
Cataclysm Bears

The ferocious bird with a wingspan of 100 meters hovers in the sky, casting a large shadow Distorted giant humanoids wander aimlessly in the ruins of a deserted city Dense colonies of man-eating ants march through the wilderness, gnawing away at all creatures they can encounter In the darkness, the sewers extending in all directions, the predators hiding in the dark spread their slender and ferocious limbs, waiting patiently for the fleeing people to break into their territory. Beneath the distant clouds, there was lightning and thunder, and a giant bear that was taller than the mountains, bathed in thunder and lightning, came along with the storm. “Race the storm!” This is the era of cataclysm, a tragic beginning, and a carnival for the lucky ones! @@@@@@@@@@@ I'm just re-posting this novel from https://www.mtlnovel.com/cataclysm-bears/. All credit go to original author.

ShineMumAung223 · Kỳ huyễn
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234 Chs

Bloodline Inheritance Complete!

The backstage of the circus had been quiet for a long time, and the low thunder in the sky had also dissipated. Many people in the troupe were wondering what Zhao Xiong had gone through to make the painful sound, but they were prevented from approaching by Chen Tian.

But in the end, there were still people who couldn't stand their curiosity and sneaked around Chen Tian to peep at the backstage.

The pictures they saw made them open their mouths and were shocked.

"This... is it still a big bear?"

I saw in the open space in the background, a giant brown bear as huge as a hill was crawling on the ground, its body was majestic and thick, its muscles were bulging, its huge claws were more exaggerated than a grinding disc, and the heavy breathing sounded like a Hong bell hitting people's hearts, oppressing people. Full of feeling.

Perhaps it can no longer be called a brown bear, but more like a polar bear. At this time, Zhao Xionghun was covered with thick silvery-white hair, exuding a wild and savage aura.


While people were still in shock, the giant brown bear suddenly opened its eyes.

This scene almost made people's hearts stop.

The oppressive gaze made several people slump directly to the ground, not even daring to move. This was the coercion from a higher-level being.

"Bears dominate the world!"

Feeling the change in himself, Zhao Xiong let out a cheerful roar.

The bloodline inheritance of 'Indestructible Crazy Thunder' has been completely integrated with Zhao Xiong. It can be said that from now on, he is the Immortal Crazy Thunder, the Rolling Thunder Storm!

Zhao Xiong tried to master his own body. Under the transformation of blood power, his body has undergone essential changes. He is no longer a brown bear, and his life form is completely different from that of ordinary animals.

Out of the category of beasts, it is inherently sacred!

An unprecedented powerful force filled his limbs and bones, which made Zhao Xiong feel extremely happy, as if he could easily tear the ground in front of him by stomping his feet.

Tiny electric arcs roamed between the claws, and mysterious runes appeared on the majestic body.

The affinity of the elements makes him master a more powerful mysterious power.

The senses have also been greatly improved, even sublimated, entering an unprecedented spiritual realm.

It's a magical sensory experience.

Consciousness radiates out, and perception can cover a range of hundreds of meters around, and anything that enters this field will be perceived.

You don't even need to see with your eyes, you can hear with your ears. Everything around you can be clearly perceived and fed back. This is a higher sense than sight, hearing, smell and touch.

Zhao Xiong used the reconnaissance technique to check his own situation.

Name: Zhao Xiong

Race: Indestructible Thunder

Bloodline: Mythical Species

Status: Growing

Skills: Slap, Bite, Palm Push, Spot

Combat Strength Assessment: 1020~1650

The combat power is over a thousand!

Zhao Xiong was very excited, and the bloodline of the indestructible mad thunder was really strong.

Moreover, the bloodline is actually classified as a 'mythical species', which is a new evolutionary route other than the previously discovered evolutionary species and mutant species.

As a demigod-level bloodline inheritance, the name of the mythical species does not violate harmony.

And regardless of these falsehoods, the combat power on the bright side is also much stronger than before, Zhao Xiong felt that he was enough to fight the monster of Roshan.

