In the year 2023, Raven Tor, a struggling nurse living in a modest apartment and relying on a bicycle for transportation, experiences a life-altering event during his routine monthly supply check. While cycling to a nearby market for food, he is struck by lightning, leading to a sudden surge of pain and loss of sight. Raven loses consciousness and ultimately succumbs to the shock, with all his organs failing simultaneously. However, his story doesn't end there. Unbeknownst to him, Raven finds himself inexplicably reincarnated in a completely different world, awakening to a new existence filled with unknown challenges and adventures.
In the eventful year of 2023, Raven Tor, a nurse grappling with financial challenges in a local Kenitra city hospital, finds solace in the simplicity of his life. His story unfolds against the backdrop of Morocco, a country that has woven its cultural tapestry into the fabric of his identity.
Residing in a modest rented apartment and navigating the bustling streets on his trusty bicycle, Raven's daily existence reflects the rhythm of life in this vibrant North African setting.
Raven's connection with Morocco runs deep, rooted in a childhood spent exploring the labyrinthine medinas of Fez and the sun-kissed beaches of Agadir.
The diverse landscapes of his homeland became both a sanctuary and a playground, shaping his worldview and fostering a love for adventure. As he cycled through the narrow streets of Kenitra, the echoes of his Moroccan roots intertwined with the modern beat of the city.
However, Raven's personal journey was marked by challenges, particularly the aftermath of his parents' divorce.
The rocky relationship that ensued left emotional scars, and Raven, in turn, sought refuge in the pages of novels, the immersive world of fanfics, and the captivating allure of anime.
These escapes became his companions, offering solace during lonely nights and fueling his dreams of faraway realms filled with magic, wonder and alien baddies.
His wanderlust extended beyond the borders of Morocco, prompting Raven to embark on global adventures that took him to the bustling markets of Istanbul, the tranquil temples of Kyoto, and the majestic peaks of the Swiss Alps.
Each journey became a chapter in the story of his life, expanding his horizons and feeding the flame of curiosity that burned within him.
Raven's sister, living abroad for over nine years, became a symbolic link to a world beyond his reach. The physical distance only deepened their bond, with Raven cherishing the memories of shared laughter and the warmth of familial connection.
Her absence, coupled with the strains of familial discord, heightened his yearning for a deeper sense of belonging.
Believing in the possibility of reincarnation, Raven's imagination knew no bounds. In the quiet moments of introspection, he played a mental game of envisioning various scenarios—a dragon navigating uncharted territories, a horny goblin navigating magical forests, or a space traveler exploring distant galaxies.
These musings, a blend of his Moroccan upbringing and global escapades, provided a unique lens through which he viewed the world.
On an ordinary day during his routine monthly supply check, the mundane task took an extraordinary turn. The pressing need for sustenance propelled Raven to pedal to a nearby market, where the aroma of spices and the chatter of vendors created a familiar backdrop.
As he cycled through the streets, an unexpected lightning strike shattered the ordinary rhythm of his life. A surge of pain and a sudden loss of sight enveloped him, leading to unconsciousness and the simultaneous failure of all his organs.
In the realms beyond earthly comprehension, Raven awoke to an unfamiliar sensation—a feeling of confinement in a tight space. Unbeknownst to him, the threads of his existence had woven a new tapestry. Raven Tor, the unsuspecting otaku with a heart steeped in Moroccan traditions and global wanderings, now stood on the precipice of a new reality.
This new world, untouched by the constraints of earthly landscapes, unfolded before him like the pages of a novel. The air buzzed with unfamiliar energy, and the landscapes painted with hues unseen. Raven's journey, which had begun on the streets of Kenitra, now entered uncharted territories.
As his soul stepped into this unexplored realm, Raven Tor carried with him the rich dreams of an otaku who had always yearned for a world beyond the ordinary.