
Black Castle

"One more Master!" Hope screamed as all 6 of us were trying to put the reactor together, "Last one! Do not give up!" Putting in all our energy into the rounded ball that was floating, it began to shine. "More!" I shouted while veins popped on my head.

SHING! CRACK! The ball turned into different colors over and over again before falling. "ZEUS CAGE!" Klaus shouted as he was sweating and breathing hard as he sat on the ground.

Zing! A lightning cage covering 1x1 km was created allowing the ball to float again. "Time to code this!" I smiled while my fingers and mind was focused on creating this masterpiece. A million numbers, a million words and it kept going.

Hours passed and all the systems were back to standing, Zeus was already going out of power as the cage began flickering every second electricity, losing control but he did a good job.

'Save and Apply!'

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The ball tried to resist it but the code was slowly entering it. "WORK!" I Shouted as all of my aura began piercing the ball. The mightiest world defying transportation vehicle is in the process of becoming real… "Please… Work" Lara closed her eyes as she fell in a prayer pose.

"It will work! It will be successful!" Myah standing straight her eyes shone and green mist gathered around her.

Robert was silent, both his hands were on his daggers.

Crack! The ball finally cracked, all types of elements began to leak outside, the metallic body of the ball fell… "We did it"

[Congratulations Blacksmith has been upgraded to B]

[Congratulations you have created Grade SSS Black Castle]

A wisp of light was floating around me, I smiled as I looked at it. A way to travel, inside a luxurious castle. "Thank you for creating me Master" A shy girls voice came out of the wisp of light. "No problem, let me introduce you first to your companions, follow me" I left the workshop and walked towards the tavern, it was packed, on my way I saw Asura and Yama fighting each other.

"Ace!" Emma jumped when I entered and ran to me before hugging me. Rain and Viktor followed by Sophie and Henry. "Hey! Haha, let me introduce you to a new companion, Black Castle come out" I laughed as I introduced them to the wisp of light aka Black Castle.

The mood was great, Ele and Rag were serving us Ale, while Asura and Yama were still fighting outside. After a few hours, the kids were sent to sleep while Kate followed them back, Emma was still sitting next to me smiling. Johnson and Isoc were drinking peacefully on the side but Johnson looks different.

"Ace, how about we adopt Rain and Viktor?" Emma looked at me pitifully, I smiled while my hands were on her shoulder, "Can you take care of them?".

Emma nodded "I can, I will do what I can, they went through a lot already".

"Then wait until we get married, it would be best at that time, ok?" I said to Emma before giving her a kiss on the head and standing. "I need to leave now, we will meet after a few months"

"Ok, take care" Emma face changed. I nodded and walked outside, Johnson followed. "Take this" I threw a plastic bag to Johnson, "What is this?", he asked as he followed. "Go back to your home, wash up and wear this before coming to the runway".

Splitting up with Johnson, I saw Asura and Yama sitting together. I went towards them and smiled, "It has been a while Yama". Asura laughed and Yama looked angry "Hmph, going without any 'Hey can you come with us?' and not only that, you take this weakling with you?".

"Haha! Well, He and I are one" I replied, Yama smiled with his bull face "Hmph, the game you planned is good"

"It is good but that's not the purpose… Asura you better not speak or I will beat you up" I reprimanded Asura while joking around.

The chat went for an hour before I left to the runway after saying my farewell to everyone else, "Take care Master and here is the card you requested" Hope said his farewell while he gave me the system card.

I nodded and reached the runway, Johnson was standing there wearing a black hood. I changed my equipment into a hooded set too. "Black Castle, Open"

The wisp of light following me changed into a door. I opened the door and entered it followed by Johnson, we entered the throne room and I took my seat at the largest throne in the middle. "Take us to India, Narkanda", I said as it vibrates within the throne room. "Yes, Master".

Johnson Took a seat at the dining table, I looked at him and said calmly "Forget about revenge, we will meet your family in style… but not now, now we watch the horizon as we reach world masters of combat"

Johnson nodded and stayed silent, the wisp of light floated for a few minutes before we reached a snowy mountain. A long trip shortened with this transportation method, "Stop at the bottom of the mountain."

A door appeared at the same place it was before, "Johnson, follow me and do not ask anything no matter what", Johnson nodded before leaving with me. "Master, I will enter your body until you finish". I nodded and before leaving the door and appearing in the bottom of the mountain.

We began to walk upwards, it was a rough walk but we didn't stop. Hours spent walking, Johnson body was already over the limit but I didn't allow him to rest. After 7 hours of walking, we finally reached a large door in the middle of the mountain. I maintained my speed to Johnson which is the reason we weren't fast.

Standing near the Gate, two men wearing a white robe stopped us. They began to speak Urdu but I ignored them and touched the gate with my finger before it was opened. "Haa!" Both the white-robed men jumped at me but they broke their legs in the process. "Johnson, follow".

Entering through the opened gate, a large training ground was in the middle of the place. Johnson followed without asking and noticed how every person that jumped at me was falling on the ground. The bodies began piling but they weren't dead, I didn't come here to kill.

Several large men began running from the training ground to attack me, I took my stance and broke both their arms without making it serious. Keeping my stance I walked to the middle of the training ground and stood there.

"Welcome," An old lady came from one of the small huts near the walls of the training ground. She walked on the snow without leaving footprints, "May I know who is the guest visiting?" She smiled as she reached the training ground. I nodded but kept my stance "Fight first, we talk after" my voice was cold as I said that.

"Ho, seems like this guest needs to be taught a lesson" The old lady became serious and disappeared from her place before appearing in front of me.

My face behind the hood was smiling, "Bring it on!" The black aura burst out.

“If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind.”

― Shannon L. Alder

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