
Dinner date

Sarah fumed as she watched her idiot sister and her idiot fiance walk in. She had talked to her the previous night and knew that Vicky had thought about giving Aaron what he wanted tonight. Her resolve had been weakening for a long time now, and she did have feelings for the guy. Honestly, Sarah had half hoped that Vicky would have dumped him once Kano was back on the scene, but no, she had to be all, 'I made a promise. I'm loyal. I'm a good girl.' Phooey on you big sis! Aaron is a jerk and an idiot and a buffoon and you are completely hood winked by him! Just because you think that crawling under this asshat will help you forget about Kano doesn't mean it will!

She actually wanted her sister to get back together with Kano. She did not mind the thought of sharing him with her at all. They shared clothes, food, drinks, games, well, everything. On top of that Kano had always been there with them before. So sharing a man together was not any different in her mind. Plus, a lot of men would love to have sisters, so she figured he would have no problem at all with her idea.

"Sarah, honey, I've put your sister and her beau in your area." the hostess told her in passing. Sarah nodded and thanked her. 'Great, now he is going to stare at my ass in these tight pants.' She sighed and grabbed a couple of menus before putting on her server smile and walked up to their table.

"What kind of drinks would you folks like tonight?" She proclaimed in her best waitress voice as she stayed as close to her sister's side of the table as she could. Vicky laughed as she saw her sister trying to act professional in front of her. She started to say something, but was cut off by Aaron whom had not even looked up at her. He had already grabbed a menu and was staring down at it as he spoke.

"Yes, I would like a martini with a twist and so will my wife."

"Of course, but you may want to know that our white russian is of the highest quality, and is currently on special." 'Not to mention, its my sister's fave. Kano knows that.' Sarah tightened her face at the ridiculously presumptious man in front of her, but maintained her composure. "I'll go get them now and I'll be back momentarily."

Aaron was about to retort at the snippy waitress, but all he saw was a rather nice view of her retreating backside. "Hmmph. No tip for you tonight."

He was taken aback as he noticed the aggrieved expression on Victoria's face. "What? She has attitude."

"Did you even see her face?"

"No, why is she ugly?"

Victoria shook her head and looked out the window, trying to drop the subject. He was a simple man with simple thoughts. It was what she had liked about him originally. He was plain, good looking, but plain. Not a whole lot in the brains department, but he was nice and handsome. Still, he was a little conceited. Had he always been this way? She thought about it a moment and began to nitpick little things he had said over the course of their relationship... 'No, no. I'm just doing this because I'm confused. Kano is now the man I wanted him to be, and its obvious he has feelings for me and that is the only reason I'm finding faults.' She pushed it all to the back of her mind and reached out to grab Aaron's hand. It was warm and firm. Just like the pillar she had needed in her life. He was stable, had a good job and wanted a family. He was safe. And he would apologize once he made the connection that their server was her sister, Sarah.

Sure enough, when Sarah returned with the drink order, he fell over himself to apologize to her and Victoria. The sisters both had the same thought, but in different contexts. 'Idiot.' While Sarah was thinking it in a derisive manner, Victoria was almost amused by it. They both even imagined Victoria's future with this man. He would constantly be making a clown of himself in front of her, and while Sarah was annoyed by it, Victoria was starting to enjoy the idea. 'Stupid sis, are you really gonna settle for this oaf?'

Meanwhile, Kano was at the gym nearby, trying to escape the mental assault of images in his mind. Aaron and Victoria, together and it was driving him insane. His fists continually pounded at the heavy bag in front of him, but his mind was aflame with jealousy. This was not some deja vu that he could see, no it was simply his mind running away with itself. Each hammer to the bag was Kano destroying Aaron's face. Every last bit of rage and humiliation he felt was channeled into his fists. *BOOM* A cloud of powder erupted into his own face. Confused, he looked around and tried to figure out what happened. It slowly dawned on him that he had punched through the canvas and into the guts of the bag.

"Hey, uh, guys... I think this one was defective..."


The time at the diner passed quickly as laughter grew louder from a certain table. Numerous patrons had complained quietly about a gentleman that was getting more and more boisterous. Sarah inwardly cackled as she was glancing over her tickets for her other tables. Soon, it would be enough to have a manager come out and send Aaron off and away. She could not suppress a giggle as she imagined the scene and how pissed her sister would be at him.

"So, since your sister won't give it up, what about you?"

'Ugh. Really?' she thought as she recognized the very same man she was trying to get rid of was right behind her and now hitting on her.

"You really are a piece of work, you know that?" she retorted as she moved away without even giving him a glance to gather some napkins to refill. She cried out as two hands grabbed her arms and pulled her back towards the man.

"Come on, don't be like that." His voice sent an all too familiar creepy vibe down her spine and she kicked backward as hard as she could. Her heel only connected with a shin, but it was enough for him to release her with a yelp of pain. As she twisted around to face him, she saw his face had contorted into a look of pure rage. "You slut! How dare you! The both of you think you are so much better than everyone else! Like you don't fuck! I bet you get fucked all the time by plenty!"

"Hah! I haven't yet, prick! I'm saving it, but my sister already gave hers to Kano years ago! Dumb son of a-" she was cut short as a hand slapped across her face. She stumbled away from the force of the blow and grabbed hold of a nearby table, her free hand immediately coming to her face to hold it. Just as she had steadied herself, a steel grip latched onto her arm. A fist impacted her stomach and she doubled over in anguish as her vision swam. She could not hear what was going on after that, nor how many times he had hit her. She was not even aware that someone had pulled him off of her.

Victoria rushed to her sister's side and cradled her in her arms. She had no idea that Aaron would do something like this, no idea that he had a temper like this. She had only witnessed him being pulled away from someone, only to see it was Sarah. The other girls in school had spread rumours about him, but she had thought they were just that. Then she recalled something, a rumour about Aaron and his buddies picking fights with her own ex-boyfriend during middle school. She had not talked to Kano during that time, foolishly thinking he was trouble and only talking to him again after seeing him in class in her freshman year of high school. She had forgotten how much she had missed him. Now, she realized just how much she missed him again. Maybe she had made a mistake, maybe it was the alcohol and her sister's trauma. She was not sure. But she knew one thing. Tomorrow, she would no longer have a ring on her finger. In fact, she immediately pulled it off of her finger and tossed it in the direction of the exit.

"Sarah, are you ok?" Victoria wiped the hair from her sisters face and looked deep into her eyes as she coughed, still trying to control the tears. She nodded and hid her face again. Victoria saw that her face was swelling up and after the beating she took, she had only one thought. "I'm calling Kano, he'll take us to the hospital."

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