Lifespan is no longer a short-lived species, breaking the shackles and having a long life.

And this is only the first stage of the growth stage of the indestructible mad thunder, and it is far from the real demigod level.

Not only the transformation of the body, but also the fighting will and skills belonging to the inextinguishable mad thunder have also been passed down and integrated into Zhao Xiong's consciousness.

This is a very important thing. As a circus bear, Zhao Xiong has almost no sense of fighting at all. He relies on the set of fights of ordinary people to support him. If he fights with a wild brown bear of the same size, he will probably only be tortured.

The fighting consciousness inherited from Inextinguishable Crazy Thunder makes up for this shortcoming. It is an extremely valuable asset, and its hidden combat power is greatly improved.

In addition to combat awareness, the innate skill of inextinguishable thunder is also very important.

Zhao Xiong has always used reconnaissance techniques to check his own situation, but the reconnaissance technique with only one star can only detect ordinary skills of the target, and cannot see talent skills, even if he is reconnaissance himself.

So Zhao Xiong immersed himself in the sea of ​​consciousness and presented his talent skills in front of him.

Passive skill:

Indestructible Bloodline: 1, Crazy Thunder: When the Indestructible Crazy Thunder attacks the target, its attack speed will be superimposed. After reaching the maximum number of layers, the basic attack will cause additional magic damage to multiple surrounding enemies.

2. The choice of the storm: When the Indestructible Thunder is on the verge of death, it will quickly restore a large amount of vitality in a very short period of time.

Active Skills:

1. First Strike: Greatly increases the walking speed of Indestructible Thunder, causes huge damage when attacking, and has a certain chance to stun the target.

2. Furious Bite: Indestructible Thunder damages the target and applies a wound mark to it. If the target has a wound mark, it can cause additional damage and extend the duration of the mark. The lower the opponent's HP, the greater the damage caused by the attack.

3. Supreme Roar: The Inextinguishable Thunder emits a roar with wild rage, causing damage and slowing down to the enemy. Creatures with lower life levels may be affected by the 'fear' effect.

"This is a combination of the old version of the bear and the new version of the bear."

After reading these skill introductions, Zhao Xiong only had this idea in his mind.

For example, the passive "Choice of the Storm", which will quickly restore health in the dying state, this is a passive that has been removed from the new Volibear, and it also appears here.

But after all, it's a demigod, so there's nothing wrong with it, it's over.

This is just the beginning. Currently, Zhao Xiong is still in the initial stage of growth. Many powerful skills cannot be used yet. As long as he grows up, more powerful powers will be unlocked in the future.

Control the lightning and condense the storm!

"Indestructible Crazy Thunder is a demigod in the form of a bear." Zhao Xiong sighed.

After completing the bloodline transformation, this body has different forms, the most basic being the bear form and the bear man form.

Although a beast like a bear can stand up, the structure of its body determines that they cannot maintain the state of standing and walking for a long time. Zhao Xiong can only stand up when fighting.

And after obtaining the inextinguishable mad thunder bloodline, it can be transformed into a bear-man form and walk upright like a human without generating any load.

However, Zhao Xiong didn't change, he still kept his bear form. He was used to the way of acting as a bear. He thought it was good to walk like this. Only during the battle would someone stand up.

"After I got it, my heart was a little empty."

Zhao Xiong's heart suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Before, he tried desperately to find monsters in order to obtain the blood of the inextinguishable mad thunder. Now that the blood has been obtained, he has no motivation. Even if he stays at home and does nothing, he allows his body to absorb the power of the storm on its own. , and will gradually grow to the final demigod level.

It's just that this growth period is a bit slow, and it takes a very long time, and it may even take thousands of years.

There are many ways to speed up growth, such as taking items containing divine nature, eating creatures with powerful bloodlines, or even absorbing the power of faith, all of which can speed up growth.

The question now is whether or not to continue working hard.

"How about finding an old forest in the deep mountains, staying there for tens of thousands of years, and then coming out after becoming a demigod?" Zhao Xiong couldn't help but have such thoughts in his heart.