

When at the age of 16 Haru has his first heat, his family abandons him. Despite everything, Haru does not give up and becomes the most requested host of the very private SS club. His goal, to leave the country and find happiness. But his meeting with his fated pair will turn his outlook on life upside down. Destroyed and traumatized, Haru has now only one desire: to die. Will he be able to regain his taste for life? Can he still be saved? ******************************************* MATURE CONTENTS / BL Main Couple / Hard description : read at your own discretion [ PS : English isn’t my main language. It’s not even my second XD So please, be gentle and be patient with me. I’m still learning. ]

WndyButter · LGBT+
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76 Chs

13 : Trapped [ R18 ]

Her fingers was slowly massaging her clit as she was moaning from the pleasure.

With her eyes closed, she was imagining Akihito licking her lewdly while he was playing with his dripping rod.

She moaned again, calling out her employer's name.

She pinched her nipple as she felt her orgasm closer. She then thrusted her fingers into her pussy and masturbated frantically, moaning without any shame. When her orgasm was near, she withdrew her fingers and rubbed her clit rigorously then cried with pleasure when she climaxed violently. Her body spasmed with pleasure and she bit her lip, her eyes still closed. She was enjoying the lingering feeling, while patting her wet pussy which was still pulsating erotically. Her finger was still moving in and out of her wet cavern and she muffled a moan from the lingering pleasure.

When she opened her eyes, she let out a groan, not happy to be back in reality.

" - Fucking Omega ! " she growled.

Last night, she thought she could finally had a date with Akihito but the man came back with Zaizen, Deborah and a filthy Omega.

Sometime, when Akihito came back home too late, he will let Sissy eat with him before she get back to her own house. But last night was different.

Sissy was not a complicated woman. Her family had been in the service of the Ogata for years. At first, she was working in the family mansion. She had hoped to see Akihito more often, but he hardly ever came to the mansion. When she learned that Mrs. Ogata was looking for a housekeeper to take care of her son's house and foods, Sissy had done everything to be selected. She had been working for the man of her dreams for 5 years now.

There wasn't much progress in their relationship but she knew Akihito trusted her fully. Sometimes it even happened that they had dinner together. Obviously when Akihito met his fated pair, he had wandered away a bit, but Sissy hadn't worried because she knew he didn't like this slutty Angela anymore.

He had never brought her to his apartment and didn't spent no more than three hours with her during their so-called "date time". Akihito was always irked when he came back home from a date with Angela. Somehow, Sissy never felt threatened by her. Because he was an extreme dominant Alpha, Akihito wasn't really knot by this fate thing. He could broke it if he wanted to.

But this Haru was different. Her Akihito had never shown interest in anyone.

With her fingers still wet from her slick juice, she took the folder Akihito had given her before she got home.

The document was about Haru and things to care for him.

" - Make sure he eats at least three meals a day. He doesn't speak but can write, so be attentive to his needs. Prevent the Alphas from approaching him. Avoid yelling at him or making violent gestures. Hide sharp objects. Make sure he takes his anti-depressants. " she read.

Annoying. " He's sure gonna be handful " she thought.

" - Post scriptum : Haru needs permission for everything. Don't deny him anything. "

Interesting, she sneered mentally.

She threw the document on the floor. Then she grabbed her dildo from the nightstand, ready for another masturbation session before heading to Akihito's place.

It was seven in the morning when Sissy arrived at Akihito's place.

She entered the code and happily entered the apartment.

She started to prepare breakfast. Thirty minutes later, Akihito left his room already ready.

Sissy took a moment to ogle him as he explained to her the situation with Haru. She wasn't really listening. She was daydreaming of his firm legs pinning her down, his muscles protruding pressing against her chest and she was dreaming of licking his jaw and devouring his mouth.

Sissy squeezed her legs feeling herself getting wet and her pussy twitching from this familiar aching. Maybe one masturbation's session wasn't enough. But she did go wild this morning. She still had the feeling that her sex toy was deep in her.

She smiled at Akihito when he stopped speaking to observe her.

" - You look sick, Akihito commented.

- I'm alright sir." she answered.

Akihito raised an eyebrow but he continued his explanations. He thought maybe she needed a break. Sissy had never took holidays though he did try to persuade her to at least take some for new year eve and christmas. But she refused, saying she liked coming here and that it feels like she wasn't really working. So Akihito didn't push. Sissy was older enough to take care of herself.

Haru woke up shortly before Akihito left. The latter immediately authorized him to leave his room and go to the bathroom. Haru was glad he didn't have to ask.

