
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Intragroup meeting

Bian Mu left with the group of dogs, while Zhao Xiong immediately got back into the group. He didn't need to feel it. He could already smell the strong aroma of grilled fish wafting out.

Several large tables were put together to form a dining table. A majestic giant bear squatted at the table. More than a dozen humans ran several times in a row and placed large pieces of fish on the dining table.

However, compared to the large pieces of fish meat of humans, it is not much for Zhao Xiong, who is two stories tall. He picked up a piece of fish meat and threw it into his mouth, chewing with sharp canine teeth, and the hard fish bones were easily crushed.

The meat of snakehead is delicious and it is a common freshwater fish on the table. The meat of the mutant snakehead is more delicious, but it is also tougher and difficult to cook. Chen Tian and the cook together spent a long time to put this several meters. The long half snakehead fish has been processed. In order to marinate and taste delicious, several cans of seasoning have been rubbed inside and out.


After taking a few bites of the fish, half a snakehead fish that was enough for everyone in the group to eat a few meals soon entered Zhao Xiong's belly.

The belly didn't rise and fall at all, like a ruthless rice-drying machine.


Zhao Xiong smacked his lips. He hadn't eaten human food for a long time. It was still so delicious. Let Chen Tian arrange the lion meat tomorrow.

"It's really a good choice to keep a few humans around, otherwise you'll have to eat raw meat."

After finishing the meal, Zhao Xiong ate and drank, and went back to sleep on the newly built bed.

Xiong Sheng is so simple, boring and boring.

Bian Mu should be able to get the information about the distribution of monsters around tomorrow, and then he can formulate a new action plan.

"I called everyone together to talk about future plans."

Zhao Xiong fell asleep over there. The people in the circus did not rest early. The head of the group, Zhou Yunguo, called the whole group together for a meeting.

Soon more than 40 people in the regiment arrived, but no one spoke, the atmosphere was a little depressed, and finally Zhou Yunguo broke the silence.

"Everyone has worked hard during this time."

Zhou Yunguo said, "This is the first time that our circus has gone all the way to perform in various cities.

Monsters have appeared, and there are monsters all over the country. We... can't go home. "

Everyone was silent. Yes, they were not locals. They followed the circus to perform everywhere, and Yangchuan City, where they were currently located, was only one of the stops on their performance route.

With the intensification of the catastrophe, the communication in some areas has been cut off and cannot be contacted. Everyone in the regiment is very worried about the situation at home. Some people hide under the covers and cry secretly at night.

If it wasn't for their hometown being so far away that there was really no way to get there, how could everyone stay in the regiment honestly, and it would have already exploded.

"Now we have enough food for a few days." Zhou Yunguo asked a key question.

"There are several hundred kilograms of meat, all kinds of vegetables, fruits, rice, noodles and oil add up to several hundred kilograms, and there are ten boxes of canned food and instant noodles."

The cook replied, "If it's just for people to eat, it can last for a while, but the animals in the regiment are a huge drain. Recently, they have been trying to reduce feeding as much as possible, but if this continues, it is estimated that it won't last for a few days."

Zhou Yunguo was silent. Although there were not many animals in the regiment, there were dozens of mouths and they ate no less than humans, especially the elephants and those lions and tigers, who consumed a lot of meat and grass every day.

If it wasn't for Zhao Xiong who brought the mutant monster's meat and didn't take up the food reserves in the regiment, I'm afraid the reserves in the regiment wouldn't last long.

"What should I do with these animals, keep them to eat, or release them?"

Zhou Yunguo had a headache. Now the circus cannot operate, and can only sit and eat. Once the food is in a hurry, these animals in the troupe will become a huge burden.

He also didn't dare to touch the snakehead fish and lion meat outside, let alone whether the meat of the mutant monster could be eaten or not, it was the spoils brought back by Zhao Xiong, how dare he touch it casually.

And no matter how you treat the animals in the group, you must take into account Zhao Xiong's feelings. If Zhao Xiong misunderstands something and gets angry, it will be a disaster.

"Chen Tian, ​​Feng Yu, have you found any useful information online?" Zhou Yunguo continued to ask.

These people stay in the circus, not doing nothing, they are always paying attention to the dynamics and changes of the outside world.

Hearing the inquiry, Chen Tian replied: "The situation found on the Internet is not very optimistic. The appearance of monsters across the country is becoming more and more frequent and more terrifying. There are animals that mutate, and there are monsters that mutate into humans. There is no official solution.

Although there are also human awakening superpowers to compete with monsters, but there are not many people, and most people are in danger of being attacked by monsters at any time. "

"There is more bad news."

Feng Yu, a tall and thin young man, also said: "So far, the city blockade has lasted for several days, most people do not have the habit of storing too much food, they have run out of food, and they have to go out to find food, which leads to It is difficult for them to avoid contact with monsters, and it is estimated that many people will die by then.

By the way, there is also a guy who claims to be an official insider posting on the Internet, so that everyone should not foolishly wait for the official rescue. The official now doesn't even care about those nobles, let alone civilians, only self-help can survive. "

After hearing what the two of them said, everyone became even more silent. The officials couldn't count on them. What should they do?

At this time, Zhou Yunguo felt that the room was a little dark. He glanced out the window. It was already dark, so he asked people to turn on the light switch in the conference room.

The faint lights came on to dispel the darkness. Only one light was turned on. In addition to preventing the lights from attracting monsters, it was also to save electricity.

At this time, there was a problem with the city's power supply. The power supply facilities seemed to be damaged by something unknown, and there was a power outage in the nearby area. The power supply of the circus could only be maintained by its own generator.

"So everyone understands the situation now."

Zhou Yunguo said: "This incident is extraordinary, it is likely to last for a long time, and everyone must be fully prepared.

Our current situation is a bit better than others. With the bear here, at least we don't have to worry about being attacked by monsters when we sleep at night, and we can sleep peacefully.

However, we can't completely rely on Xiong Da. We have to become stronger by ourselves. The sedative gun and other weapons must be managed centrally. I plan to set up a security team. When Xiong Da is not in the group, I will take on the important task of protecting everyone. "

Everyone felt that Zhou Yunguo's words made sense, but for the time being, no one had come forward.

"The quota for the defense team has not yet been determined. Anyone who has an idea can come to me."

Zhou Yunguo said: "One more thing is, does anyone in the regiment feel that they are different from before? That is, does anyone feel that they have the possibility of awakening?"

Zhou Yunguo's eyes were full of hope. This was the answer he wanted most. He hoped that among the people present, there would be lucky people who had awakened superpowers like the Internet.

Unfortunately, everyone looked at each other in dismay, and no one spoke for a long time, which made Zhou Yunguo feel very disappointed.

It would be great if there were human awakeners in the regiment!

"If someone finds that they have signs of awakening power, find me immediately."

Zhou Yunguo said, "However, no matter what, Xiong Da's request must be satisfied, and it must not be angered."

Everyone said yes. Needless to say, they knew that whoever dared to provoke such a big bear would be impatient.

Outside, the corner of Zhao Xiong's mouth cracked open in his sleep, he turned over, and continued to sleep in another position.