


CipherMikz · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Case 8: Concurrence

Diablo led the way towards the exit, Diego not far behind. Each step they took dispersed faded remnants of the white fog that once coated the club's floor. They left Grey and his team to their job as Grey did to them, turning their backs towards each other whilst the velvet door closed behind the duo.

The moment they left Fallacy, a rare golden sky greeted them. Mesmerized, Diego could not stop staring at it. Diablo stopped, and turned to a spellbound Diablo and grinned. He held Diego's hand and looked upwards, then looked at the glimmer in his husband's eyes.

Diablo sighed, "Well at least one of us got to enjoy a part of this day."

A grey car came roaring and stopped just in front of the duo, honking twice before its doors opened. Diablo squeezed his partner's hand twice. Diego grumbled in response. And the two got into the car, doors closed automatically, and drove them home.

Catter put on a robotic voice filter, "Greetings parental units."

The couple frowned in sync.

"Scary. Never use that voice on us again please, Catter." Diablo said.

Voice back to normal, Catter replied, "But why-?"

Diablo lowered his voice, "Just when it comes to your dad and I. You'll understand when you're older."

The conversation got cut short once the duo arrived at a parking spot of the main police station and got off. For an area near police headquarters, scattered went the crowd of people. The streets bustling with cars right after they got off their own. Swarms of people came in groups of at least twenty, each appeared like a messy bouquet.

Diego looked up and mumbled, "No matter how much I look at that blue building, it just won't turn red."

The duo race-walked to where they needed to go. Simple terracotta red bricks lined the small headquarters' walls, and a logo to decorate the front of the building. Cold air encased the duo as they entered the edifice. They passed through crowded rooms still filled with chilling air. Each area they passed had the same things in it, officers, felons, and lots and lots of papers. Plain, non-high-end computers decorated each stall for each officer's working place. Regardless of offender or public servant, each person spent their time screaming or fighting the air.

The duo arrived at the interrogation portion of the tower. They saw Maladdor being investigated in one of those interrogation rooms by a shivering officer. Each of the interrogation rooms had a different lighting mode made for different purposes only experts know how to use.

The room used to interrogate Maladdor had a simple setting. A rectangular table and two chairs, one on each short side of the table. The lighting mode turned out to be a simple amber light bulb with a cone around it that projected a dramatic lighting only used in interrogation scenes in movies. The dark area outside had their lights turned off for the not-so-special one-way mirror's magic to work.

Diablo knocked on the door and went in alone, signaling Diego to wait outside with the rest of the officers before he went in.

Diablo thought to himself, "What kind of imbecile would order this newbie to interrogate a mastermind."

He gave the officer a light tap on the shoulder. The officer turned around and jumped forward.

"Maladdor's presence is so great that this one didn't even notice me going in? Did I just waste effort knocking?" Diablo thought.

Diablo firmed his stance, "You may leave."

The officer stood erect and bowed, "Thank you."

Body movements uncoordinated, the officer managed to leave the room alive. Diablo fixed his gaze on Maladdor, chin up, and eyes relaxed. He sat on the chair, still warm from the nervous newbie that rested his bottom on it before him.

Diablo gave out a long sigh, "Relax Mr. Maladdor. I know you have a lot to say, but please let me ask a few questions first then we'll let you explain. By the way, did my entrance surprise you? I was trying to become more regal in my entrances whenever I see the chance to."

Maladdor snickered.

"Ok, first question is." Diablo put his hands on the table and leaned forward. "Are you and Ms. Cassandra Fraus together?"

Diablo's eyes shimmer in excitement, his mouth curled upwards. Maladdor's grumpy mouth turned into a grin. Then his eyes glowed, his mouth opened to reveal his teeth.

Maladdor's eyes glimmered, "YES! FINALLY! SOMEONE WHO GETS IT! I'm so lucky for my belladonna to say yes to me. That is why I prepared something special for her. I will shower her with my love for one week, for you see, she said she has to go abroad soon."

"Oh she's going abroad? May I ask when?" Diablo asked.

"She said, less than a month," Maladdor replied.

"One month." Diablo squinted his eyes and tilted his head " You should give her white chocolate. If I'm correct, it means delicate and artistic."

"You shouldn't underestimate me dear rose. I know what you mean. I already prepared the best white event for her. White chocolate, white cake, white everything! It will be better and grander than this small and plain ugly red police station," Maladdor sneered.

Diablo's eyebrows furrowed, but his smile remained, "Seems like you really love her."

"I do. She's my whole world!" Maladdor grinned.

Diablo nodded, then took a deep breath, "Ok then. That's really all I wanted to ask. So now, may I ask you to explain what you want to say regarding the incident at your bar? Oh and please include how you met your friend and how you got the bar."

Maladdor's smile faded away, "Hmm. Well it went like this. "

They exchanged information about what each of them knew. It did not take long before they came to a conclusion that nothing deviated from the normal.

Diablo looked at the clock, "Well, that's everything. Thank you for your time Mr. Maladdor.

Maladdor smiled, "No, thank you. I don't always get to talk about my belladonna."

They bade each other goodbye and left the interrogation room.

Diablo let Maladdor leave before him, then Diablo left next. A small trace of dark smoke deposited into the lower part of Diablo's trench coat before he exited the door closed behind him. Diablo asked one of the officers to escort Maladdor out of the police station.

"He had a cute necklace." Diablo said, as Maladdor left.

Diablo asked Diego for his notebook and pen. And started scribbling on it. He tore off the page and went to Grey's office, Diego followed after.

Diego opened the door for the two of them and jumped as Grey greeted them.

Grey interlocked his fingers together, "So we meet again."

"We came to deliver a masterpiece."

Diablo handed a folded piece of paper to Grey and the duo left his office.

Grey thought to himself, "I really don't understand the way those two work. Especially that Diablo."

He chuckled while unfolding the paper. He stared for a while and chuckled again. He held the unfolded paper, suspended, and let it go towards a trash bin. The paper swayed and fell bit by bit till it landed in the bin.

The paper revealed a closed up drawing of a necklace. With two words camouflaged.

The two words read,

"I agree."