
Chapter 137: Star Landing

"Thank you for accompanying me All Might. It's always nice to talk to you again." Izuku and All Might were currently in the back of a car(one with a very large roof to accommodate his size), waiting outside the airport.

"No issue Young Midoriya, I'm quite eager to see Cassy again after all this time." All Might said in response. "Besides, I'm never too busy to help safeguard a child!"

"Speaking of children, have you given any thought to my offer?" Izuku asked him, his tone becoming serious as he shifted the conversation.

"Ah, quite a bit actually." All Might sighed "However I can't say I've come to a proper conclusion."

"I can understand your hesitation, but I assure you there's no risk of Eri doing anything bad to you," Izuku assured him. "She used her quirk a lot during the villain attack, and she had complete control thanks to Shina."

"It's not so much a matter of her control issue, rather I'm concerned about how little we know about Eri's quirk itself." All Might explained. "I have no doubts it could revert me back to a healthier state, but what if it affects One for All? Or rather the embers left behind by One for All. Can it really recreate a quirk that powerful? Or at least restore my embers back to full power, or keep them at their current power. What if it runs into a similar issue that other reality-bending quirks run into, in that it has a limit to its power? What if it can't recreate One for All's power and just takes away my remaining power, or makes it weaker?"

That caused Izuku to pause for a moment, before looking down, and going into a mutter storm, as he contemplated All Might's suggestion.

"Uh, young Midoriya?" All Might poked Izuku, causing him to flinch out of his mutter storm.

"Oh, sorry." Izuku apologized. "But…you're right, I can't say that's not a risk. If we're not careful, we could reduce your limited time as the symbol of peace to none…but, what if we did it, after your time is over? Like after the embers of One for All die out? If we did it then the worst thing that would happen is you'd be healthy again, just without One for All."

"Hmmm." All Might took a second to ponder that. "That would work."


Izuku's alarm went off, signifying the end of the conversation. "It's time, let's go."


Izuku and All Might had exited the car, and entered the airport, to meet up with the American trio.

Of course, that wasn't actually all that difficult, given that Star and Stripes was a huge amazon woman, surrounded by fans.

The actually difficult part, at least for All Might, was getting to her, through the massive amount of fans surrounding him.

"Star!" All Might called out happily when he spotted the fellow number 1 hero.

"All Might!" Star cried out with equal amounts of enthusiasm.

After spending a couple minutes wading through the fans, All Might and Star finally got face to face.


All Might and Star slammed their hands together and clenched, showing off their ridiculously tight muscles, and causing many women and men to swoon.

"Good to see you again old friend!" All Might chuckled.

"Same to you master! Although I feel sorry about having to rely on you to save my sister a second time." Star replied.

"Nonsense! A hero's job is never done! And helping out someone in need is the definition of a hero's job!" All Might laughed.

"Well put!" Star agreed.

While Star and All Might were talking surrounded by people talking and taking videos, Izuku met with Chole and Alice, who were standing off to the side.

Alice was a small girl. Slightly shorter than average for her age. She had long straight blonde hair that went down to her back, and bright blue, curious eyes, as well as freckles, dotted on her face, similarly to Izuku's. She wore a white and blue dress, with red shoes and a red headband on her hair.

She was currently hiding behind her mother's leg, looking at Izuku curiously.

"Again, I have to thank you for this. I really can't explain how much I appreciate what your doing." Chole said giving Izuku a respectful bow.

"It's my pleasure. After everything you and your sister have done, this is the least I can do." Izuku smiled and extended a handout, which she promptly shook. "Honestly you're saving me too. If I didn't start getting some more help, I'm concerned the paperwork might have killed me before the assassins did."

"Cassy once told me something similar." Chole chuckled, before looking down at her daughter. "Alice dear this is Director Midoriya. He's going to be taking care of us from now on. Make sure to show him proper gratitude."

Alice came out from behind her mother's leg, and gave him a shy bow, before speaking in broken Japanese. "Hello…thank you…very much."

Izuku kneeled down and smiled at her, before speaking back in English. "You're very welcome."

Alice's eyes widened. "You speak English?!"

