
The Eye

While the majority of the League had headed back to Earth, crime never took a day off, after all, those that had been present during the mind-reading stayed at the Watchtower, waiting for an explanation from the Martian. Finally, it seemed like he had composed himself again as they congregated in the garden built inside the space station. Batman listened.

"My apologies for leaving in such a rush, but I was temporarily overwhelmed by what I found inside his mind." J'onn explained to the gathered League members. They exchanged worried looks with each other before turning their attention back to J'onn.

"That bad?" Green Arrow asked, to which J'onn gave a slight nod of his head.

"While I was only able to piece together certain parts and still lack the full picture, yes, it was that bad." He responded with that calm voice that most Martians seemed to have.

"Tell us what exactly you managed to piece together," Batman ordered, to which J'onn's eyebrows furrowed together before he began his tale.

"He is a human from a parallel world."

Batman nodded, that something he had already guessed.

"Here is the part that I find greatly confusing," J'onn admitted. "We have made contact with a parallel world before, each one similar to our own, but this one isn't. It has something called the Eye."

'The Eye?'

"The Eye is an organization responsible for locating and containing individuals, entities, locations, and objects that violate natural law, gods, demons and other such beings. This organisation unlike us doesn't care about laws, they kill and violate government orders without any consequences." explained the martian. "The boy himself one of the what the Eye called Hunters, soldiers of the Eye."

"Wait! They let children join their army?!" Green Arrow suddenly burst out in outrage, being silently backed by Black Canary and Superman. However, what came next sure as hell did not raise this so called Krieg any higher in their eyes.

"Apparently, most children born with supernatural abilities are destined from birth to be part of the hunters or spend lifetime isolation. Most sooner or later choose the second." He admitted, elaborating upon seeing the confused looks given to him. "Apart from that, the Eye possess many world or reality breaking tools in its vaults."

A stunned silence filled the air, as they all contemplated what that entailed. If such an army existed in the galaxy, it sure as hell was not meant to be used just as a peacekeeping force.

"Anything else of value?" Batman asked.

"Only that his arrival here seemed to have been an accident. He was partaking in a battle to quell a strange force from somewhere called the Dreamland " J'onn added. Silence followed as they contemplated what to do next. Finding the Eye was the top priority. This Earth has its heroes, it doesn't need the Eye.


Once again, Maguire was alone in his cell. And once again, he was left wondering why they kept him alive. It had been days and they obviously had what they wanted now, so why did they just not kill him? Was it to taunt him? To let him suffer through the knowledge that he had failed? Well, he was not going to give them the satisfaction of watching him crumble to bits.

'Fucking freaks.'

The door suddenly swung open, allowing the one known as Flash to enter along with a new figure dressed in green pants and orange shirt with a definitive air of rotten fist around him, along with blonde beard and hair.

"I'm Aquaman. We're here to escort you to the assembly hall." He said with a sharp authoritarian voice. He was a man used to giving orders. Seeing no point in resisting, given their superior strength and numbers, Maguire let himself be led through the halls of their base of operation, head held high. Eventually, he found himself standing in front of a crescent-shaped table with twenty people sitting at different seats around it, all watching Maguire with curious looks. The one known as Batman wasted no time and addressed Maguire directly.

"You are Maguire, a hunter in the Eye of Dark. The planet of birth is the Earth. Am I correct?" he questioned, seeking more to demonstrate that he knew all about him more than wanting confirmation. As usual, Maguire said nothing in return, and another League member stood up to address both Maguire and the others present in the room. He was a black man with a green and black costume on.

He revealed. "However, if it does exist, we should take measures to stop the Eye. Their aggressive ways are too much of a threat to be ignored."

So they planned to go war the Eye? Maguire grinned, then snickered, then laughed out loud.

"Stop the Eye, you say? Are you all retarded?" By now, all the attention was centred on Maguire as he continued his little tale. "The Eye of Earth is just one cog in the giant machine of the organisation. We span over a thousand worlds governed by a council that has slain gods. You know... I dare you to go after them. Even red outside underwear is going to be ripped apart.

Maguire had to admit, he never knew he had the skills of an orator within him. But the reaction he received was not what he had been expecting. Instead of the dread and fear he hoped would overwhelm them as their minds grasped just what they were up against, they instead gave both him and each other looks of confusion, making Maguire question their level of intellect.

"Eye in Earth?" Superman asked with a smirk. Maguire furrowed his eyebrows in thought over that.

"That's the commonly used name." He eventually answered. A stunned silence filled the air. But something seemed to have dawned on the League members, as their looks of confusion turned to looks of understanding. Something that Maguire did not enjoy in the slightest. Batman suddenly rose from his seat.

"Come with me." He ordered while gesturing for Maguire to follow. While still eying him suspiciously, Maguire did as asked and followed Batman to one of the windows, specifically one overlooking a planet.

"What do you see?" Batman asked. Maguire gave a quick look at the planet below before giving an unconcerned shrug.

"A planet, which I suspect is your homeworld." He answered. Batman, who had so far himself been looking down on the planet, turned fully to face Maguire.

"That is the only planet in the galaxy containing human life, called Earth." He corrected him. At that moment, all brain functions seemed to turn off in Maguire, and his entire storage of words was emptied except for one single word.


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