
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Tranh châm biếm
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70 Chs

El (fixed)

[Intialising. Signing-in. Welcome host to the curse King System. My goal is to make you the strongest curse user in the universe. I hope you have a pleasant experience.]

[Please select a name and gender for the user interaction assistant.]

'Weird, the other one didn't ask for all this.' I think to myself.

'Keep the voice gender neutral and name it.... El' I instruct.

[Understood. El welcomes the host.]

[ The curse King System

Host: Arnold Denver

Age: 24

HP: 100/100

Cursed Energy: 0/0

Cursed techniques: None

Skills: None

Skill points: None

Strength rating: 0

Inventory: None {10 items max}



1.First Log-in

Details: Log-in for the first time.

Progress: 100%

Rewards: 1 random Special grade ability, Cursed energy for dummies manual, beginner pack.

2. Black flash

Details: Execute a 'black flash'.

Progress: 0%

Rewards: 2 Lottery tickets, 3 boost stones, +10% Cursed energy reserves.

3. Use domain expansion.

Details: Achieve the pinnacle of jujutsu.

Progress: 0%

Rewards:Six eyes, 10 boost stones.





'Collect rewards.Open beginner pack and fit me with the knowledge inside the manual.' I start obtainig my powers using the system.

'I'll need to check how much the superheroes have progressed into their journey. I also need to make a name for myself as a popular music artist in order to have a popular public persona.But before that.' as these thoughts run through my mind a notification runs out.

[Ding. Rewards processed.]

[Ding. Host has gained the special grade cursed ability: Sukuna's «Slash and cleave».]

[Ding. User has been transferred the knowledge inside the manual.]

[Ding. Beginner pack opened.User recieves

1.Ryu Ishigori's cursed energy.

2.Kento Nanami's glasses.

3.Cursed tool: Dragon bone. ]

"Holy hell!" I exclaim of loud, baffled by the messages.

'I just turned into a god damn calamity in an instant. I'm not a glasses kind of person though. I think I'll just give them to Leo.' I pondered.

'But still, this is good. I can basically go toe to toe with most heavy hitters already. I wonder how strong this system will make me. Now to see how this works.' I planned on using its abilities.

I start by raising my hand and pointing it at an empty glass kept on a counter. 'Now according to the manual I just have to....' I concentrate and try to control the cursed energy inside me and aim it try to shoot it out of my body. I try to do this for 10 minutes but nothing happens. 'Shit, nothing's happening. Ok, I gotta rethink this. I'm gonna imagine a fire.'

I start approaching the problem with a different method. I picture a flame where my heart is, and then cut a little bit of that flame out bringing it to my fingers. 'Now 0.1% power. Only trying to chip the glass.' I expel a tiny amount of cursed energy from my body.And then-


Both the glass and the table it's on are ripped in two."Holy shit" I cry out, not having predicted the effect to be so great.

"Man, this is ridiculous. I can't even imagine what kind of damage I can cause if I use all my cursed energy to spam this attack constantly." I say out loud, startled by the unexpected force of my attack.

'It would be for the best if I don't expose my powers and learn to control them properly for now.' I decided.


A/N: It's important to know that Arnold watched jjk as an anime only. He has watched 2 seasons and has not got knowledge of the manga events. John will tell him about manga events later on in the story.