
Mice and Men

"This has got to be the coolest house imaginable." Paul said to himself as he stood in the attic looking around. He sat down on an old box, his black Goth clothing blending into the atmosphere of the attic.

He was still overwhelmed at what he had seen. When it was over he had helped settle Gennae in the living room because John and Debra had cancelled the outing for the day, since having Caleb Isogul to clean up after had changed everything.

The police had arrived and John told them Caleb had surprised them, shot them with tranquilizers and he had been shot. When the officer asked who had shot him, he looked him in the face and said "my niece did. She had the spirit of a young lady nurse in her who helped her." The officer stared for a few moments then said "okay, intruder shot for breaking into the house. What did he do, try to steal money?" John shook his head. "He wanted an old rag doll."