
Celestial Forge In Asoiaf

Testing out the Celestial forge in Asoiaf. I will continue the other as I have inspiration. And I will be joining the Airforce soon so idk how long I will be writing.

Damon_Jager · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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11 Chs

Ch-7 Re-Write


The mine which I "held" in my forge for now gave me a pause as the mine held a number of people within it, unlike the mine it wasn't filled with forced labor but regular forsworn people, this mattered because the forsworn had no issue using magic unlike the nords meaning I had about 20 people capable of magic.

The Guards and works like most people of Skyrim know at least 2 magical spells (Flames and Self Healing) thus they are more formidable against those in Westeros.

The Forge thankfully made them fiercely loyal to me so long as I treated them well, but the problem is that the mine must be a physical location in the world or in my forge which I trying to keep secret.

So before leaving for Dorne I placed it on one of the mountain sides.


On the Western of the island that I had decided to name Rhodes, along the way I had cleared enough room for a road and a track for ore carts to make its way to the town center where the future factories would be built.

At the foot of the mountain I focused my mind inward where the mine was waiting to be released, then the earth in front of me began to shift and fall into the mountain.

Then with a foof noise the torches leading into the mine came alight and a group of about 25 began walking out of the mine.

Leading them was a group of 5 Markarth Guards wielding swords, spears, and a shield while the rest where regular miners but a couple holding ball of light.

The leader an old man by the name of Faolan which was one of the mages/wise men of the group which I went forward to greet.

Faolan-"Greetings the forge has given us some basic information on where we are and who you are Mr Colt. As for us most of us are Forsworn prisoners or people the leaders of Markarth just didn't like, that means we are going to need some reassurance that this will not be a repeat."

Colt shook the mans hand-"Thank you Faolan, All of you will be treated with the utmost respect. As for what you will be doing those of you who have any practical knowledge of magic I will ask you to help me develop a magic curriculum for our military, While those of you who have any smithing knowledge help me teach the locals how to use the rare minerals."

Faolan and I would enter discussions on the pay and standards of living he and his people would have, he would also be helping me start the beginnings of my new government.

I would obviously have the most control over the government and basically have complete control but the days to running would be managed by a future council by the various major parts of the society, like mages, industry, commerce ext.

But for now a very bare bones system would be established while the government grew and would allow us to adapt and grow.

Before I travels back to Dorne i with the help of the miners built and marked out where the various government and farm buildings. With the help of HP magic I was able to build some basic brick and mortar home for the main town with various shops and government buildings like a court house. While the farms would have nice English colonial homes and various barns and warehouses for storage.


To help pay for the first wave of recruits I made a bunch of glass items to start up enough capital to pay a number of craftsmen and farmer to act as Formen or to be farmers as they need to be taught using the new plow, seed drill and watering system.

A lot of the men I hired were second and third sons who would have to leave their home to prevent competing with their brothers or just being another mouth to feed so they after some convincing joined me.

The only ones I had to fight were the farmers as their families had been farming on the same land for generations so the prospect of leaving their farms were terrifying so they had to be given a larger sum of money.

As for the menial jobs like haulers, construction and logistics I got over 50 homeless people were invited to work, some brought families and children other just walked on the ship with the shirt on their backs. More were to be hired as time went on but for now we needed to continue to set up the basics.

In total a group of 300 would agree to start colonizing the island most are farmers, while the rest a variety of different craftsman from potters to blacksmiths who would start out industry's.


Upon reaching the island I set to teaching the the settlers how to uses the new equipment, while very simple uses and after a couple of attempts soon the fields the settlers thought massive were planted in record time.

Once the planting was done many of the settlers began to grow restless as they had never had this little to do, so I began to pick out those who showed promise and began having them start up the various industries.

From Bricks to herbalists soon every craftsman had at least two apprentices all of them were taking to their new jobs with gusto as with the magically enforced contracts they were truly trying there hardest.

The contract that all setters down to the children can be outlined very simply; they were to renounce their loyalty to Dorne, swear allegiance to myself and future family and work there absolute hardest to the best of there abilities.

It also includes a number of hidden clauses that further encourage the setters to be okay with magic as in the next couple of years I expect natural mages to be born.


The farms themselves are using a four/five field rotation which I had to explain as thus.

Dividing the farms into sections of four, in field one wheat or other grain is planted, Field two Turnips for animal feed and they help cleanse the soil, Three next is Legumes (Beans and such) adds nitrogen to the soil, and Four is Fruiting Veggies which consume the Nitrogen.

Plants also will change with the seams like growing squash in the Winter months but with the climate of Dorne it is not that big of a problem. In addition area have been set aside for cash crops like cotton grows very well here and eventually we will have a textile mill.

Most of the food is being stockpiled for now as we have no real stores ready but in the coming months most will be sold to the war front as the Ironborn have begun to rebel.


As for how I will be making money that is kind of complicated as do to some loopholes and creative interpretations of tax laws I and the Martells can make a steady profit.

As in there coming months I plan on opening the factories that I had promised the Martels, as with the Iron Rebellion in full swing the need for high quality steel is high.

For the Steel it will not be sold out side of Dorne till the Loyal Nobles have all there arms are replaced with high quality steel these purchases are being partially subsidized by the Martells so withIn the next 2 months they are ready and most of that time is transportation as Dorne is about the size of Europe and even sea travel is long.

Once that is done we will be allowed to sell to the civilians of Dorne and after a period of two months I will be allowed to sell to other kingdoms excluding The Westerlands and the Iron Islands for obvious reasons.

For glass I have complete free range, large panels are going to be sold to the North for Greenhouses, but literal Tons are going to the Westerlands for an extreme price as of Course the Lannisters must have the best.

Also since the North is not the richest Land we will of course will oh so kindly take to a of high quality wood. Which will be Made into ships to be built for my conquest of the Stepstones.

With the chance of Ironborn raids increasing while on a trip to Dorne I got ahold of some of the local veterans of the war to start training some "guards" for the Island till patrol ships could be built, these men will act as heavy infantry and help train the next group for light infantry.

They are wearing an interesting mix of modern and old kit: from the modern a pack a compass, canteen, and a the equivalent of a adventure pack from DND. The old kit is the armor and weapons as I am not in the position for gunpowder development as a contingent of iron born could take out my island easily.

The armor is a lightweight scale-mail as in high temperature place like Dorne it is a very important to stay cool, in terms of weapons they are equipped with Maces and War-hammers as these men are going to be fighting knights, They are also equipped with a hold out knife.