
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
234 Chs

We will return!

Zhao Xiong didn't know that the evil **** with twelve pupils was dead and was still attacking until a large number of soul stones floated out and finally stopped.


The giant bear gasped in a deep breath, his breath was ferocious and terrifying, his body was stained with crimson blood, and the smell of blood was pungent, much more terrifying than the scarlet state after the massacre.

Anyone who sees Zhao Xiong at this time will be frightened, even more frightening than the evil gods outside the realm. He is simply a tyrannical and bloodthirsty demon god!

After a while, Zhao Xiong's pupils regained clarity and calmed down.

I haven't forgotten what happened just now, my memory is still fresh, and I don't feel anything wrong.

Although I don't know if it was influenced by the power of the void, or the wildness from the depths of my heart was inspired, but it feels really cool!

"Didn't you be pretty good just now?"

Zhao Xiong stretched out his claws to pick up a huge tentacle and shivered a few times, but there was no response, and then he threw it away without thinking of using it as food.

Just now, when I bitten the evil **** with twelve eyes, I ate a lot of tentacles' minced meat. The stench was unpalatable, and there were no nutrients in it.

"You have collected 8,200 soul stones, and you currently own 18610 soul stones."

After collecting the soul stone, Zhao Xiong's eyes narrowed into a slit, and he was overjoyed.

Rounding up, there are nearly 20,000 soul stones!

These two evil gods were not slaughtered in vain. Although all the animals in the zoo were given to Huo Huo by them, the soul stones provided by these two guys were worth it.

It has to be said that the life level of the Heretic God is indeed stronger than that of ordinary life, so it can provide so many soul stones.

And this is the result of the evil god's will being greatly reduced after he came to the real world.

I don't know how many soul stones can be obtained by slaughtering those foreign evil gods living in the void.

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiong couldn't help but spread his perception to the 'membrane' outside the aquarium.

In the unknown area outside the membrane, there are not a few terrifying existences.

They seem to have discovered what happened here, and stretched out from the darkness a huge tentacle that was several kilometers long and approached here.


Zhao Xiong sighed, wanting to hunt them is impossible for the time being. The power of the evil gods is beyond his reach at present, and in the unknown void where they live, there is a special power that can make them almost immortal.

But then again, it seems that his own death is not a death in the true sense. When the inextinguishable mad thunder is killed, it will wake up again after thousands of years.

"Master, these minced meat seems to be good for me, can I devour it?"

At this moment, the pitted slaughter emerged from the left paw and asked eagerly.

"Are you sure? This is the body of the evil god. Although it is not the real body, it also contains their evil power." Zhao Xiong asked.

"I can't finish it."

Slaughter replied: "But as long as I digest part of it, it is enough for me to evolve to a higher level."

The slaughter that has entered the mature stage has reached the upper limit of the growth of the symbiote group. If you want to break through the restrictions of the mature stage and enter the complete body, you need opportunities and precious materials.

And these Evil God corpse pieces in front of them contain the essence, which can just meet the needs.

Zhao Xiong thought about it for a while, the slaughtering wave was barely a merit, and he was hurt by filthy blood when he resisted the Rabbit-Headed Evil God, but he could reward him with the flesh and blood of the Evil God that was useless to him.

Moreover, the current slaughter strength is too weak, and it is not very helpful to him. If he can continue to evolve and improve his combat power, it will be better.

"Okay, let's eat."

Zhao Xiong said: "But I have to say first, once I find that you are eroded by the power of the void, I will immediately obliterate you."

"Thank you master, I will be careful."

The slaughter was agitated.


A large stream of scarlet liquid spread down and spread to the entire hall, and terrifying mouths full of fangs emerged from the ground, swallowing up the scattered pieces of the evil god.

However, the slaughter was indeed not greedy. After collecting nearly half of the Heretic God's minced meat, he stopped, and the viscous bloodshots were withdrawn.

"Master, I need to sleep for a while to fully digest my flesh and blood. I can't help you with chores during this time."

"Well, let's go."

With Zhao Xiong's consent, the massacres all retracted, silenced, and there was no movement.

Leaving the dilapidated hall destroyed by the battle, and outside the portal, Zhao Xiong looked down, and the goose who had been knocked unconscious before was still in a coma.

Looking at it with the insight technique, I couldn't help being a little silent. The big goose's mental state was still heavily polluted, and it didn't get better because of the death of the two evil gods.


Zhao Xiong is helpless, this state is almost irreversible, because the source of pollution is not just a simple evil god, but the unknown terrifying void!

Even if he gave him the blood of the Shang Yang, it would not help, and the big goose might never wake up again.

"Is this a failure of the test?"

Zhao Xiong sighed a little.


At this moment, the ground shook for a while, and a huge rock fell from the dome of the aquarium, smashed into the ground, and a large amount of seawater overflowed below.

Soon the entire space began to vibrate violently, the stones above kept falling, the walls were collapsing, and the aquarium was cracked.

Zhao Xiong quickly realized that the aquarium was about to collapse, and this alien space was about to die out.

There are many different dimensions attached to the material world, big and small, the big one is comparable to a small world, and the small one is even only the size of a palm.

Different sizes, their accommodation levels are naturally different. This alien dimension that gave birth to two evil gods has reached its limit and is about to be destroyed.

You have to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise you will not be able to return to the real world.


When the rock fell, Zhao Xiong suddenly sensed something, and looked up at the sky full of stars.

Those terrifying things in the unknown void have come close, and the breath of blasphemy and depravity circulates, and countless twisted tentacles and flowing soft bodies emerge from the darkness.

They pressed against the thin film and stared at Zhao Xiong with malicious eyes.

Twisted, evil feelings flooded into my heart, making people feel disgusted, and breed panic that is indescribable.

They are staring at Zhao Xiong, and he will be watched by the evil **** all the time.


So with the attitude of courtesy, Zhao Xiong raised his front paws and made an international gesture towards the evil beings outside the 'membrane': "Come here if you can!"

Then the things in the void became even more angry. The huge and boundless tentacles twisted wildly and slapped the membrane. However, the seemingly fragile membrane was a defensive wall that they couldn't shake, and could not be broken at all.

If they want to come in, they need to abandon their original powerful real bodies like the evil **** with twelve eyes and the evil **** of rabbit heads, and choose the mother body to be born in the space attached to the real world.

But they are not stupid enough to do so now, except that this other dimension is collapsing and is about to die out, even if they come in now, they will not be able to fight, they are just sending gold coins to this giant bear.

"The stars have returned!"

These indescribable foreign evil gods roared silently without any sound in the void: "We will come eventually!!"