
Bondrewd, a new beginning

What we know about Bondrewd from the epic "Created in the Abyss" - scientist, genius, "father of the year" and a lot of positive and not so positive qualities. Making this character extremely curious against the background of crowds of schoolchildren and other characters as bland as cardboard. After another "successful" experiment "Lord of Dawn" died, this time finally, and got into a new world, with a clear goal - to save the world, Will Bondrewd be able to save the world, will his attitude to life change, will he get a harem... maybe yes, maybe no. Read it and give me feedback. Postscriptum: this is the author's first work, so don't hit me, at least not hard.

DaoDasin · Tranh châm biếm
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45 Chs

We shall see about that

 They arrived at the temple rather quickly, the coachman driving like a madman, scaring away pedestrians and other carriages. After banging their arse on every corner, they finally arrived. They saw a massive stone building in the shape of a large spire, at the entrance of which stood an old man in a white robe chanting mantras in an incomprehensible language. As Bondrewd approached, he stopped the improvised liturgy and addressed the travellers.

"What brings you here, warrior?" The local watchman asked in a deliberately pathetic tone, eyeing the newcomers with distrust.

"I need to get inside." Without further ado, the Lord of Dawn told him.

"Two gold coins for two." The watchman said emotionlessly, staring into the void.

"Robbery in broad daylight." Dick, unable to contain his anger, shouted across the street, and he didn't think to shut up. "For that money I could drink in this town for two months and not deny myself anything!" Dick looked angrily at the insolent gatekeeper, his hand instinctively reaching for his blade, the former bandit was eager to put his new blade to work.

"You may be right, but until you pay, you can't get in. Minor is the god of kindness, and I can assure you that all this money will be spent on charity and helping the disadvantaged." The gatekeeper read his mind and said, as if he had read his thoughts, "Why is it so expensive, you weasel?

"Don't be pompous, gentlemen, the whole town knows what a lot of gold the royal family has given you for your exploits, and we are all grateful for your heroism, but times are not calm, so please do your part and help those in need."

"You're taking me for a sucker, or I don't understand something, as far as I remember everyone donated as much as they could, or you bastard decided to pocket the money for yourself." Dick was boiling as well as a kettle that had been shoved into the fire, the bandit's hand was already clutching the hilt of his blade, Dick was about to rush at the insolent gatekeeper, but Bondrewd suddenly raised his hand to block his way.

"Calm down, we'll make a donation," said Bondrewd calmly, he did not strain the situation.

"Bondrewd, what the fuck, if we bend now, every man we meet will feel it his duty and sacred obligation to screw us for money."

"Dick, shut up, I ain't got time for squabbling, and as for reputation," Bondrewd turned his gaze on the gatekeeper, his gaze could have sizzled a whole regiment, but the gatekeeper didn't even move. "I think our friend will keep his mouth shut."

The lord took out two gold coins and handed them to the gatekeeper, who nodded silently and made way. The men stepped inside the massive structure. Inside they smelled of incense, and the modestly furnished room was spiritually adorned with a choir, except that Bondrewd could not make out where it was, the sound was coming from all directions. 

A rather pretty girl in the white vestments of a nun came out to meet them, the lady bowed politely and asked them to follow her. The men walked along the length of the hall, passing by innumerable altars and the pulpit, where an old man in a funny cone-shaped hat was speaking; the crowd surrounded him with a solid wall and listened to every word of the preacher without making a sound.

Dick eyed the crowd and the preacher with distrust, and there was a look of squeamishness in his eyes that was not unnoticed by Bondrewd. "I wonder if Dick doesn't like churchmen, and I'll ask him why, and see if I can find out anything useful," Lord Bondrewd thought to himself.

The girl led them into a narrow corridor, it looked incredibly poor, with small square windows cut into the massive stone walls, the light from which could hardly cope with the illumination. But not noticing the semi darkness the girl moved rather quickly towards its end.

