
It's Saul Goodman

It's Saul Goodman


The waiting room was full of shady characters, tattooed Cholos and racist bikers with swastikas. Middle aged ladies with crying babies on their hip and old men with potbellies ogling the young girls who were smoking like a chimney. It was quite the collection of people here.

"Alright, next is Mr. Pinkman." The receptionist called out.

I stood up and said, "That's me."

"You can go right in, Mr. Goodman will be waiting for you." I picked up my bag and went into Saul Goodman's office. I entered the room and Saul Goodman looked exactly like a young Bob Odenkirk. He was busy talking to someone in his Bluetooth headset.

Huh Forgot how popular those were back in the old days.

"How many times have I told you Rico? Don't tell them anything…look I got a client I'll call you later. Sit down…. Mr.…. Pinkman, huh that's a weird name but let's forget about all that, please sit down and tell me how I can help you."

I sat down on the visitor's chair and put my bag down on the floor.

"So yeah, Mr. Pinkman, how can I be of service to you?"

"If I hire you do I have attorney-client privilege?" I had to ask and confirm once. I knew that he wasn't going to rat on me, but I had to be careful.

"Huh…yeah but before that I need to know-"


"This is 20,000 dollars for your silence. I'll pay you sixty more if you can help me get in contact with someone."

He looked at the fat stack with greedy eyes, he gulped and said, "I think that can be arranged…. who do you have in mind?"

"I know that you have contacts in the criminal world. I know you do, so don't even think of denying it. The person I want is a high-level methamphetamine distributor, someone who's quiet and has business acumen. I don't care if you don't know them directly, just get me in the room with them and I'll pay you the remaining sixty thousand. How does that sound?"

"Uh...." He was still in shock.

"Oh yeah I forgot."


"This is a pound of my product, I'm sure you know the blue stuff flooding the market! My partner and I are the ones making that. This pound is a sample. Give it to them and my contact." I passed him a slip with my phone number on it.

He read the slip and looked at me like he was seeing a ghost.

"We have a deal?" I ask him.

"Are you with the DEA?.....No, I'm not going to jeopardise my-"

"Do I look like I work for the DEA?"

".....Fair point."

"My partner's name is Heisenberg; you might have heard about him."

He didn't say anything, his eyes solely on the money.

"Look if you don't want to help me, then don't. You can take the 20,000 and never see me ever again but if you want 60 grand more then set up a meeting with a distributor and give me a call."

I grabbed the empty bag and got up to leave.

"Mr. Pinkman….i won't promise you anything. The best I can do is to try." He grabbed the money and the plastic bag containing the meth.

"That's all I'm asking you to do Mr. Goodman."

I left his office and got back into my car. If everything went well then he would contact Mike Ehrmantraut and give him the sample. He would give it to Gustavo Fring, who would have it tested by Gale Boetticher. The sample impresses him so much that he insists he meet the man responsible for creating it.

In other words, you have the entire third season of Breaking Bad. This time though I won't get in the way.

Since my friend Combo isn't shot and since I no longer plan to stay in the business, I have no interest in watching this trainwreck happen.

By the end of this year, I'll have laundered all of my money and moved out of New Mexico.

The bad news is that now all I had was $2,000. I gave all my money to Goodman.

He better come through!


I parked the car in the driveway. "Nice car." Jane commented from the porch.

I don't know why but seeing her sitting there perched like a cat put a smile on my face.

I exited the car and said with a giant grin, "Well it's not a lady killer but….it works." I shrugged.

She giggled; my heart fluttered.

"Whatcha doin there? Drawing?" i couldn't help myself from asking.

"Yeah…I draw in my free time. Why? You got a problem with that Mr. Pinkman?"

I let out a small laugh and said, "No ma'am I'm just your tenant. I pay the rent and you let me stay at your home. Oh…and here's the rent for the next month."

She looked amused, "A bit early for that isn't it?"

"I don't know why but every time I see you I end up paying money to you."

"Huh weird." She said with a smile.

We didn't say anything for a few seconds but then started bursting out with laughter.

I didn't want to be involved with her, I knew that I was bad for her and needed to stay the hell away but there was something special about her, something magnetic.

"I'll be on my way then!" I didn't want to be the reason she relapsed. I didn't want to be the reason why she died.

YeahYeah, that's right, I need to mind my own business.

"Oh…okay." She didn't have a smile on her face anymore. Believe me, at that moment I wanted nothing more than to talk to her for hours on end.


I grabbed my phone from my pocket to check to see who it was.

It couldn't be Goodman, it's way too soon for him to call me!

I was proven right when the words 'Mr. White' flashed.

Geez what does he want now?

"Have to take this one, I'll be on my way." I excused myself from Jane's presence and entered my house to answer the call,

"Yo Mr. White what's up?"

"Jesse…did you get in contact with the distributor?"

"Nope, not yet anyways. These things take time Mr. White, don't worry though I think we'll get a meeting within a week."

"We?" He asked.

"Why? You don't want to come…I mean that's okay too but like I said before I don't plan on cooking anymore. So if you want to cook your own."

"I…see. So, you're serious about leaving."


I went to the shelf and grabbed some cereal. I poured some milk in a bowl and indulged myself in some light breakfast.

"So, when do we get the meeting with the distributor?"

I spoke with food in my mouth,

"Probably this week. The product is solid, so the guy should give us the chance. It's ours to mess up. A high-level player like that completely insulates us from the street so it's way safer than relying on my guys."

"Okay...how have you been?"

"Great actually. The new home's coming together."

"New home?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you? I moved. Well actually my parents kicked me out. They wanted to sell my aunt's home or something."

"Are you okay? I mean financially."

"Why? You gonna help me?" I said with a laugh. He was dead silent.

"Look Mr. White, I'm a grown ass man I don't need your help okay. Once this deal goes through we're gonna say sayonara and part our ways. You can be with your family and I can move away from here."

Again, nothing but silence. Someone knocked on my door.

"Alright then Mr. White gotta go, someone's at my door."

"Jesse-" I cut the call before he could finish.

Shit now I have to call him back to apologise!

I walked up to the door and opened it. It was Jane. She said with her dark smoky eyes,

"I was wondering if you had any coffee?"

At that moment I knew no matter how much I ran away and denied myself, no matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise it wouldn't work. I had to face reality; I was in love.

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