


CipherMikz · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Case 4: An Inconvenient Dream

Nearing the gate of the eye-catching mansion, Catter drove all of them a fast, yet slow and steady drive. Once they reached the entrance, the discoloured gate opened by itself. Although sluggish, the dramatic effect made for a great result. Its ear-shattering creaks echoed through the estate, reminding its owners of its need for its yearly precious oil coating.

Catter drove through the long, rocky driveway of the mansion as the gate creaked, unhurried in its job of closing itself. The trio passed by the estate's trees, some with cherry-red apples, others with gorgeous pink to red flowers, and the rest with just their emerald green leaves, blooming with life. Catter tried their best to not interrupt the grass that glistened from dew. They went on through the lamp-lit driveway, radiating white glitter and snow, sparkling in the light the lamp emitted. And at long last, they arrived at the garage.

Diablo, who saw some of the charms of the home throughout passing the driveway, put the back of his hand to his mouth and yawned. He shook his partner with the strength he could muster at the time for he knew the strength he had left probably could not wake him up enough. The corner of Diego's mouth curved upwards, eyes still closed.

"Mmmmmmgh," Diego grumbled.

"We're here," Diablo said, his voice half air and half sound.

Diego grumbled once more before he opened his eyes, his sclera already gone almost pink. In a daze, he unbuckled a non-existent seatbelt, went over to Diablo's side and unbuckled his partner's non-existent seatbelt. Diego stared at Diablo, heavy-eyed, sluggish when blinking.

"Aww, that means I'm taking care of a big baby tonight." Diablo furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait a minute."

"I'll take care of the house while you two prepare yourselves," Catter whispered.

"Thanks Catter," Diablo whispered back.

Catter opened the doors of their silver car. Diablo got down while a sluggish Diego stepped on the rocky driveway with great difficulty. Diablo went around the front of the car and flicked his finger to Diego's chest. A surge of lightning passed through Diego's body. He opened his mouth as he gasped for air. His chest raised, his eyes widened, he looked towards his partner and let out a sigh of relief.

Diablo gave a weak smile, "Shall we go then?"

Diego nodded, and the two walked towards the entrance. The silver car closed its doors and drove itself to the side of the mansion, where the garage and other cars rested.

The titanic mansion gazed upon whoever set foot inside the estate. Different colours, styles of art, and a few embellishments decorated the different parts of the mansion. Each colour represented which part of the mansion belonged to which rose. From the crimson blades of Rosanna, to the mini yellow diamond golems of Celestine, with only a few parts of the mansion being a simple grey colour that all eleven of the roses use as common rooms.

Fun fact. Sometimes, the roses think the mansion itself mayhaps be a sentient being. For it always made ways to help all eleven of them. But it only seemed that way after one incident happened at the estate. An event that no one, not even the roses, wanted to talk about.

The duo took the stairs to the main entrance, 10 steps to be exact. Diablo looked at both of the two long ramps at the side of the stairs. He grumbled as he faced the entrance while taking the stairs. The massive umber-brown door looked over the duo whenever they passed by. With Diablo silent, the door stared at the two roses without any eyes.

Whenever the door opened, it sent a gust of cold air out into the world. With the two roses standing side-by-side, the door opened. Diablo took a few steps and positioned himself between the door and Diego. Intercepting the chilling wind. Chills ran down Diego's spine while Diablo just stood there unaffected.

"Mmm," Diego grumbled.

"Welcome. But I'm still five-inches too short to protect you from that. Not to mention my small build." Diablo replied.

Diego patted his small partner's cute-sized head and the door closed as the two took a few steps in the mansion. The lights turned on and the duo continued walking to their destination. They passed by the foyer, brightly lit with the enormous chandelier.

Diablo looked at the chandelier, "That is a safety hazard, no matter how gorgeous it looks."

Through the hallway, decorated with ornaments and peculiar objects only rich people have.

Diablo scrunched his eyebrows "Remind me again, why does this mansion look like a palace?"

Up three flights of stairs. There's nothing special to it. I'm sorry there's not much description about it.

"I empathize with the guy who said his old enemy is stairs," Diablo said, catching his breath.

