
Chapter -10: Silver Rank Heir

Pendragon Village, Pendragon Manor.

The peaceful days in Pendragon Manor continued, with Rennes and Janice cherishing every moment of their growing family. As Janice's pregnancy neared its end, a knock on the door disrupted their tranquility. Rennes answered the door to find Igor and two other nobles from neighboring territories standing there.

"Baron Rennes, we have a proposition for you," Igor began, his tone filled with urgency.

Rennes raised an eyebrow, curious about the unexpected visit. "What is it?"

Igor leaned in closer, lowering his voice. "There's a plan to launch a kingdom-level war against a powerful enemy. We've gathered a group of nobles to cooperate in this endeavor, and we need your strength on the battlefield."

Rennes listened intently but soon shook his head. "This level of war is too dangerous, so I can't agree to this cooperation."

Igor was a little startled by Rennes' answer. In his opinion, Rennes shouldn't have reacted this way. After all, this was a rare opportunity. The last kingdom-level war had occurred over ten years ago, and missing this chance might mean waiting for years for the next promotion opportunity.

"Baron Rennes, think about it again," Igor urged, not willing to give up so easily. He had heard about Rennes beheading an Advanced mutant monster and believed that having such formidable combat power on their side would significantly increase their safety in battle.

Rennes, however, remained firm in his decision. "Don't think about it! My wife is about to give birth, and I don't want to be away from her at such a crucial time."

Seeing Rennes' resolute stance, Igor and the others had no choice but to give up. Disappointed, they left with their guards, their mission to recruit Rennes into the cooperation failed.

Since the cooperation had fallen through, they would have to find another way to bolster their group with more nobles. After Igor and the others left, Rennes' life returned to its usual calm routine.

Two weeks later, Janice entered the delivery room once again. After about ten minutes accompanied by the sound of a baby crying, Rennes welcomed his seventh child into the world. He wasn't sure if it was the Advanced potion he had purchased for Janice or just sheer luck, but this baby showed great potential.

The birth triggered the family system once more, prompting a potential test.






Rennes couldn't contain his excitement as he received the rewards. Thirty years of Warrior Qi Cultivation were invaluable, and the improvement in his Warrior potential was a significant boon. His Warrior potential had been quite poor, and this boost was the first step towards catching up with the geniuses in the world of cultivation.

The quality of Warrior Qi cultivation rewarded by the system was also tied to one's potential. If Rennes could improve his aptitude to the level of a true genius, the quality of the one-year Warrior Qi cultivation for his children would be far superior to before.

As for the 6th tier martial art, the Mad Dragon Qi Art, it was a priceless addition to his repertoire. In his current region, the most powerful noble family, the Laila family, possessed only a 5th tier Cultivation Technique, the Frozen Qi Art. The more advanced the Cultivation Technique, the higher its quality, and the 6th tier Mad Dragon Qi Art was in a league of its own.

With the rewards accepted, Rennes immediately felt his body undergo a transformation. His veins expanded and strengthened, his combat energy efficiency increased, and he ascended to the 9th tier of knighthood, advancing from Intermediate to Advanced knight level. While this might not be remarkable in the Dying Isle continent, it was considered significant progress in the Principality of Lance.

The strongest figure in the Principality was a 14th-level sky knight. By breaking through to the 10th level and becoming an Earth knight, Rennes could elevate his status and title with ease. The road to nobility was now well within his reach.

Rennes eagerly entered the delivery room, where Janice held their baby boy in her arms. "Rennes, our baby is a boy. Look how cute he is," she said, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Rennes smiled as he cradled the baby. "Not as cute as you," he replied with affection, making Janice blush and smile sweetly.

Three months later, Janice had fully recovered, and Rennes and his wife decided to expand their family further. However, despite their efforts, Janice didn't conceive again.

Worried about his wife's health, Rennes called upon a Priest from the Life Church to assess the situation. The results revealed that Janice's fertility had been greatly affected by her previous pregnancies and would require time to recover. In the short term, she would not be able to conceive.

Rennes was initially saddened by the news, but Janice remained understanding. She had already borne seven children, and she didn't mind the break. However, she didn't want her husband to be deprived of the joy of fatherhood.

"Rennes, I can't help you with your baby right now. Why don't you consider marrying another wife? I don't mind," Janice suggested, knowing how much her husband desired more children. She didn't want their relationship to be strained because of her inability to conceive.

Rennes was touched by his wife's understanding and love. He knew that she meant well, but he had no intention of marrying another woman. "Janice, you are all I ever wanted. I don't need anyone else. We'll have more children when the time is right."

With their love and commitment to each other, Rennes and Janice embraced their journey as parents of seven children, knowing that their family was already a blessing beyond measure.

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