
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Holy Covenant

After a while, Little Loli was woken up by Zhao Xiong, the coffin lid slid open, and countless tendrils spread out from it, erecting the coffin.

Little Loli didn't get up, but she was in a bad mood. She didn't say it until Zhao Xiong asked.

"Little Bear, I had a long and long dream. There was delicious food everywhere in the dream. I kept eating and eating, but I couldn't get enough."

Little Lolita said with a white and tender face, "Then it thinks I'm useless and wants me to go back to sleep and let it manage my body.

But it couldn't wake up in the dream, it was very angry, it kept beating me, and let me come out of the coffin. "

"Don't listen to it, just stay in the coffin and I'll get you something delicious." Zhao Xiong said immediately.

What Little Lolita said was naturally the beastly nature of the starving girl. Obviously, the beastly nature was not reconciled to being suppressed by the coffin, trying to regain the dominance of the body from Little Loli.

Of course, Zhao Xiong didn't want to see the starving daughter turn back into the beast that was extremely hungry and could never be full.

Although the current little loli has been suppressed a little, and can't play the original peak combat power, but at least it is very obedient and will not do anything to herself, and the animal side doesn't care whether it is a big bear or a little bear, It's all food.


The little loli is really easy to coax. As soon as I heard about making it delicious, I immediately stopped worrying about it. I forgot the threat of animal nature, and looked at Zhao Xiong with big pure eyes.

Zhao Xiong was helpless, so he had to take out a leftover leg bone of the black-scaled giant beast from the space imprint and hand it to it.

"Wow, Little Bear, this smells so good."

The little loli, who had never seen the world, immediately put the big bone into her mouth and chewed it easily, with a look of satisfaction on her face.

"It can't be delayed any longer."

Zhao Xiong thought silently in his heart, how to coax Little Loli to sign the prostitution contract.

It seems that the beastly side of the starving girl is unwilling to be suppressed, and has been around the corner all the time. If she wants to run out and make trouble, she has to guard against it.

With such a big bomb by her side, maybe one day she will suppress Little Loli's will, run out suddenly, and attack herself with a wild beast.

Zhao Xiong didn't want to fight it. Although his current combat power was faintly higher than that of the Hungry Daughter, as the incarnation of the original sin, he was not so easy to kill.

Its power comes from the original original sin, and it holds many powers such as gluttony, pleasure, luxury, etc. This is the energy generated by the negative emotions of countless creatures in the world.

As long as there are intelligent life and intrigue on this planet, the original sin will never be completely eliminated.

In addition to the period of cataclysm, mankind has suffered unprecedented suffering, and the negative emotions that have been bred are inexhaustible and terrifying, all of which will be turned into the food of original sin, making them extremely powerful.

Little Loli is destined to grow into a powerful evil god.

If it weren't for the mysterious store in hand, Zhao Xiong would not dare to say that his future achievements would be more noble than it.

Since such a powerful help is here, it will be a bit of a waste if you don't grasp it properly.

What's more, Zhao Xiong has already planned to leave for the Taiyun Mountains mentioned by the Council in the near future, to join in the fun.

At that time, there should be a lot of powerful creatures of the fierce level, and there must be a trusted thug around... ahem, a companion.

"It's delicious, Nuo, I'll give you another one."

Seeing that the little loli ate all the bones, Zhao Xiong generously took out one.

The little loli was holding the big bone, her eyes were shining, and she was eating with relish.

"What do you think of me?"

Zhao Xiong asked tentatively.

"Little Bear is the best for me, no one will be so kind to me, it will only kill me."

Little Loli swallowed her bones and said.

Of course, everyone else has been eaten by you, so how can they be nice to you.

Zhao Xiong murmured in his heart, if it wasn't for the coffin to suppress the animal nature and temporarily suppress the hunger of Little Loli, he would not be able to get the chance to get along with her.

But he continued: "So are we partners?"

"What is a partner."


So Zhao Xiong explained to this ignorant little loli what a partner is.

Of course, it won't be a serious explanation, it's just to fool children. For example, we will give you delicious food when we are friends, and we will treat you well. If you don't treat me as a partner, we won't find delicious food for you. .

So Little Loli immediately said that she and Zhao Xiong are the best and best partners in the world.

"Since we are partners, let's sign this."

Zhao Xiong finally revealed his true purpose and took out the sacred contract.

It was an old and old yellowed parchment, with dim lines of divine lines vaguely outlined on the edge.

As Zhao Xiong activated the contract, the divine patterns on the parchment suddenly became brilliant and floated in midair by themselves.


Following Zhao Xiong's thoughts, lines of writing began to appear on the originally empty parchment, which was exactly the contract content that Zhao Xiong listed.

As the holder of the contract, he can write, as long as both parties agree and sign it in person, it can take effect.

Once one party violates it, they will be punished by the ancient gods.

The content of the contract is not much, it is concise and fair, and it is roughly as follows.

For example, he must obey Zhao Xiong's words. During the contract period, he must not do anything to harm him, and he must protect Zhao Xiong at the cost of his life. The contract is valid for eternity.

Little Loli looked at the contract ignorantly, without any idea, she was about to sign it immediately, very trusting.

However, at this moment a terrifying gluttony and beastly nature emerged from it.

"Little bear my head hurts!"

Little Loli felt extremely painful and covered her head, as if another animal nature was about to wake up.


Even the coffin was almost unstoppable, and countless chains wrapped around his body rattled.

With the power of original sin, even Zhao Xiong felt an inexplicable horror when he instinctively resisted signing this unfair contract.

Seeing that the **** was about to erupt and the scene was going to be uncontrollable, Zhao Xiong immediately changed the content of the contract.

Changed , 'Don't hurt Zhao Xiong' to 'Can't hurt both parties', 'At the cost of your life' to 'Do your best', and the contract period from 'Forever' to 'No harm to both parties' 'One Hundred Years'.

As the words on the parchment changed, the awakening animal nature was finally suppressed, and the terrifying aura fluctuations also subsided.

Well, it is still very difficult to take advantage of the incarnation of the original sin, because Zhao Xiong is too greedy.

You can't squeeze the little loli too much, the new contract is more fair, and the 100-year contract period is enough.


As the two parties confirmed and signed their names, the divine pattern on the parchment was shining brightly, and the parchment quickly burned out.

The Divine Rune wrapped the writing and flew up into the sky, and soon disappeared into the void of the world, escaping into the void.

The contract is established!

In the dark, Zhao Xiong felt an inexplicable link between himself and Little Loli, and the fate of both parties was entangled.

Until this time, I finally knew its real name: "Original Sin? Gluttony? Daphnia."