
Burning Passion : Breaking All Rules

When love blossoms unexpectedly between a teacher and student, it is utterly passionate but also dangerous. Spying eyes linger even inside the most deserted hallways, waiting hungrily for a drop of fiery gossip. Gossip which can spell ruin for James’s famed career and for Lia’s chances at her dream university. Heartbreak follows more heartbreak when the two are separated for years through a spider web of misunderstandings and lies, only to be reunited again when fatefully James is Lia’s boss at work. The burning passion which was hidden away for years sparked again, and this time neither of them wanted to hold it in.

DaoistVT2kZJ · Thành thị
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102 Chs

Chapter 26 - Memories


Lia is little.

She's just seven.

And she's in England.

Lia remembers when she had heard the conversation of her parents talking about being in England soon for something that involved their work and business.

All Lia had taken from that conversation was that they were talking about being in a completely different country than she lives in and that had ignited the most joy within her, the most anything can within a seven year old.

Lia had rushed to her mother and had sat on her lap right after to ask what they were talking about.

She had heard of England because someone in her class had recently moved there. She knows that it's a beautiful country and also one that looks like cities in pictures, wooden houses.

She's too small to know about the geography of the world but Lia had always been the most invested in looking through picture books of different cities of the world.