugged their mother before leaving.

"Mom, are you going to work later?" Hannah asked.

"Yes, Hanna. I'm going to work later. We short of maid on that house because the maid who's responsible for the laundry stuff is resigned," Elsa replied.

"It's good to be rich, you don't have to wash it yourself," said Hanna.

"That's why you must have rich boyfriend, not just surfs on social media every day," replied Niko.

"You're annoying." Hanna pinching her brother ear.

"It hurts! Mom, look what she's done to my ear," said Niko.

"Knock it off you two, don't act like a kids," said Elsa.

"Yes, Mom." Hanna letting go her brother's ear.

They both go after hugs their mother and waving their hands to Elsa. Hanna take a bit walk then take the train to the cafe where she work. While in the train, Hanna doing video call with a guy.

"You go alone, are you not afraid?" asked Victor.

"Absolutely not. Why I must scare?" Hanna replied.

"Oh. Be careful, you're beautiful," said Victor.

"Well, I just met you, it's a miracle," Hanna replied.

"I'm sorry if you're not comfortable with that," said Victor, laughing heartily.

The sound signalling the train had arrived made Hanna turn off the video call. she got off the train and she go straight to the cafe where she work by foot. When she arrived at the cafe. She hurried back to change into her uniform.

"Hello, Hanna," said Floren.

"Hello, Mrs. Floren. I'll change first," said Hanna.

"Okay, Hanna. Today my friends also come here. Please help me arrange the cake because I always like your arrangement," replied Floren.

"Okay, Mrs. Floren," said Hanna.

"My friend want to come by after awhile, her name is Agatha. You'll see how beautiful she is even though she's already in her senior age," replied Floren.

"Yes I do believe, you also so much pretty," said Hanna.

"Well, we'll continue this conversation later. Hanna, make a good one, okay," replied Floren.

"I will do it, Mrs. Floren," said Hanna.

Hanna went to change clothes. After that, she went to the kitchen. There was already Betty glaring at her.

"Are you satisfied with finding our boss's face?" asked Betty.

Hanna was silent. she immediately arranged the finished cakes for Floren's guests and decorated them.

Betty suddenly pushed the cake that Hanna had arranged to fall apart on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Hanna asked, clutching her heart.

"Betty, are you crazy? What will happen when boss finds out that the cake is crumbling like this?" Adel asked.

"You keep defending her. She's a know-it-all," Betty replied.

"Then what if she licks you?" Adel asked.

"Well, you guys got into a fight because of me. Wouldn't it be better now to have another cake? Mrs. Floren will be furious," said Hanna.

"Yeah, you'll see for yourself," Betty replied.

Betty instead sat on the chair without caring about Hanna and Adel who were having a hard time because of her.

"Yes, Hanna. It's still in the tray. You help me arrange and decorate, yes," said Adel.

"Yes," replied Hanna.

Hanna let out a shaky breath. she felt like everyone here did not like her, even though she had been behaving normally.

"Guys, are you done yet? Oh my god, why are you in such a mess? What are you guys doing?" asked Beni in his female accent.

"You just shut up," said Adel.

"Adel, how can I be silent when I see the cake like this? Oh my godness, it fell like this. Uh, Betty, what are you doing sitting there like that?" asked Ben.

"Yes, rather than you, babbling like a girl, it's better to help," answered Betty.

"No. I'll report you if you take too long. That's an important guest, boss will come," said Beni, waving his hand.

Adele rolled her eyes. she was sure Beni came out for sure to report to their boss.

"Let's redecorate again before the boss finds out," said Adel.

Hanna quickly decorated the mini cakes with cream, some chocolate topping, and fruit.

"Wow, so beautiful." Adel giving Hanna a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Adel. Later I will learn how to make the cake too, so I can help you," said Hanna.

"You want to replace me?" asked Betty.

"I'm not thinking of replacing you. I just want to be able to make cakes too, not just decorations," Hanna replied.

The sound of footsteps was heard followed by the sound of someone snorting making them directly face Floren.

"What is this? Beni said you two fought," said Floren, crossing her arms.

"Mrs. Floren, this girl is interfering with our creativity," Betty replied.

"Don't slander, slander is crueller than murder," said Beni.

"Beni, can you shut up?" asked Florence.

"Yes, Mrs. Floren. I'm sorry," replied Beni.

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