
Bride Of Death

The world has a way of showing spite and scorning the weak, pecking at them until they are to be left for rot, it's an unforgiving place, cruel and vile, it didn't give Alicia much but still took all she had. Killed by her townsfolk for witchcraft, she awaited the afterlife, but instead she awakened in a bizarre new world in another person's body. In this new world, magic was of norms, but the cruelty of existence manifested itself as humanity battled against death born creatures, and only the strong are allowed to survive. Gaining a system from an unknown entity. There's Something about gods wanting to kill her too. This complicates everything. She'll have to strive to survive, become strong and ascend with her death system, maybe kill a deity or two. That was her plan till she met this pale handsome god.

Nimble_Thyme · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Last Whispers

 The sun shone low in its majestic radiance over a busy remote town, a chill was casted over the narrow alleys by the shadows of the surrounding hills, in which merchants called out their wares from carts and stalls lining the narrow, cobblestone streets.

The townspeople bustled about , their cloaks and skirts fluttering in the brisk autumn wind.

The smell of roasting meat and freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the smoke from the chimneys of the thatched-roof houses.

Children ran and played in the streets, dodging the horse drawn carriages that rumbled through the town square.

 Suddenly, a bell tolled the hour, its deep, sonorous peals echoing through the narrow streets. The townspeople were roused from their daily tasks by the tolling of the bell as it rang out in a steady urgent rhythm, calling them to gather in the town square.

 The gathering at the town square grew, until it seemed as if the entire town had gathered. They huddled together, whispering in anticipation, as a tall imposing figure stepped forward, his long, black robes billowing in the wind. It was Father Gaius, the town's priest, his stern expression left no doubt that this was no ordinary gathering.

 The whispers in the crowd died down as the priest raised his hand. "people of wealdshaw", he began slowly, his voice ringing out across the square, "I have called you out here to witness a terrible event, one of our own has been accused of witchcraft, a crime punishable only by death.''

A collective gasp rose from the crowd as they exchanged horrified glances.''bring forth the accused'' he commanded.

 The guards marched forward, leading a woman between them. Alicia had lived a hard life. An orphan from birth, who had never known the comfort of a family or a home. She had been forced to fend for herself on the streets, stealing what she could to survive.The townsfolk had always turned their backs on her, casting her looks of disdain and disgust. 

 Now she stood before them, trembling and pale, but with defiance in her eyes, as the priest pronounced her sentence.

"Alicia thou have been accused of witchcraft, a crime which carries the penalty of death, what do you have to say in your defence". 

Alicia beheld the crowd, their faces showed building hatred and a tinge of fear. she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

Out of the blue, a strange, swirling wind began blowing through the square, carrying with it a scent of rain, and a cachophony of whisphers assaulting alicia senses, driving her mad, she seldom heard them in previous instances, but not as loud and maddening as this moment, alas only she could hear them.

 The priests laugh was harsh and mirthless, cutting through the wind like a knife. 'the heavens have spoken he declared. The wind and rain confirm your guilt, now you face the justice of the church. The priest signaled to the guards, who stepped forward to carry out the sentence. 

 Alicia's eyes widened in terror, a bolt of lightening streaked across the sky, followed by a defeaning clap of thunder. The wind howled and the rain began to fall, drenching the crowd in torrential downpour, as the crowd lamented of how truly she was a witch.

 Alicia eyes closed as the guards closed in around her, the crowd watched in anticipation as the guards bound her hands and feet, and placed her on a stone platform.

She could feel the rain beating down on her face, the cold water soaking through her clothes and the harrowing whispers scratching at the insides of her head.

She heard the priest muttering a prayer, and then there was a sharp crack as the executioners axe came down. And then there was silence. The girl had been executed.

In the same moment a deathly tremble quaked, the earth shook and cracked, and panic ensued and the people of wealdshaw ran in terror, screams and shrill shrieks could be heard as the priest voiced out frantic prayers, a man screamed the words "our actions have angered the gods we are doomed", as another spewed "the witch hath doomed us".

 Buildings crumbled as a great cloud of dust rose into the air the town engulfed in a swirling maelstrom of wind and debris, until nothing remained but a barren wasteland.


 In a dark room, on a dark throne made of shadows and lies, a man reclined, his figure vague, his eyes shimmered with sharp yellow light, a sickening albeit michevious smile plastered on his face.

The air in his abode was thick with deceit and trickery, and walls lined with mirrors, that reflected nothing but lies.

He seemed deep in thought, considering his latest escapedes. He had leaked his brother's death magic to a human girl, and caused the destruction of the remote town of wealdshaw, and was currently pondering his next move.

"My lord" said a voice from the shadows. It was one of his creatures, one of a peculiar devious nature.

"What do you think of my latest trick" the lord asked?, his strangely sweet deep voice echoing through the chamber.

"It was remarkably devious, sire'', the minion replied, its voice low and sibilant.

"But I wonder was it necessary incurring your brothers wrath, you could have achieved your goal without tampering his wellspring".

The proclaimed lord considered the minions words with a frown, "perhaps" he said slowly "but where would be the fun in that" He cackled menacingly, the sounds bouncing off his dwelling as the shadows around him seemed to grow darker. 

What are you guys thoughts on this chapter, please leave a comment, criticisms are welcome too. thank you

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