This is an entire rewrite of the Boruto plot line. First of all, I hate the Boruto anime. I hate so many things about it, from nerfing the original characters to the family-friendly bullshit fillers. So I decided to write a Boruto plot line of my own. I’m not the best story writer but i’ll try. - This will not follow the current story line at all. - Most characters will have entirely different personalities and background. - Will be implementing a semi-original type of power that will makes sense in the naruto universe (won’t be shown for a while) - The Otsutsuki will still be present since Kaguya existed… but they will be changed to be less boring. - etc… If you enjoy the current Boruto story, this probably won’t be to your liking. Tell me what you hate about Boruto, and i’ll see if i can implement changes to the story regarding it. Also, i’m clueless on love interests so tell me that too. harem? i don’t know. we will see.