"Please Lord Bondrewd, unfortunately your squire will have to stay here," Dick was about to start a scandal again, but Bondrewd foresaw his reaction and pointed him to the bench in front of the door. The Lord himself, opened the door and slipped inside, to the furious glare of his squire.

The room he entered was small in itself, but the ceilings were unimaginable, or rather they were not visible at all, even though there was a huge stained-glass window depicting a battle between a man and a demon.

The lord came closer to him, and then his sense of danger set off an alarm, Bondrewd frantically shook his head trying to find the cause of his alarm, but in vain, but suddenly something changed, the sound disappeared, as if someone had switched it off on a toggle switch, and light began to pour from the ceiling, literally pour, it was something like a water stream, a mass of light accumulated under the ceiling and shimmering like sea waves, filled his entire space.

"Why have you come?" A thundering voice interrupted the dead silence, it came from the sea of light, leaving no chance to mistake who was in front of you.

"You Minor summoned me to talk to you." Bondrewd replied calmly.

"Ah... Yes, you must be Bondrewd I thought you'd be taller! Audita described you as a huge monster capable of slaying a dragon with a single glance and tearing down a fortress wall with a fart, but I'm looking at some wretch."

"Appearances can be deceiving, but let's skip the pleasantries, tell me why you called me, or I'll fart and there won't even be ruins of your temple. - "I'll have to talk to Audita about my representation." Bondrewd thought to himself.

"AHHAAAH." The thunderous laughter of the deity filled the room, "And I like you alien from another world. Come on, I've got something to offer you." Minor's voice died down, probably, seeing who was in front of him, he decided that unnecessary theatricality was unnecessary.

"How do you feel about Avitus?" The deity asked, "The conversation has already started and I don't like where he's going with it."

"He's a brave man, but I can't tell about his managerial talents yet, there's too little data." The sea of light, stirred, raising small waves, but Minor continued.

"What if I told you that he's hiding a terrible secret."

"And I can guess what it is," Bondrewd tried to speak detachedly, though he realised where this conversation was leading. "You are talking about the death of his brother and the disappearance of his son, the future king."

"Yes," the voice was surprised, "I see you like to dig into other people's dirty laundry."

"No, but as a man of science, I appreciate any information, and as for the laundry, it's not that dirty. You can tell me what you want from me. I don't have time for distracted conversations."

The ocean of light swirled with even greater vigour, Minor was clearly unhappy with the neglect he was receiving.

"Restore justice, oust Avitus" that scoundrel and scum, I will organise support for you, my followers will readily support such a just beginning. 

Bondrewd expected such a thing, but such insolence, Minor is clearly trying to draw him into his game, the Lord looked up, "Judging by the churning of the ocean, if I refuse he won't just let me go, but civil war is not in my plans."

"I think I will refuse, I have no credible evidence that Avitus has ordered his brother and heir, it is too early for active action."

"You have my word, isn't that enough!" The ocean screamed and plaster fell from the walls in hail.

"No, your word is just another opinion, one of many."

"How dare you, you miserable mortal, you fucking lowlife, a real God is speaking to you, and you dare turn your nose up at my generous offer."

"I don't like to be dragged into games whose rules I don't understand, so let me take my leave." Bondrewd finished speaking and turned towards the exit, but there was one problem: he was not there, the massive oak door was now replaced by a bare wall.

"Did you think I'd let you go so easily, you're in my domain idiot, there's nothing holding back my powers here, and I'm asking you one last time to change your mind."

The lord of dawn looked tiredly at the ceiling and answer. "Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!" Minor shouted, and from the depths of the seething ocean of light emerged a figure in golden armour with two wings of fire behind it. The creature stretched out its arm and a spear flew out of the sea on the ceiling at the speed of a bullet, piercing the stone floor for a good half metre. The Avatar grabbed the shaft and in one motion ripped his weapon out of the masonry, tearing a good square metre of stone from the floor. 

"Whether you like it or not, the plan is set in motion, I will restore justice, and you will die and fall into endless darkness." The voice came from the avatar's helmet, as he spoke he pointed his spear towards Bondrewd.

"We'll see about that."