

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · Thành thị
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22 Chs


꒰⑅꒰⑅꒱꒰꒰⑅꒱♡꒱꒰⑅꒱♡꒰⑅꒱♡CHAPTER 22꒰⑅꒱♡꒰⑅꒱♡꒰⑅꒱♡꒰⑅꒱♡

◕દ◕◕દ◕◕દ◕◕દ◕◕ᵕ༚ᵕGO FOR ITᵕ༚ᵕ ◕◕દ◕◕દ◕◕દ◕◕દ◕



"Huh?" Melanie was as stupefied as I was.

"Excuse me?" Miss Isha's scowl deepened.

"We honestly did nothing wrong." Carver shrugged.

"Young man, do you know the library rules here?"

"Of course, I do." He responded almost immediately.

"And do you know that making noise is an offence in a library."

"I do, Miss Isha." Carver took a pause before continuing. "But you made noise as well."

Melanie and I raised up our heads at once when we heard his response.

"I'm sorry though, but you made noise when you snapped earlier. Your voice was a bit loud."

Miss Isha was speechless for a while. I cussed in my head. "You better not get us in more trouble Carver." I muttered through gritted teeth.

Carver added." It's wrong to punish or query us if you made noise as well."

"Well I guess I was a bit too loud, but if I refuse to with strict with you all. This Library would be the next party house."

"We understand Miss Isha, and we're sorry." We all said simultaneously.

"It's okay. It's not like it's easy dealing with all of you." She sighed." Four years and it's taking a lot to keep my cool."

Keep her cool? If you see her yell or give you that ' you're dead look' you'd probably understand the look on my face when she said that. Carver wasn't wrong she yelled too at times. Actually, she yells all the time.

"We understand it's not easy ma'am." Carver said.

"You two still have one last chance, don't misuse it, and you kid you have two left."

"Miss Isha."

"What?! You guys wanna get banned for making noise and being rude."

"No!" We briskly replied.

"Thought so. You made noise and that warrants a warning." She smirked and turned to leave.

"I think we should leave the library so we can talk better." I suggested, and they nodded, agreeing with me.

We signed out of the library through the register, got juice boxes from the vending machine that's not too far from the library, then we got our bags and headed for class.

"So, the reason we came to see you was basically for the try outs for the soccer team on Friday 4:30pm sharp!" Melanie grinned, and nudged my shoulder as a sign for me to pick up the lines.

"We were thinking you should try out since you have the physique for it."

"I'm not interested. Besides, I haven't played soccer in a long time."

"Hey! But Tony's great at sports, he could train you besides you've played before it's not like you're new to it."  Melanie slurped while taking her juice.

"Well, I don't know." Carver  seemed bumped.

"We know you can do it. Every dude loves soccer. Lucas is on the soccer team too." Melanie persistently continued to convince him.

"Yeah! And he wished he never tried out in the first place."

"Bummer." I mumbled.

"Please go for it! Give it some thought. Ariana, don't just stand there convince him too." Melanie whined.

"Don't call my name I already said he wouldn't be interested in joining the soccer team."

Melanie gasped." Backstabber."

"Really? No like really? We're gonna do this right now?"

"Oh yes we are. You agreed to convince him." Melanie countered me.

"Yeah, but what am I supposed to do if he's not interested? Sedate him and drag his body to the try out on Friday?"

"Actually that's not a bad idea though."

"Melanie!" Carver and I yelled.

"Whatever Nathaniel Carver! I wish to lead you to the path of greatness, and you're throwing it away. It's fine, I'm not upset. It's really none of my business though. I'm not bothered. I'm not angry, and I really don't wanna punch your face. I'm grea...."

"I'll think about it. We don't have to bicker. It's not just about me not wanting to try out. I hate looking like a looser. What if I flunk it?"

"You won't. We believe in you. Besides I know Tony will train you well." Melanie said.

"In three days?"

"I knew you'd love to join the soccer team." Melanie squealed with joy ignoring the fact that Carver didn't agree to anything yet.

"I really wonder how we became friends. No! I really wonder." I shook my head.

"I remember. It was on a terrible stormy rainy day. You came knocking on my door step. I opened up to see you drenched in rain and a boring life. You said "oh! Queen Mell the prankster and queen of fun. Please! O please! Take me in." and I agreed cause you looked so so so so bored. I then used my magical wand to dry your body, and you became fun. Well, partially fun because the evil witch of boredom used strong magic potion of boredom to make you too boring that only a bit of fun could be instilled in you. THE END!"

"Wow! It was just like yesterday. Thank you for saving my life."

"Oh you're welcome." Melanie giggled, and tried to flex her muscles. "It's only by the power of my biceps."

I draped my hand on her shoulder." Melanie."

"Yeah?" She looked me.

"Don't! Infact don't ever do it again. It's not your thing."

Carver burst into laughter. "You two are a whole lot to deal with."

"You say what now?" Melanie frowned.

"You two are amazing."

"Thought so." Melanie and I smiled devilishly.

"But seriously you really have to consider joining the soccer for him. Imagine the whole school having this omg look in their eyes for you."Melanie said.

"That's one reason why I really don't wanna join the soccer team. Attention can cause more harm than good. I know that, it's something Tony told me before." Carver exhaled.

"You'll be okay. You got us." I tried to add some comforting words.

"Yeah. You've got us. Now and always." Melanie linked her arm with his. The bell rang.

"Jeez I got geography class." I shrieked.

"We've got geography class." Carver said.

"I gots history class."

"Wait are we still waiting for?" Carver blinked.

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go." I said.

"Holy moly shit!  We should get going."

"I just said that now." I stated.

"Yeah." We all slurred and made a run for it to our different classes.

Cole didn't attend classes that day. Selena and her minions were no were to be found too. I feared that she'd be with Cole during practice. I was his best friend. If anyone at all should be with Cole it should be me. The thought of those two bonding even more made me cringe hard. I didn't want to think about it, but the jealous part of me couldn't help it.

Everyone was more worried about the upcoming soccer tournament. So we're the cheerleaders who were trying to come up with lit dance routines to perform on the big day. I was hoping we'd win cause if we did there'd be an after party. I never attended one this one would be my one chance to attend possibly with Cole or along cause Melanie won't tag along with the single ladies, she'll find a hot dude or a hot dude will find her.










Took a lot for me to complete this chapter. Came down with terrible cold guys(crying) so I got a migraine and I've been sneezing like hell. So sorry this chapter is short, and I'm also sorry this chapter seems rushed. I don't know if it's rushed or not, but feels like it is. I really wanted to add more Miss Isha drama, but this cold wouldn't let me, I hope we're all excited for the tryout. Do you think Carver will make the team? Is he only good at being a pretty boy and defending? I don't know. Do you know?


Peace out

It's yo

Your favorite