Akihito instructed him to have breakfast and a hot shower. The morning air was rather cool.

Haru nodded and obeyed. Akihito patted his head gently before leaving for work.

Sissy started cleaning up without even caring about the Omega. Haru wasn't the sociable type so that didn't bother him. His breakfast finished, Haru got clean clothes from his room and went to take a shower.

He jumped from the cold water. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to tell Sissy that she forgot to turn on the hot water. He was already naked. Haru showered quickly, not wishing to catch a cold.

When he was done, he studied his thin, scarred body in the mirror.

His bones were sticking out of his ribs. And he had nasty scars on his torso, stomach, legs and even on his penis.

Haru sighed. He changed quickly, pulling on pants that were too wide for him and a turtleneck to cover his wounds.

When he step out of the bathroom, Sissy was doing the dishes.

Haru hesitantly walked over to her. He had nothing to do and wanted to help her with the housework.

He removed his notebook from his pocket and began to write when Sissy said to him:

" - Go back to your room, I'll call you for lunch. "

She didn't even glance at him and kept doing her task.

Haru pursed his lips, but complied anyway.

The following few hours, Haru just waited. He had reread one of the two books he had taken and made his bed and now he didn't know what to do anymore.

When he looked at his bedroom's clock, he noticed that it was time to take his medicine. He removed the bottle of pills from his bag and poured one into his hand.

He was about to swallow it when he remembered that he had no water with him. So he scribbled in his notebook and walked to the doorstep.

Sissy was watching TV while eating pasta. Haru looked at his bedroom clock again. It was 11:30 a.m. Now that he was paying attention, he was hungry.

If he waited until noon, he could eat and take his medicine. So he went back to his bed and waited for Sissy to pick him up as agreed. But at ten past noon she was still not coming. Haru went to the door again. Now Sissy was watching a show, laughing. Haru tried to give her a sign.

When she finally looked at him, Haru pointed his notebook. But Sissy ignored him and concentrated on her show.

Even though Akihito had told him he could do whatever he wanted, Haru was still cautious. Akihito wasn't there so Sissy was in charge. So he had to wait for her to let him out.

Haru waited at the door for a moment. When his legs started to hurt, he went back to his bed.

His stomach was crying out for famine and he could no longer take his medicine.

At seven in the evening, Sissy finally pointed the tip of her nose. She asked him to come out and sit down to eat.

Haru was already salivating. Sissy set the table but ordered him to wait before eating. When he wanted to at least take a sip of water, she gave him a nasty look. Haru retracted his hand and waited.

Ten minutes later, the front door sounded and Akihito appeared.

Sissy's expression suddenly changed. From her cold manner, she became gentle. She smiled at Akihito and invited him to take a seat at the table.

Akihito gave Haru a calm smile. It was difficult for the Omega to return it.

"- How was your day sir?" Sissy asked.

Haru thought they looked like a married couple. At first he did think Sissy was Akihito's wife, but he had introduced her as his housekeeper.

Akihito watched as Haru devoured his meal without rest.

"- Good," he replied distractedly. " How was yours? Did you become close ? "

" - Sure! " Sissy smiled.

Haru stopped chewing, shocked at her response.

"- Good." Akihito said, relieved.

Because he was working all day, he was afraid that Haru will be lonely. Even if they didn't talk much, Akihito knew that the omega was comfortable with him. Knowing that Sissy and Haru were closes was putting him at ease. Haru was away from his omegas friends but at least, now he had Sissy to keep him company.

" - Sissy is a person I trust a lot. I would be happy if you got along with her." He then told the Omega, hoping to reassured him more.

Haru found it difficult to swallow his food. He put his fork down and nodded.

" - Did you take your meds? "

Haru looked at him and picked up his notebook but Sissy had beat him and answered first :

" - I didn't want to say it but… Haru didn't want to take his medicine. He slept right after his breakfast. "

Haru was speechless. Why was she lying?

Akihito sighed.

" - I understand, but tomorrow you have to eat them seriously. " he told Haru then.

Night fell and Haru couldn't sleep. He was restless. A day without medication made him helpless.

He didn't understand what had happened with Sissy and he wanted to tell Akihito about it, but would he believed him ? After all, he and Sissy had known each other for many years and the man himself had stated that he trusted the girl a lot.

Haru curled up under his blanket. Compared to Silas, what Sissy was doing to him was nothing. Still, Haru felt trapped, as if history was repeating itself.

A long chapter x) Hope you like it :3 Still sorry about the mistakes >.<‘

WndyButtercreators' thoughts