
june 15 2016

hi so i have decided i want to keep a journal now i know not many teenage boys write in a journal but im just different you know, anyways thats what im going ti be doing so ok today was awesome im on vacation with my family in the bahamas right now and indigo (my sister) did that jumping thing. you know the one where you lay on a huge bag in the ocean and some dude jups on the other end and you go flying in the air. yup that one it was hilarious her arms were flaling in all kinds of directions, im too much of a chicken to do something like that. ok so if i die and somebody finds this journal im going to want them to know some about me so im Adrien, 14 years old (im turning 15 in a week ok) and i have been single all of my life ;) indigo on the other hand who is 12 has had like 7 boyfriends and 4 girlfriends already. but me ive only had a crush on Sadie for the longest time but she to caught up with her friend to even notice ok that sounded like a cheesey teen romance novel, not that this journal can't turn into one if you know what i mean. anyways like i already said we are at the bahamas celebrating my moms birthday and mine (because they are only a week apart) and you will never guess what happened. I saw one of Sadies friends Gianna who is as tall as a giraffe she is almost as tall as me and im 5,8. back to Sadie she has red hair down to her hips big brown eyes, only thing is she is super short like 5,2 which there is nothing wrong with exept she can tell when i look down at her and stare so yea, ok im gling to stop gushing and get to the point, there is no point but ill atop boring you.

oh i forgot one thing Saide lives across the street frome me and her little sister is Indigos current girlfriend so shes at my house a lot and im at hers the same which can get pretty akward. new topic, indigo, so i need to explain everything about her because her gives me main character vibes for sure she has light brown just like mine, shes bi if you did not know and her personality is awesome, well not to me i thing shes an anoying butt plug but thats not the point. shes always happy and adventurous and outgoing.

Back to mua, since its summer my school does this program where each student has to read at least 10 books over the summer which is hoing to be difficult since im dyslexic but mom usally helps.

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