
Chapter 38 : Unexpected Reunion

I couldn’t believe it. Sasha was standing in my apartment! Tears filled my eyes as I rushed towards her, throwing my arms around her as if I hadn’t seen her in years, even though it had only been months. The sweet smell of her perfume cascaded off her as she embraced me and brought back memories from when we were kids. Her long dark hair was longer than I remembered, only further reminding me of how long it had been since I had last seen her.

“Holy shit! What are you doing here?!” I exclaimed as we pulled away from each other. Her brown eyes shot daggers at Nash before turning back toward me.

“I told you that I was coming to get you if I didn’t hear from you.”

Shit. I did remember that text, and giving her a sheepish grin, I bit my bottom lip. I hadn’t meant to worry her but with everything going on time kind of just slipped away from me.

“I’m sorry…it’s been crazy lately,” I replied, trying to show her I was fine. Even if I was far from ever being fine.