
Chapter 59: Reliving a nightmare

Reliving a nightmare

Drew POV

  Finally, I was able to muster the strength to stand up and make the first step. I was hurting myself with every move, but I knew it had to happen. I knew it would be best. I waited at the elevator, the same young nurse caught up to me, "Mr. McAlistair, I just wanted you to know Kavielle was asking for you."

  My heart stung again as I placed my hand on the door, holding it open, "I'm sorry, you'll need to call her sister."

  When my eyes met hers, she looked surprised and sad, "Okay, I'll pretend you weren't here. She doesn't need anymore bad news." I could feel the judgment in her stare as she spoke. She didn't know what I had suffered… I kept telling myself that, so I could keep moving.

  I released the door, letting the elevator close and begin its descent. As much pain as I felt, I knew it would just continue if I stayed. No matter how much guilt I felt, I had to keep my resolve.

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