
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

For the rise of dragons

"How did this bear survive from the hands of the ancient god, and there is no movement on it. Could it be that the ancient **** has already left?"

Chilong thought to himself.

But its eyes soon noticed that the giant bear was different from before.

Third, the first thing I noticed was the size of the giant bear.

Very shocking.

One foot fell, and a huge deep pit was stepped on. The tonnage was definitely not lighter than that of Raton, reaching tens of thousands of terrifying tons.

Even if you don't count the extraordinary power at your disposal, the weight itself is an extremely terrifying number, and the physical strength is extremely terrifying. With a slap, even a small hill can be shattered. What makes Chilong more uneasy is that the giant bear at this time is like a terrifying figure. A celestial body with a strong gravitational force seems to be the core of this area, and everything around it is affected by him, and every move will cause changes.

"What's the secret between you and the council, tell me, I may make your death easier."

Zhao Xiong came to the Shenlong Hood and threw out the doubts that existed for a long time.

Not to mention the maliciousness of the Tibetan foxes to humans, but at least they are not willing to work for the Blood Council, only Chilong is selling his true strength, which confused him for a long time.

"Oh, I'm not ashamed to say it, break the dragon cover first, and I'll tell you."

Chilong didn't panic.

Although I feel that Zhao Xiong has become stronger, I don't think this bear can break the hood and has full confidence.

The dragon cover is the magic weapon of the dragon family. A dragon's soul is refined in it, which can absorb the incoming power of the attack and convert it into energy, thus achieving a powerful defense that will never be broken.

It will only work if it exceeds the upper limit of the Divine Dragon Hood. Although the power of the Divine Dragon Hood is now lost, it is no longer what it used to be, but at least it must reach the power of the Nightmare level to shake it.

And it doesn't believe that in such a short period of time, Zhao Xiong can complete the transformation from the fierce level to the nightmare level.

"Okay, then smash this broken cover first."

Zhao Xiong said lightly.

Immediately, he raised his paw and patted it towards the dragon hood.

This blow did not seem to be too hard, unlike before, I wished to release all the power completely,

On the contrary, it is like a slap slapped at random in the playroom.

But in Chilong's eyes, the power of this slap was extremely terrifying.

It was as if a huge mountain fell along with it.

The terrifying oppression of Mount Tai's top made the Chilong in the dragon's hood have the illusion that the sky was torn apart, and it seemed that the body and spirit would be destroyed by a slap!


The Shenlong Hood also sensed this dangerous attack, and a red light erupted, and the Shenlong phantom swayed up, trying to resist the force, but it was engulfed the moment the bear's paw fell, like a man's arm acting as a chariot.

Chilong even closed his eyes uncontrollably.

In an instant, the claws fell, causing the area to fall into a dead silence, and the world became quiet.

"what happened?"

After a long time, Chilong opened his eyes again, and strangely found that there was no trace of damage around, and the dragon hood still existed.

The feeling of oppression from the mountain before seemed to be just an illusion.

This made Chilong very puzzled, because the fear just now was extremely real, and it still fills his heart.

"It's just an illusion, I was almost fooled by this guy..."

Looking at the still-present Shenlong Hood, Chilong thought to himself.

However, this idea just flashed, and something happened to the dragon hood.


One after another hideous cracks appeared on the hood, and the Shenlong phantom was shattered, like cracked porcelain, full of cracks.

It seems that it has reached the limit of its endurance, and after all, it has not been able to absorb the power just now.

With a mournful dragon roar, the phantom of the dragon gradually blurred, and finally completely disappeared into the air and the magic weapon was destroyed!

The dragon hood is broken!

"How is this possible…"

The magic weapon, the dragon hood, which could withstand the attack of the ancient gods, was destroyed in this way.

Until now, Chilong's brain is still covered.

Stuck in his original position, he even forgot to escape and was caught by a huge claw.

But even if it can react, it can't escape at all.

Zhao Xiong's big claws blocked this space, making Chilong unable to retreat, being held in the heart of his claws, and letting it swing has no effect.

In the fierce level, the red dragon, which is also considered a strong man, is like a loach, and has no resistance.

"Now that the hood is broken, it can be said." A pair of bear eyes stared at Chilong.

"You... reached the devil level!?"

Chilong finally realized the seriousness of the problem. .

"Tell me, what is there in the Blood Council worth your life?" Zhao Xiong asked.

"Destroy your life?"

After a long time, Chilong gradually calmed down, "I'm just working hard for the rise of the dragon family."

"Rise of the Dragon Race?"

Zhao Xiong was stunned for a moment, "So, the Blood Council promised to help the rise of the Dragon Clan, so that's why you fought like this?\"

Chilong was silent, as if by default.

"You dragon race...is it so miserable?"

Zhao Xiong is very suspicious of the authenticity of Chilong's answer, even if it is bad, it is still a legendary dragon!

"We've been silent for so long that the world has wondered whether we exist, or even exist."

Chilong said lightly, with a sadness in his tone.

There are some things Zhao Xiong doesn't know, but it is very clear.

Now that the dragon family is declining, the bloodline is getting thinner and thinner, and the power of the dragon in ancient times has long been lost.

During a difficult time, the dragons would even be made into dishes, dragon liver and phoenix marrow, for those powerful creatures to enjoy.

In order to save their lives, the dragons had to bow down.

However, even with the second aura recovery, the Dragon Clan cannot return to its former dominance, and it may even be wiped out in the subsequent hegemony and foreign invasion. So Chilong wants to save the dragon family, but also wants to restore the glory of the past. He came into contact with it in the blood council and offered rich conditions.

Chilong was moved, thinking that this was an opportunity for the dragon to rise again, and responded immediately. For the continuation of the race, even betrayal of this world is no big deal.

"So what about the Council's secrets?"

"Is it a secret? I don't know either, but I can tell you one thing. The Blood Council has a strong background and is an ancient existence of the same level as the ancient gods. Even if you reach the nightmare level, you can't fight it."

Chilong said: "Go back with me to plead guilty. As long as you are willing to commit crimes and make merit, I promise that the president of the council will forgive your crimes."

"It's not necessary."

Zhao Xiong shook his head and said, "I can understand that you are willing to serve the parliament in order to save the ethnic group.

But I'm still sorry, you have already offended me thoroughly, so I can only send you on the road. "

"Although my dragon clan is on the decline now, not everyone can provoke it casually."

Chilong said angrily: "I am Ao Xuan, the second prince of the Dragon Clan in the East China Sea. Before killing me, I advise you to think about it carefully. If you kill me, there will be no place for you to survive in the four seas."

Of course, Chilong doesn't want to die. It believes that the hope of the rise of the dragon family lies in itself, and it bears the mission of saving the tribe.

"okay, got it."

It's just that Zhao Xiong didn't give it a chance. Seeing that he couldn't ask anything useful, he didn't bother to listen any more. He immediately closed his claws and started slaughtering the dragon.

The terrifying rolling pressure instantly acts on Chilong, crushing its bones!

The incomparably hot and terrifying flames rose, like the fire that destroyed the world, burning all things, but as soon as it emerged from the red dragon, it was blown out by Zhao Xiong in one breath.

"Since you think that the dragon family will be destroyed sooner or later, why can't it be me who will destroy you?"