14 Winning Is Winning

Calvin began to search for an exit in his room, he found only a window. He looked through it, he found emergency stairs. He decided to take it, he opened it and went out, he didn't wear the shoulder sling to not give the others the idea that his arm was broken. As he was going down the stairs, the maid from earlier yelled at him from above at the window.

"Get back!" She said loudly.

He ignored her entirely, his pace accelerated until he made it down. At that moment, he heard weird noises above him, as he lifted his head, he ran quickly from the shock. It was the maid, she was jumping from a floor to another at an incredible speed.

He was running with all his might and went squeezing through houses in hope of losing her, he found a car on his way. It was a black 1970 Dodge Charger. But with no keys, he had zero chance of moving it. Suddenly, he heard a girly voice from a window in front.

"Take that!" She said.

He turned to that window, to his surprise, a shining object was flying directly at him, he caught it but he didn't manage to see her face, It was car keys. A nametag was attached to it, it read Mary.

"Could it be the same person?" Calvin thinking.

He hadn't that much time for thinking so he opened the car and got in. But there was a problem.

"Oh great, a manual!" Calvin disappointed because he didn't know how to fully drive a car.

At the front, the maid appeared. She wasn't alone though, a group of other maids beside her came too. Calvin turned on the engine, he tried to maintain his composure.

"Calm down, Calvin. Just think that your left hand is part of the steering wheel, and use your shoulder to move the wheel. There are three pedals, the third one is used whenever I try to change gears. All right!" Calvin adapting himself.

The group of girls started to run toward him at full speed.

"You women are all asking for equal rights, now you should assume equal responsibilities!" he said.

He pressed on the accelerator pedal so hard to the point that the car did a wheelie.


The car went full speed and crashed them like bowling, one of them got hang of the car's small spoiler (Or wing). As he was speeding in the tower's direction, thinking that he escaped, he heard a cracking noise behind him. Looking at the mirror, he noticed a body climbing the back of the car. He started drifting dangerously to knock her out, but no effect. She was clinging to the car like a spider, then she moved to his side slowly.

"What the heck!" Said Calvin in frustration.

She finally arrived at the side of the car and hit the window, while the car was moving.


The window broke.

"ARGH! Take this!" Yelled Calvin.

He opened the entire door, she was clinging to it like a monkey, balancing in the void, Calvin moved the car closer to the wall.


The door crashed into the wall along with the maid, he lost a door in the process, but he still continued driving full speed. He looked at the clock in the dashboard, he still got 20 minutes to go.

"Finally! I'm sorry but I don't intend to die here." Said Calvin.

After 5 minutes of driving, He entered an open area with relatively tall buildings.

"It's calm here, maybe too calm." Thought Calvin.

As he expected, he noticed women showing up in balconies holding objects in their hands, Guns!

"What the f-!"

A shower of bullets hits his car!


But fortunately, the car was bulletproof. Only one problem, a door is missing. Without sufficient protection, he decided yet again to drive closer to the wall to compensate for that need.


Multiple obstacles appeared far in front of the car while driving under a shower of bullets, avoiding them while trying to avoid bullets by his side, it was a feat impossible to achieve.


He got hit by a bullet in his wrong arm!

"AAAAAAAARGH!" Yelled Calvin in pain.

Calvin was in a desperate situation, there are other obstacles ahead, if he would try to dodge them, he would be hit by bullets, and if not, he would crash. His arm hurts even more. It all seemed lost for him.

"YAAAAAHHOOOOOOOOO!" Someone shouted.


A car broke the windows and emerged from the ground floor of a building, it was a white Toyota Supra Mk4, the driver was Ilyes!

"Calvin, look at this!" Ilyes shouted while pressing the button.

A small antenna appeared at the top of his car and begun flashing. Suddenly, all the obstacles disappeared back to the ground.

"Hell yeah!" Yelled Calvin in joy.

They speed up a little to escape the city, a bridge was awaiting them. Suddenly, a missile was fired at them from the back. Flashing light appeared at Ilyes' dashboard, he notified Calvin quickly.


*VRRRRRRRROOOOOM!* The sound of the V8 engine.

And it passed right in the middle of them, going through the city until it hit the bridge and destroying it.

Calvin was scared, there wasn't another escape at sight, and the time was pressing them, he looked at Ilyes, he found him smiling.

"LET'S DO IT!" Ilyes suggested.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN... WAIT... NO... NO NO NO... IT'S A BAD IDEA!" Calvin responded.

They were going fast and the bridge was only a few kilometers ahead.

Ilyes: "IT'S TO LATE!"

Calvin: "NOOO!"



They hit the pedal as hard as they could.

*VRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!* The roaring sound of the V8 engine in his limit.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Screaming together.

Both cars jumped the bridge, Calvin was seeing only him, the car, and the sky while cursing Ilyes inside.


Calvin lost consciousness when his car hit the other side, a few minutes later, he opened his eyes. The car was overturned and he was still in it.

"ARGH!" Calvin in pain.

Suddenly, Ilyes emerged.

"Congratulations! We passed! We arrived at the tower!" Ilyes said happily.

Indeed, they arrived at the tower, they forgot about it because of the actions they experienced.

"You crazy son of a gun." Said Calvin as he lost consciousness again.

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