Towards their room at the end of one of the halls.

"Diego!" Diablo whimpers. "I'm dying. Please, carry me!"

He would have done it, but they were already at the door of their room. Diego opened the door and the lights of every room automatically turned on. First, the central light in the middle of their living room. Next, the two lights in the bathroom. Diego prepped the hot tub as he went there. Then, the three lights in their walk-in closet. And finally the five lights in their bedroom.

Diablo went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and got into the shower, Diego already two steps ahead of him. The dark, smoky quartz walls bordered by gorgeous black diamond beams partnered with the rough, dark moonstone floor of the shower went perfect with Diablo's personal colour scheme preference. Diego went inside the shower, from the hot tub, and placed his hand on Diablo's shoulder.

Diablo looked back, "No."

Diego grabbed Diablo's wrist and dragged him to the hot tub. Placing them in their usual positioning, with Diablo at the front and Diego not far behind.

"You know I hate hot baths. I was perfectly fine being drenched in that icy cold water. I missed the rain!" Diablo exclaimed. "Besides, this tub is too small. And you're so big. You're taking up so much space."

Diego looks at the bath tub that could fit four king sized beds. A corner of his mouth curved upwards and an eyebrow raised. He wrapped Diablo around his arms and nestled his chin on his partner's shoulders. He stared forward into the abyss of the bathroom wall.

Diablo let out a deep sigh, "Ok, ok. I know you just want to be together. I want to too — BUT THAT DOESN'T EXCUSE YOU FROM DENYING ME OF MY SWEET, COLD SHOWER!"

Diego snarks and Diablo huffs.

Diablo whispered, "Thank you though. For everything. We've been together for so long, I don't think I can even function properly without you. I don't want to be so dependent, and we're not. We rely on each other, but not to the point of exhaustion or parasitism or something just—"

Diego patted his partner's head and Diablo stared longingly into the water. Seeing the sky blue bathtub and the white foam bubbles, a corner on each of their mouths curved upwards. The thought of recreating the sky in their bathtub felt impossible, and yet, it became possible.

They got out and got dressed, and went to bed without switching any of the lights off.

Diego took out a bag of salted chips in one of the bed drawers. Diablo nags about how he shouldn't because falling asleep becomes difficult when recently eaten. Diego chuckled and both of their eyes grew heavy. They went to sleep, blinding lights on, and shadows at bay.

Diablo saw a small child with blue hair and eyes. He blinked, they played hide and seek. Then everything went pitch black. He blinked again, he heard screaming, like that of a child. He blinked again, the small boy with blue eyes screamed "run!" while he had a silver collar on. Then he saw a big, black shadow appear behind him. But before he could react, he felt his heart get tickled. He woke up, sweating.

Diablo's face, neck, and body, all drenched in sweat. His eyes, pitch-black, tore up. Tears ran down his face while lying down. He saw the same person with blue hair right in front of him, tears falling down the blue-haired person's face as well. Only this time, that person grew up to be a splendid man.

Diego, tears still falling down his cheek, pressed Diablo against his chest. Humming.

"I — m — here," Diego said in his husky voice.

"I dreamt about it again. The black shadow behind you, the silver collar he put on you. You, screaming 'run'. All of it. ALL OF IT. AGAIN!" Diablo screamed.

More tears fell down Diablo's face, his pitch black-eyes turned to its original midnight-black eyes once more. Both their cheeks that have not tasted salt water in years, now drenched in the very thing it used to be coated in, everyday.

"I'm — here —" Diego muttered.


My brain won't work. Avoiding to-be verbs and the occasional adverbs, making sure all are in the correct tense, past tense. And the most difficult part is NOT GETTING DIABLO AND DIEGO MIXED UP CAUSE THEIR NAMES ARE SLIGHTLY SIMILAR. GAHD THE AMOUNT OF TIMES DIEGO SPOKE A LOT OF WORDS CONFUZZLES ME.

But, I hope everything is correct. Punctuation and everything.

I still don't think this chapter is dark and solemn enough though. What do you guys think?

CipherMikzcreators' thoughts