
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Mutant Monster

"What's going on."

The first thing Zhao Xiong thought was that there was a problem with the monkey cage, and the strange monkey had changed.

Looking at the monkey cage, as expected, a great change has taken place in the monkey cage.

The strange monkey that had been silent for a long time was no longer in the corner, and started to attack its own kind!

At this time, the weird monkey became even more frightening, all the hair on the whole body had fallen out, the bony body showed the red flesh, the blue veins burst out, the shriveled muscles were segmented, the limbs were slender, twisted and deformed, with sharp nails, like As sharp as a knife.


Don't look at its weird limbs, but the speed of the attack is extremely fast. It catches a fleeing monkey in a few steps and locks it to death with its claws. No matter how frantically the monkey attacks, it will not help, and it cannot escape from its hands.

The fingernails of ordinary monkeys scratched on its body like scratches on hard iron, making a harsh sound, and it did not hurt at all, not even a scratch was left.


The strange monkey's strength is astonishingly powerful, and it is also extremely ferocious. With a big hand, it tore the former kind in half, blood flying and internal organs rolling down.

Bloody, cruel!


The monkeys screamed in panic, but because there was nowhere to hide in the cage, in a short while, several more monkeys were poisoned.

There were monkey stumps all over the ground, and the pungent **** smell made the scalp numb.

The only two monkeys left were jumping frantically in the cage, trying to escape, but they couldn't escape the small space at all.

They are desperate and helpless.


After watching the weird monkey slaughter most of the monkeys in the cage, everyone who witnessed this woke up like a dream, and the two little girls in front of the dormitory window screamed in horror.

Chen Tian and Xu Xiaoya were also frightened by the **** scene and their legs were weak, and they started to back away involuntarily.


The weird monkey seemed to hear the movement, twisted its neck at a weird angle, and tilted its head to look here.

At this time, Zhao Xiong finally saw its true face. The face of the strange monkey is completely unlike a monkey, or even a living thing, with sunken eye sockets, a shriveled face, and a terrifyingly large mouth, which is full of sharp Fine teeth.

This is no longer a monkey, but an unknown monster!


The monkey monster gave up killing the two surviving monkeys in the cage, and slammed into the iron cage. The hard iron cage was instantly deformed and a large piece protruded.

It seems that the monkey monster doesn't know the pain, and keeps hitting, and soon the protruding part of the cage gets bigger and bigger.

Because the body is extremely slender and long, after a few hits, the iron cage has enough gaps for it to come out.

So this ghost stuck out its slender, twisted limbs and crawled out of the cage in a weird way.

Monster, go out!

"This fellow has a lot of strength."

Zhao Xiong was amazed.

Although the sturdiness of the monkey cage cannot be compared with the iron cage of the large beast, it has thick fingers, which shows the terrifying power of this slender monster.

You must know that a few days ago, it was an ordinary monkey that was no different from other monkeys in the circus, but now it has become such a terrifying monster.

It must be a mutation caused by the influence of the blue moon.

"Go and call someone!"

Compared with Zhao Xiong's sigh, all the people present were greatly frightened and almost didn't urinate, especially Xu Xiaoya, who was not far from the monkey cage in order to stay away from Zhao Xiong. After that, he scrambled towards this side.


The monkey monster made a strange sound from its throat and stared at her at once.


The twisted hind limbs exerted force, and jumped up like a spring, appearing behind the woman in the blink of an eye.


The slender arm stretched out, and several sharp knife-like claws shot out, directly slitting the clothes behind her!

"Save me! Chen Tian, ​​save me!"

Bu Xu flew around and Xu Xiaoya almost fell to the ground, not knowing whether she was injured or not, she couldn't stop crying.

"Drafting bastard, actually led this thing to Lao Tzu."

Zhao Xiong immediately started cursing.

Xu Xiaoya fled here. Of course she didn't have any good intentions. She just wanted the monster to move the target away from her. After all, there was no reason why the monster couldn't notice the big brown bear there.

No matter how bad it is, there is still Chen Tian.

This kind of behavior doesn't require thinking. Under the threat of death, she does it instinctively.

"Chen Tian save me..."

Xu Xiaoya staggered to Chen Tian's side and almost fell.

Chen Tiantian supported her with consciousness.

The monkey monster chasing behind also arrived, and both of them fell within its attack range.

"Chen Tian can't help it."

Xu Xiaoya knew that the terrifying monster was behind her, and Chen Tian couldn't save her. Without thinking about it, she suddenly pushed the man who was supporting her behind her.


No one could have imagined that this petite woman could burst out with such great strength, and Chen Tian was pushed to the side of the monkey monster's mouth by surprise.

Chen Tian was stunned.

Before he could stand firm, the slender monkey monster was already in front of him, with sharp and slender arms sticking out.

The fishy wind is blowing!

Even the hideous face can be seen clearly.

At a critical juncture, there is no escape.

Chen Tian could only wait for death.

"Chen Tian can delay for a while, enough to escape from me, and with that big stupid bear as the target, the monster should not chase me anymore."

Xu Xiaoya felt a little at ease, and escaped in the opposite direction by throwing away Chen Tian's strength.

However, before she could take two steps, a sturdy arm covered with thick brown hair pinched her directly.

A huge force lifted her off the ground.

"let me go!"

Xu Xiaoya was shocked and struggled desperately, but it was insignificant compared to the strength that grabbed her, like a mayfly shaking a tree.

She raised her head in horror, but what she saw was a huge bear head.

The big brown bear lowered his head, showing his mouth full of teeth, and gave Xu Xiaoya a grim smile.

"Give me death!"

The next second, Zhao Xiong unceremoniously threw the woman as a humanoid weapon.


The monkey monster that was about to pounce on Chen Tian's face was hit by a single blow, and Xu Xiaoya, who was also used as a weapon, flew out like a gourd.


The smashed monkey monster rolled on the ground for a few times before stopping, but it quickly rolled off the ground without appearing to be injured.

Not far away, Xu Xiaoya does not have such a perverted physique, she is struggling to get up, trying to escape from here.

Xu Xiaoya was in severe pain all over her body, her bones were about to break, but she didn't have time to think about other things, because the monster had already climbed up.

"No! I don't want to die!"

At this moment, Xu Xiaoya only had one thought in her mind, desperately crawling on the ground.


A shadow passed by, and it was the sound of a monkey monster attacking.

Xu Xiaoya was knocked down as soon as she let out a scream, and then felt her body being pierced by a sharp weapon.

Severe pain struck, and consciousness plunged into darkness.

Yin Hong's blood stained the ground red. Seeing that Xu Xiaoya was no longer moving, the monkey monster didn't stop, and rushed towards Chen Tian again.

This mutant monster seems to only like to kill and attack living creatures, and does not intend to eat the attacked prey.