
BSNW CH 063 Rivals of the Future

In a Forest that barely allowed a few rays of light to seep through its gaps, a cacophony of weapons clashing and shouting of people echoed. The intensity of the fight even scared away all the normal residents of the forests, as if warning them against the walking calamities that were roaming in the forests.

Klingg … Kabaang … fttinng… Baddoommmm … Crassshhh..

Among these clashes, suddenly a person was thrown out like a bag of trash . He went crashing into the forest trees, breaking through quite a few branches before he fell down to the ground.

"Ah .. hell-- (pui . pui .. puuagh). I almost puked out my guts… That kid never kids around or holds back his punches does he.." A man with a wide variety of scars on his face rose up.

As that man went back to the clearing in the forest where the fighting was taking place, he was greeted with a sight of various thug like men sprawled around on the clearing , all with varying states of injuries and unconsciousness.

"Oi Oi Oi… who would believe it has only been a few months since this guy joined our gang and he has already surpassed everyone? … Ok … You win.. What do you want?"

The man turned towards the perpetrator of all this violence , a young kid looking around 6-7 years of age, and asked.

"Nothing . I just want to leave the gang and roam the world!" Came the answer from the mouth of the black haired blue eyed boy with face that could be called the brand ambassador of impassivity.

"Ok fine. But please just heal these guys up, for good old times sake ? You are the best among us in healing arts right?"

"I don't know which good times you are talking about since all we are is a bunch of thugs that rob… But it is fine … you guys were decent sparring partners to get my bearing in this new world so I guess I will oblige.. 'Mass-Heal !!' "

With a single gesture and a hand-seal, a fog of chakra descended upon the injured people and they started recovering at a fast pace.

The man who had requested this , bowed down to the boy who was departing and said with a voice filled with respect, "Thank you for this favor, and I hope you have a wonderful life ahead.. Ikari Jihino!"

The boy merely nodded before disappearing into the forest.


In the Hidden Leaf, Hyuga Compound

Hinata's mother was in labour with Hinata's younger sibling and there were many close friends of Hinata and Hiashi and Hizashi Hyuga present in the Hyuga compound. Mostly it was Hinata's close friends Naruto , Ino , Sakura , Choji , Shikamaru who were there to support her.

Jun was there with his newly adopted sister Chino. He had Finally started his own Kigen Clan, despite many protests from Yoshino and Shikaku. Yoshino and Shikaku finally had to give in when he said that it was not because he didn't consider them as his parents , but because he had to provide a good environment for his new sister. Chino had a slight trauma because of what she had undergone with her clan , Therefore instead of her becoming head of her own Chinoike clan Jun persuaded her to join the village as a member of his clan.

His Kigen clan didn't have a set basis for Bloodline inheritance , so he and the Hokage decided to classify Chino's bloodline as a variant type like Jun's own. For the past two weeks Jun had been taking care of Chino and because of his mature disposition he had become somewhat of her guardian. Despite physically being of the same age, Chino regarded him like the elder brother she never had and had placed him as the only close confidant in her closed off world , Just them both against the world.

Back in Hyuga Mansion, Cries of a woman in distress was echoing softly , getting weaker by the minute. At that moment , a maid ran out of the room and said something to Hiashi. Seeing his face get paler by the moment, Jun decided to intervene.

"Excuse me Hiashi sama, is everything alright ? "

Hiashi looked at Jun, first impulse was to brush him off like a child he looked. But at the next moment he shook off the false image he had in his mind. He had realized long ago that this child was not normal, and from what Hokage had told him this child could become the next Sage and the pillar of the village like the late Fourth Hokage.

Hiashi took Jun aside and spoke in a soft voice , "I was just informed that there were a few complexities during the childbirth. There is a high chance that either Hinata's mother or her sibling or possibly both can die during the childbirth due to the complications. My Wife is losing her vitality fast as hence I was told to be in her last moments with her."

Jun was shocked by the composure Hiashi showed despite the grief, but then he realized the cruelty of the ninja world. Losing too much makes you somewhat numb to all of it , this was especially true of the Hyuga house where they had the system of the 'Curse Mark Jutsu' which Jun slightly detested. Hinata was a wonder in herself as she managed to keep her innocence and kindness despite being in such environment. Thinking of her , Jun decided to intervene.

"Hiashi sama , I have a proposal for you. I can try and intervene in this and try to save your wife , if you give me permission. My ability as a Sage may be of help to her in regaining her vitality and saving her and her child's life."

Hiashi was shocked but soon regained his composure , "…What will be your price ?"

"Nothing . Except if you count the friendship between our 'Clans' as a price. I want Hyuga and Kigen to have a friendly relationship from now on , no matter how much politics the village or other clan may drag the Kigen into in future . Is that possible ? "

Hiashi thought for a while before agreeing. This was a pretty small thing to agree to when compared to his wife and another potential heir which was being born.

After Hiashi agreed, Jun left Chino in his care and went in to see Hinata's mother. He found her surrounded by a few medics and nurses and even women from Hyuga clan who were using their Byakugan to keep an eye on her detoriating condition while encouraging her to fight on .

Telling them all of Hiashi's permission, Jun started treating her with his Nature Energy based healing technique mixed with Yang energy which had recently gained proficiency in to restore her vitality. He stimulated her consciousness with Yin energy to keep her conscious.

Finally after 3 hours of constant efforts She became stable enough to try another attempt. Jun asked the other women in there to help her while he stabilized her.

Soon, a soft cry of a baby girl echoed from the room. Hiashi who had been waiting so long for the very moment , rushed in and seeing both mother and child safe left a single unchecked tear of joy to run down his face before nodding to Jun gratefully and taking his newborn daughter in his arms.

After a while of pleasantries and congratulations, Jun and Chino went back to their small yet well furnished bungalow which Jun had purchased with the money he had gotten from the Hokage as Loan to create his own clan. Reaching their home, Chino asked Jun for the first time about his own history

"What happened to your mother , Oni san ?"

"Well , I was an orphan too Chino , I was raised up in Nara clan due to instructions of the Hokage because of my special prowess and circumstances. Until I met you, Yoshino san raised me like her own son , Shikamaru. We grew up like brothers with no difference in our treatment."

"But now I have you to look after like I promised with your dad , so I decided to make my own clan . Even if a different clan is made , they can still take people unrelated to Clan under their wing as part of the Clan, like I was under the Nara for these years. So Chino is my sister now and part of the Kigen clan. Anyone who wants to harm you will have to first go through me . So don't be afraid okay ? I will be there for you always"

"Un!!" Chino replied happily.

Hello Guys

This novel's third volume was made to undergo a major refining and editing by me because I recently lost my laptop and along with it a ton of unedited chapters and supporting material

So based on comments of readers modified the story to major level

Hope you guys enjoy it !

NiksElDragocreators' thoughts
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