

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · Thành thị
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22 Chs


♡♥♥♡♡。♡♡♥♡♡♡CHAPTER 16♡♥♥♡♡。♡♡♥♡♡♡♡

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ THE YATES♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

♡✿♡♡✿♡♡✿CARVER'S POV ♡✿♡♡✿♡♡✿♡♡✿

I was a bit frantic when I saw Ariana and Melanie in my house. My brother, Tony, did go overboard with the welcoming. He can be so extra at times. Last friends I had were in elementary school and I can only remember them faintly.

I never really had friends. I didn't know if I did. Sure, people spoke to me but no one has ever asked me to be their friend, they just hovered around me because of what they wanted. After Tony bored them with sports talk, they decided it was time to leave and met Lucas on the way out. Lucas wasn't just my cousin, he was my friend and brother, no one dared to come close to him. If they tried to he'd gauge their eyes out, Lucas had ADHD since he was little that's why he always avoided trouble.

I went in to see him.

"You could have been nicer."

"Since when did you ever care about me being nice?" He paused the game he was busy with to face me. I asked myself the same question too. Since when did I ever care?

"Don't know." I shrugged.

"That's her? The blonde?"


"Souka( I see)" Lucas replied in Japanese. He was a total anime freak. He was obsessed with anime, a super weeb.

"Be careful. You broke your leg for her." He said, staring at my bandaged leg.

"It wasn't for her. I always wanted to get back at Aaron and Sean." I told him. "What do you mean for her?!"

" You made her your friend. Really? Since when did you start having friends?"

"I know what you're trying to insinuate but it's nothing like that." I said.

"What am I trying to insinuate?" Lucas smirked.

"When you two are done insinuating. You've got chores to do." Tony said from the other end of the room.

"Got it Tony!" We replied him simultaneously.

"I gotta go." I patted his head.

"Do that again and I'll poke your eyes out. Just be careful. Most people aren't worth the trouble. If you really wanna get back at them there are many other ways." There was an hint of worry in Lucas's eyes. I understood what he meant, after all I knew I'd be dealing with a lot of psychos.

"Got it." I smiled and left his room. It was getting dark and I had chores to do along with assignments.





Hey boos, it's time for me to take overrrr..

Just for this chapter btw


The previous day went by really fast for them. The next day came, and they found themselves in school again. Ariana stepped out of the car, and smiled for many reasons. She had a feeling that it'd be a good day. She wore a baggy T-shirt that had an equal mixture of blue and white with a baggy white trouser along with black and white tennis shoes to match.

Heather adjusted her sunglasses. The weather was all sunny and cold at the same. So Heather wore a black turtleneck with baggy green trousers and Nike boots. Esme followed suite, hers was a small black top that stuck to her body with baggy green trousers clinging to her waist bringing out her small curve with Nike boots.

As usual they all went their separate ways with their friends. Carver and Lucas pulled into the parking lot. It was Ariana's first time seeing Nathaniel arrive to school. She was stunned that he was the one driving.

PS: I wanna make Ariana the only one who calls Nathaniel Carver, Carver. Cause that's cute. So, I'll be calling him Nathaniel.

Carver wore a baggy grey sweater, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. Lucas wore a black hoodie and black jeans with black tennis shoes, Immediately he got out he pulled the hoodie over his head, properly adjusting his back pack. Something Ariana did whenever she didn't want to be in school. He walked away before Ariana said hi.

"Hi." Carver waved at her.

"Hey." Ariana's voice was calm, not a bit of the usual anxiousness laced her tone. They both walked to class in silence.

Melanie was in front. Always punctual, as the author I wanna say I'm just so proud of her for being early wherever she goes. She tapped the two sits next to her.

"C'mon you two. I saved them for you guys. Hurry before Mr Hicks comes in." She told them. Mr Hicks was their British mathematics teacher. They usually had classes together in the morning before splitting up.

They sat down just in time before Mr Hicks came in. They sat in front to avoid Selena and others. The first class went well. Melanie had to go for literature-in-english, while Carver and Ariana had chemistry together.