Izuku nodded. "Yes. So don't be afraid to speak to me in English if you want."

He could see a bit of relief in the young girl's eyes, most likely happy that there was someone else who she could speak comfortably to.

"Well then, shall we get going. From the sound of it, we have a lot of work to do." Chole said, already getting her work face on.

"Are you sure you want to get to work right away? I'd be more than happy to give you a few days to rest, you just got here after going through a horribly nerve-racking experience." Izuku offered. Of course, he'd absolutely love the immediate help, but he wasn't gonna sacrifice his morals for the sake of convenience.

"Honestly I find paperwork rather relaxing," Chole admitted, getting the expected surprised and confused look from Izuku. "Every time, I get that face every time I say that. Is it really that surprising that I enjoy my job?"

"I…well I guess that's good for me then. I don't have to worry about you hating your tasks." Izuku said, awkwardly laughing. "But, if that's the case then we should definitely get going. I really don't want the work to stack up any more than it already has, and we have to introduce Alice to the house."

"Great but…how are we going to get those two out of there?" Chole said, glancing over at All Might and Star.

"Nah I saw this coming, I have ride prepared separately for them," Izuku explained. "I have a feeling they're going to be here for quite some time, so they'll meet up with us later."

"Forward-thinking, I like that. I have a feeling we are going to work just fine together." Chole smiled, feeling confident about the future.


"Huh…it's actually bigger in person," Chole said, as she, Alice, and Izuku looked up at the Midoriya Foundation home.

"Wow," Alice said, looking up with eyes as wide as dinner plates.

"This is where you'll be living from now on," Izuku told them, causing Alice's eyes to somehow get even wider.

"I told you we'd be going to wonderland Alice," Chole said to her daughter playfully. "And here we are."

"Wonderland? That's a high slandered. I'll have to do my best to meet it." Izuku laughed nervously. "Well, let's go inside."


Once they entered the house, Alice started looking around madly, as if trying to scan the entire house.

However, that only lasted for a few seconds, as when they entered the house, they were soon met with the arrival of Nara.

"This is Nara, one of the oldest kids in the house, and she also speaks a bit of English." Izuku normally would have Fu or Kei introduce the kids to the house, but seeing as Nara spoke some English and Fu was busy, she was the better choice in his opinion. "She'll be guiding Alice around the house if that's ok with you."

"Hello. I'll do my best to guide you." Nara said in very sloppy English.

Alice nervously walked up to her, and gave a bow, before speaking in her own broken Japanese. "Hi, I'm Alice."

"Hello Alice, please follow me," Nara said in English, before extending her hand out to her.

Alice paused for a moment, before taking her hand and allowing Nara to take her deeper into the facility.

Chole meanwhile, watched on with a fond smile on her face. "I'll have to thank you again it seems, for being so mindful. I was worried that Alice might not be able to connect to anyone here for a while…just like back in America."

Izuku frowned. "It's because they didn't know what her quirk was for so long…that was the reason the other kids didn't get along with her wasn't it?"

Chole sighed. "Quirkism's not as bad in America as it is in Japan, but it still definitely exists. Especially among children."

"Well, she won't have to worry about that here. No one is alone in this house." Izuku reassured her with a slight smile. "Now, let's go take a look at the paperwork."

"I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as what I had to deal with back in America," Chole said confidently.


"Oh never mind, it's actually pretty close," Chole said, as she entered Izuku's office, and looked at the massive amount of papers stacked everywhere. "This is almost an average day back at the hero firm."

"Really? This much!?" Izuku asked in shock.

"You should have seen what it was like in the early days." Chloe chuckled. "Before Cassy got better at avoiding collateral damage. That was too much even for me."

"Well, in that case, you should find this job much easier. Things are a bit backed up due to some recent…incidents. So this is actually more than usual." Izuku explained.

"Well, then I got here at just the right time," Chole said, before cracking her knuckles. "Let's get to work shall we sir."


"And this is your room," Nara explained in English to Alice, showing off her new room from the doorway.

Alice took a look around. The room was smaller than the one she had in America, but that didn't bother her too much. And of course, it was plain, but that would be fixed once her aunt got there with their luggage.

