


  “Honey, are you sure I can take your car?”

  I was typing a reply to Percie that we were almost at the parking lot.


  “Of course, Mom. We already talked about it. And it’s fine. I can ride along with Percie. Trust me he doesn’t mind.” I averted my gaze to Mom, driving my car after I sent my text.

  She gave me a meaningful smile. She and Dad had been asking me if how did my date go? Of course, I left a few details about the date—the detail about us kissing.

  “You’re blooming, honey. You really like him, don't you?”

  “He’s okay, I guess.” Though okay was an understatement. Percie was great, despite our differences.

  “Okay doesn’t fit the description, Hailey.” Mom was amused than ever.

  I shrugged. “I think he likes me too.”

  “He asked you out. Of course, he does. What’s not to like about you?”

  “Now, you sound like him. That’s what exactly he said yesterday.”