Nathaniel and Ariana were about to enter the chemistry lab when Ariana got pushed to the side by Selena but ignored her, Palome rolled her eyes at them.

The teacher Mr Ian spoke as he adjusted his glasses and lab coat.

"Today we're going to be working on a science experiment that involves you choosing partners. You will not only work together in class but for a group assignment covering thirty percent of your grades. Three students must work together to able to achieve the result. Without any rumbling or rambling, quietly choose your lab partners."

"We need one more person." Carver said.

"I don't really have friends, Melanie's not in our department."

"I know." Carver replied Ariana.

"Hey." They heard an audible whisper from behind them. They spun around to see Joyce tuck her brown hair behind her ears.

"Hi?" Ariana looked confused.

"Do you mind if I join you two? I see you don't have a third partner." Joyce said looking down. One couldn't decipher whether her reason was sadness or not.

Ariana looked upset. Joyce hasn't done much to her, but she was the puppet who the job of breaking her glasses was assigned to. She was upset just looking at her, remembering how she begged several times, but in the end she only ever listened to her masters. She could feel her face turn red, not the type of red you get when your heart beats really fast like you got a heart attack and they're butterflies in your belly, but the type you get when you're all riled up.

Ariana took a deep breath and hid her anger behind a gentle smile." Why? Why don't you join Selena and your other friends?"

"They already have partners." Joyce told her.

"How do we know you're not here to spoil things?" This time Carver spoke.

"I'm not. Please, believe me." Joyce begged, there was so much sincerity in her eyes.

"Well no. We can't." Ariana replied her bluntly. Ariana looked around the lab and saw Selena, Palome and Brianna laughing and talking to each other. Palome wasn't even in the science department.

'Did they really forget about her and leave her out or is this some scheme to get back at me?' Different thoughts ran through her mind, but whatever the truth was as long as she couldn't figure it out she couldn't bring herself to trust Joyce. Ariana wasn't the type to just ignore people, act crude and judgmental or behave anything like Selena. She had just been hurt multiple times trust issues began to sink in.

Nathaniel didn't object to Ariana's decision. He knew what people like Selena could do to others he also wasn't willing to risk his peace of mind.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me." Joyce smiled faintly but her voice came out with a tinge of sadness. Sadness that neither of them could see or feel. She left immediately. Ariana sighed, a part of her didn't regret her decision yet she felt bad for what she did. It was as expected Selena, Brianna and Palome always put Joyce last.

"Hello, can I be your third partner?" A pale skinned looking girl said her jet black hair covering half of her face. She looked creepy.

Her blue eyes did glimmer, and her smile showed her sparkly white teeth in between her small pale pink lips, her features made her look like some ice witch. One could say she was beautiful in a very creepy way. To Ariana she was at least better than anyone associated with Selena.

"Hah, okay." Ariana responded almost immediately.

"Thank you." Her voice was soft.

"I'm Ariana and he's Nathaniel. What's your name?"

"Eva." She looked into Ariana's eyes giving off this weird vibe.

"I hope you are done choosing your partners." Mr Ian shouted.

"Yes sir." The students chorused.

"Alright, let's begin with...."

"Cole and Nicole are back!" Someone yelled from the hallway disrupting the class.

Selena squealed with the utmost joy like a child who's dream had come true. Ariana's eyes glittered, a smile etched unto her face as students bolted around the hallway to welcome the Yates siblings back to school.




Sigh. I keep creating new characters (≧▽≦) now I don't know what to with Eva. I think she would add some creepy to the story, and Boo-Hoo too bad for Joyce. Horror is my favorite genre what's a good story without some creepy stuff. I made two new characters within two new chapters, I deserve an accolade bruhhh.

I don't know yet how to go about Eva's role in the story, but it's certain she'll change a few things.

I'm too lazy ಠ﹏ಠ I couldn't properly introduce my babies, I'll save that for chapter seventeen.



Till then sayonara ᕙ༼◕ ᴥ ◕༽ᕗ