

Angst City. Home to those who fear monsters that exsist. Those writers in Creepy Pasta aren't writing some story to keep you up all night. They are writing a guide for those who are facing demons in the real world. Look around you and tell yourself that you are being watched. Then you'll get the feeling that the one monster you feared your entire life is behind you, above you, below you, beside you, or worse... you are surrounded by their kind. If you hate this intro already... you have every right to leave but those who want to read on, you have been in my shoes. Where bullies try to kill you, have teachers that hate you, you live with your two loving granparents, and then you find out that you haven't released your inner demon. Not you? Of course not! But have you ever stopped ,faced your demons and cooperated with them? Well this story is about Monsters, Demons, Ghouls, Special People , etc. We are in need of your help, in the woods. Hunters are trying to exterminate our kind since they want everyone to know that we kill for pleasure when we actually kill for purpose. I can't explain everything because it's a long story. But all I can say for my sake and my family's sake... S.O.S

- Zilla Sacred