

The words that said his sister was gone for good started to crack his mental stability, he had lost his only prized possession. Nothing in all the world's could equate to its value in Ren's heart. His sister was now truly gone, forever in the endless void or perhaps at the service of one of those despicable gods.

[Users Sister is not in the afterlife, after fusion of cores her soul has existed within Users soul since fusion]


[Female Thunder Wolf Soul currently resides within Users Mental World]

'Wait what?'

[As I mentioned before User can enter Mental World to obtain items won in Treasure Roulette]

'Send me now!' Ren was stupefied, his sister's soul had been with him his entire life, trapped and locked away within his own. She had been alone for hundreds of years never to re-join with the rest of their family.

Ren's surroundings shifted once again as he appeared somewhere familiar, tall luscious trees stood packed close together as they walled off a small area. In the centre of the area was a beautiful pond with bright red Lotus' drifting on the surface. The pond itself was no longer it's majestic navy blue but a noble crimson red. What attracted Ren's attention the most was actually a Large Black with a purple tint Wolf, no not just a wolf a Thunder Wolf. Ren looked down at himself and realised he was in his old worlds humanoid form so he began walking towards the wolf.

"Sister? Is that you? I'm s....I'm sorry....I'm Sorry! I'm sorry I let you stay here alone, I killed all the humans in anger and yet here you were all along." Ren approached the wolf staring at the surface of the pond, he felt liquid falling from his eyes once again. Perhaps he hadn't forgotten how to cry he just never had a reason.

The large wolf looked back at Ren and looked into his eyes, it's iris' were a royal purple and enchanted those that looked at them.

Then without hesitation the wolf pounced at Ren, seeing this he held his hands in the air he was prepared to face any punishment she would give to him, he would only smile if he was torn to pieces.

But what he expected didn't come instead he was knocked backwards and then felt a thin tongue licking his face like a dog would with their owner. Or like how a wolf would with their siblings.

Ren looked deep into the wolf's eyes and knew this was his Sister, his beautiful, loving and caring sister. Yet he couldn't talk to her, he felt the spiritual connection forever severed and could not talk to her mentally. So with a giant hug he embraced his Sister, the one he had failed to protect and had abandoned to live in solitude for hundreds of years.

As if the wolf knew what her brother was thinking she dragged him over to the nearby pond and showed him what was reflected within. What Ren saw was memories flashing by from years ago, some he remembered others he had completely forgotten but he now knew that his Sister had been watching over him his entire life, his guardian Angel.

But that wasn't an entirely good thing, she would have witnessed the slaughter of thousands of humans. Ren's evil and sadistic side that brought him joy out of the deaths of those arrogant enough to step into the forest his mother used to protect. Even his cannibalistic nature that was derived from feasting on everything he came across, even other thunder wolves weren't exempt.

However his Sister had lived just as long as him, although she didn't have a body her soul developed all the same and so she looked at Ren and gave a 'I understand' look. She too had developed a hatred towards humans, whether it was because of her death or living through Ren's eyes her entire 'life' she too wanted to see them suffer, although she took no joy out of it she felt that those that did harm deserved their blood spilled, the innocents were just collateral.

Ren's sister then walked over to a Kitana like sword on the ground and pushed it towards Ren, as if asking him to take it.

"A present? Well if I knew we would meet again after so long I would have brought you something." Ren giggled and picked up the Kitana.

[Accept Bonding with Asauchi?]

"You want me to bond with this sword Sis? You know I always used claws right I'm not sure I can use it." However towards Ren's reluctance Ren's sister seemed to almost look at him with pleading eyes.

"Alright, Alright I accept the bond with this sword." As soon as Ren's words were spoken the blade and Ren glowed with a dim light before Ren felt a hot feeling overflow from his soul making him feel a lot stronger than he previously was.

[Bonding Complete]

[Host has gained the power of the Soul Reapers]

'What are the benefits of becoming a Soul Reaper?' Ren was happy that the weak looking sword had given him some sort of strong power.

[Longevity, Enhanced Durability and Spiritual Power]

[Soul Reapers have a longer life span and are harder to kill than the average human. Utilization of Spiritual Power also allows increase in speed and power]

'This is good, with my foundations as a Soul Reaper I should be able to gain power through meditation like my previous world. But I cannot discard my identity as a Ghoul, it will be my main strength as it seems they are not simply just man eaters, I'm sure I saw that old man use a powerful move I can only guess how to get to that stage. Then again perhaps I won't have to with the presence of the Orphanage Mistress.'

"Well Sister I better get back to my new body, but I swear I will visit you as much as possible. Even though you probably witnessed it fist hand I want to tell some stories from my point of view, you will love them." Ren hugged his sister before returning to his body, if he wasn't now a Soul Reaper he would spend all his time with his sister but he needed to get stronger first and the only way to do that right now was to try cultivate his new found spiritual power.

