

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · Thành thị
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22 Chs


~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•CHAPTER FIVE~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~


I watched as they held her and took off her glasses forcefully. I saw tears form in her eyes and it hurt me. I've been bullied before so I hate watching it happen to someone else. I saw the girl called Joyce hesitate before breaking them and I also saw that she was quivering, what hold do they have on that poor girl. The one called Brianna threw her glasses on the floor with so much glee in her eyes and stepped on them. I flinched and clenched my fists. Bunch of sadistic assholes!

I couldn't hear much of what was being said so I pushed past the commotion and got a little closer. "....And?? we have it all. The good eyesight, the body, the looks, the glam and the brains. Never try to think you can be like us because you can't and trying would be futile." that was enough for her to finally let her tears loose.

That did it.

Seconds later I heard another girl shout "You ugly dirty demons!"

I pushed through the crowd and yelled "Hey idiots!! exactly what brains and looks are you talking about?"

I felt a hand grip my sleeve.

"Carver, what are you doing??" the hand's owner asked me. I pulled my cousin's hand off.

"Putting these motherfuckers in their place. This has gone on for too long". You'd think this is the scene where a dashing dude saves a girl and all that, nah, I just hate people like them. After managing to push through the students who gathered to watch the "drama" I got to the scene and squared up to the group of "high school queen bees." with my arms crossed. They turned back to look at the girl who screamed before I did.

"Awww, you're trying to be her superhero aren't you?? What are you Superman to the rescue, get out of here sucker, or you want some disgrace?" Selena asked mockingly. I narrowed my eyes and sized her up.

"And you stupid, we could just spray something now and boom! You go on like you're about to meet the Lord." Palome quipped at Melanie and the others joined except for Joyce.

"Melanie don't try to act like you can fight cause we all know what happened in third grade right? surely we don't wanna bring up bad memories so go back to being the chicken you are. After all it's what you're good at and I tell you that it perfectly suits you darling." Brianna smirked, fiddling with her hair.

"You said you have what? looks? brains? glam?good eyesight??" I faked a laugh before looking back at all of them.

"You're all nothing but a group of glorified Barbie dolls. Without your rich parents you'd be nothing but insecure little bitchie babies scrambling for attention at all costs. It's sad actually that even with the riches you still are, you'd look worse than monsters if you don't have what you have. Tsk tsk tsk, so sad." Selena looked at me with fire in her eyes and I felt the same boys who had held they helpless girl walk up behind me. I immediately turned to them.

"Yeah that's right, felt the burn stupids? And by the way your colognes smell like water from the sewers that's why anyone would choke at the slightest scent." Melanie said " but then all these idiots are too stupid to speak up." She added before going to help her best friend.

"And you guys ugh you disgust me for real, y'all are simps just playing stupid pranks and maltreating innocent kids so these planks can notice you!" I pointed to Selena and her clique. I felt the entire hallway grow silent after that.

"Whoaaaa! Sick burnnnn!" Someone cheered from behind and murmurs filled the place.

"Took the words right out of my mouth,thanks." I heard Melanie say. She was helping the girl who got humiliated get up. I walked past the stunned boys and wannabe barbies towards the two girls.

Selena huffed. "Oh you're gonna pay for this I tell you, you wouldn't like what I'm gonna do to you after this."

"We're leaving only because we don't want to stir up anymore trouble, but cross the line again and you'll wish you never ever stepped foot into this school." Palome slurred.

I rolled my eyes, I wanted them to say something more stupid so I could finally break their stupid ego.

"Let's go." Brianna spoke. " Boys grab our bags."

" Yeah grab them silly ass maids." I spat at them and watched their mood turn sour.

Slowly everyone left the scene and it was like nothing even, I wondered where all teachers were.

"T-t-thank you." The girl who was victimized stuttered.

"Honestly we're so very grateful, we barely get anyone to stand up for us. You must be a new kid aren't you? I'm Melanie and this is my friend, Ariana." Melanie told me.

"Hi." Ariana said almost as if she was whispering.

"Yeah, I'm new here. The names Carver, Nathaniel Carver. Nice to meet you guys." I smiled offering them a handshake.

"Okay we'll see you around. We gotta go, you know I need to take her home. She can't see properly without them." Melanie gave me a faint smile before taking look at Ariana's broken glasses.

"I can get my big brother to help with that, hold on a second okay?" I began to rush to my big brother's class.

" No, it's okay, I'm already calling my chauffer to come help with that, you don't really have to bother." She said to me, her voice a little high pitched.



Their words struck like lightening unto the last piece of happiness I had left in me, one of them pushed me to the ground I tried standing up but it was too hard to stand, I just couldn't. I felt stuck to the ground as stray tears flowed heavily from my eyes and I silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me and spit me up where no one knew me or would notice my existence. I should have just kept quiet like I always did, I should have never tried to act brave.

I wanted to become invisible, Melanie was so right I was such an idiot thinking I could stand up to Selena, Palome and Brianna. I felt dizzy like I wanted to pass out but I couldn't, I was indeed a weakling everything was so blurry without my glasses I couldn't see a thing at all.

I was shocked to hear a voice defend me "Hey idiots!! exactly what brains and looks are you talking about." He said but it wasn't Cole's voice I desperately wanted to see who it was but my head remained glued to the floor even if I raised it up I wouldn't be able to see him.

He defended me like he knew me for ages, something only Melanie and Cole would do for me. I felt so pained that others had to fight for me, why couldn't I fight for myself?

"Took the words right out of my mouth, thanks." I heard Melanie say before coming to help me up. Melanie, what would I do without her. She gently stroked my hair and wiped my tears and even though it wasn't clear I saw an assuring smile etch unto her face. It made me happy to know I had a few people to depend on.

They all exchanged a few words before the girls left and everyone else began to retreat to whatever they were doing before it all started. He came to us and spoke to us, Melanie introduced herself and me to him.

"Hi" I said almost as if I was whispering but he heard and introduced himself.

"Yeah, I'm new here." He replied Melanie's question about him being new. "The names Carver, Nathaniel Carver. Nice to meet you guys." He smiled, offering Melanie and I an handshake.

Carver, Nathaniel Carver. I hoped to see him clearly and properly thank him.


What do y'all think about Carver? Wait till I describe his features^_^you'll fall in love with him.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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