"Feel free to decorate it, as you please," Nara explained.

Alice opened her mouth to say something when suddenly, she heard something coming up from behind them.

She looked back at the beginning of the hallway, and found a Beowulf, walking through the hall.

"AHHHH!" Alice jumped back into her room, in fear of the nightmarish-looking wolf.

"Oh! Don't fear! It's not evil!" Nara explained quickly, before looking over at the Beowulf, and gesturing for it to come over. "Watch."

The Beowulf walked up to Nara and stood in front of her.

"Sit," Nara ordered, and immediately, the Beowulf sat down. "See. Not evil."

Alice looked at the creature for a second before she started slowly approaching it.

When she finally got about a foot away from it, she slowly started moving her arm towards its head, and pet it.

"See. It's ok." Nara assured her. "They are our friends."

"What…is it?" Alice asked, the fear in her eyes replaced with wonder and curiosity.

"This is…Grimm." Nara said trying to rember the right words. "They are made by Yami's quirk. They are servants and protectors. They do what we ask."

"Really!?" Alice asked, getting so excited she went back to speaking English.

"Um…they won't follow you, right now. Yami has to give you permission, and Yami is not here." Nara explained, causing Alice's expression to fall. "But, I can give them orders, for you."

Once more, Alice's eyes lit up "Can I ride it then!?"

Nara smiled at her adorable enthusiasm. "Sure, it'll keep our feet from getting tired anyway."


Alice was smiling so much her mouth almost hurt, as she and Nara rode atop the Beowulf down the stairs.

"So what is this made of?!" Alice asked excitedly, looking down at the inky black fur of the Beowulf.

"Negative emotions," Nara explained in English. It was really hard to speak in English this much, but she was actually glad. This was a real test of skills. "Yami takes negative emotions, and makes them into monsters."

"Cool." Alice gushed as she started poking and prodding the Beowulf.

Nara giggled. This girl's adorable.

As they were talking, the Beowulf brought them into the cafeteria.

"This is where we eat," Nara explained. "Are you hungry?"

Alice nodded. "Can I have, Japanese food?"

"Ok." Nara nodded. "Beowulf, kitchen."

The Beowulf started walking toward the kitchen.

When they arrived, they opened the door to the kitchen, and found Fuku inside, listening to music with her ear pods, and getting ready to cook some fish she caught earlier.

"Hm, hm…hmmm hmmm." Fuku hummed, as she pulled out some pots and pans, before turning around, and seeing the two girls and Beowulf. "Ahhh!? Wait it's just Nara. Oh, don't scare me like that I almost let out my gas!"

"Gas…?" Alice wondered if she understood that correctly, or if she got her Japanse wrong again.

"Sorry Fuku, I just wanted to make some food for our new friend here," Nara said, before moving slightly to reveal Alice behind her.

"O-Oh," Fuku said, slightly more nervous in the presence of a new person. "U-Um…hi."

"Hi," Alice said back.

"This is Fuku, she's really she so be gentle please," Nara told Alice in English. "But she's really good at cooking."

Nara then turned back to Fuku. "Speaking of which, Fuku could you make us some of whatever you were making."

"U-Um. Ok. I was gonna make some sushi. Are you ok with that?" Fuku asked nervously.

"Yes," Alice answered, understanding the bulk of what she said.

"I'll have some too thanks," Nara said. "Maybe make some for Izuku too, I bet he must be miserable with all that paperwork."


"Ugh. I can't believe we're halfway done!" Izuku collapsed back into his chair.

The progress the two had made was astounding, or rather the progress Chole had made was astounding.

Izuku looked up at Chole at her own desk and noticed that she was completely focused, in a world of her own. Her hands moved faster than Izuku thought possible for a normal human, as she typed stuff on her computer with one hand, and signed papers with the other.

It seemed the Bate sisters were masters in their respective professions.

She really did save me. This is great. Izuku smiled and leaned back. Now I just have to deal with getting Gin here, getting Yami back, creating more Grimm, getting the science division settled, and of course, getting all the children acclimated, and hiring more people, and then things will go back to normal…well at least I don't have to worry about the paperwork so much.

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