The weeks were slowly trickling by as Ren was growing bigger and bigger, every week the Mistress would sneak in to the room and feed him pieces of human flesh, Ren actually felt that he could eat hundreds more but restrained himself from acting out. The flavour of flesh and blood clearly made him into a euphoric psychopath so eating small amounts at a time began to be beneficial rather than detrimental.

Spiritual power in his body was slowly growing but he realised that for it to actually be worth anything and attribute to his strength his Spiritual Power would have to accumulate to an enormous amount, realistically he could use it to add a bit more strength to his muscles and increase movement speed but really it was like a temporary booster, an extremely temporary one in fact.

Whilst he wasn't training his spirit power which was really boring, he would visit his mental world and talk to his Sister, more at her but he felt he knew from certain looks what she would say back. The silence from her was less than inviting at first but Ren had fortunately got used to it otherwise the eerie atmosphere would make him feel unwelcome, in his own mind. Even though the thought of his Sister technically being alive gave him some peace it only served to spur more of his hatred out, he wanted to stop imagining the events of his childhood but whenever he looked into his sister's eyes, at her soothing fur he would recall that night.

Ren pushed through it as much as he could by cheerfully telling her stories that she most likely knew but still enjoyed. Ren was starting to feel content but his guard would never drop, his Sister was 'alive' but only because he was, his mind acted as a haven for her soul or perhaps a prison? Either way her life was linked to Ren's so if he was to die, she would to, for the second time.

Ren would occasionally see families visiting the Baby room and the rest of the orphanage, the Mistress would always find a way to take Ren on a walk or changed his diaper or some other excuse to avoid him being adopted.

Ren early on realised that this woman was teaching him the ways of the Ghouls in this world. Although she wasn't aware that the knowledge she was imparting was in fact being taken in by Ren and reviewed countless times. From these situations when the Mistress was causally talking to herself or attempting to converse with Ren, he found out many things.

Ren found out that all Ghouls have a kakuhou which is a sack-like organ that is only present in ghouls. The purpose of the kakuhou is to store Rc cells, flowing like blood but can become as solid as teeth, and could be called "liquid muscles". The nutrition contained in the Rc cells are absorbed by the ghoul when feasting on flesh and blood. These cells are transported to the kakuhou in the blood and stored inside.

The Rc cells can be released from the kakuhou piercing the skin either consciously or due to excitement. These released cells form the Kagune.

The Kagune is then either one of four types for each ghoul.

One is the ukaku Kagune which is spread out like feathers and is released from the shoulder area, specializing in high speed.

Another is the Koukaku Kagune that is released below the shoulder blade. Due to its high density of Rc cells, it is heavy and extremely robust, giving it the greatest sturdiness and making them very well suited for defence.

The third Kagune is the rinkaku that has an appearance similar to scaled tentacles and is released at the back around the waist. A rinkaku wielder has powerful regenerative abilities. Its peculiar appearance and structure yield a superior striking power and they excel in brute strength. Some rinkaku users are able to manipulate the shape of their Kagune, such as changing its usual tentacle form into swords or claws.

Lastly the bikaku Kagune typically has a tail-like appearance and is released around the tail-bone/coccyx. It is good for medium-distance attacks and has decent offense, defence, and speed. Ren was certain this is what he glimpsed his grandfather using.

Ren wasn't sure what his Kagune would be but from the descriptions of each they all had their advantages and disadvantages. Ghouls were a lot stronger than Ren originally thought and he knew that it would take some time to master the ins and outs of his Kagune.

Ren had stockpiled all this information by the time he turned one years old and he could finally show signs of intelligence to the carers around him. Being a dumbass for a whole year was already a challenge, but he still needed to keep up the act no matter what, he was a normal baby after all. Well excluding the fact that he was incredibly quite which already made him abnormal but everything else was normal.

Ren had increasingly become more irritable through the years as being reborn was truly a bore. His body couldn't train as it hadn't matured yet, his mind could increase in spiritual power but that was basically a pointless increase and to top it off he was moved into a room filled with foul human kids that had barely any brain capacity.

Ren at least found solace in his Sisters company who still listened intently to all the stories of the most beautiful places he had seen, however with each memory an overwhelming sadness would creep in. It wasn't that Ren missed his world or anything it was the fact that his Sister had been alongside him his entire life yet he was unaware. Perhaps if he wasn't such a coward as a pup he could have salvaged his other family member's cores. Yet he knew that his regrets would amount to nothing so it only further motivated himself to continue on his journey. Being a Soul Reaper must mean that at some point he should be powerful and wise enough to contact souls, by then perhaps even with the smallest possibility he could reunite his family.

His training wouldn't be in vain but it definitely wouldn't be useful in this dump of an Orphanage so he became relaxed almost bored with no further developments that was until something did happen..

Ren was now five and was being taught how as a ghoul to survive in the corrupt society of humans by the Mistress and that is when it looked like his Kagune was finally making its appearance.

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