
Chapter 3

Jared stumbled over the stack of bricks they’d set aside to use as a border, then kicked them over. Petulant and ridiculous but scattering the bricks with his work boots felt stupidly good. His voice went as deep as a tiger’s snarl. “Put on a goddamn shirt, Juliana.”

One of the volunteers onsite fired up the chainsaw again and Sultan roared, throaty and angry.

Jared went back to Peter’s office, working to keep his face set and still. Peter was bent over his desk, blurry eyes straining over a copy of Wildlife Management Today

Jared stood in the door. “Track down Miguel and have him meet me at the batting cage.” He let the words come out clipped and short, the words of a team captain, in charge.

“Yes, sir.”

Jared stopped in his office and grabbed the Easton.

* * * *