
Bloodlines of the Mongrel Vampires

Tác giả: dymondglint
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Chapter 1Episode 1 The birth of the first Mongrel Vampire

The vampires gathered In front of their supreme head. Sebastian Declan. A very dangerous and mighty leader. He stood on a ten feet tall alter, where everyone could easily see him without getting emphasized. He gesticulated at Savannah, the foreteller to join him on the alter, and she did.

Sebastian: Listen carefully everyone, the foreteller finally has something valuable to say to us. (He gestured at her to continue.)

Savannah: The prophecy has been surveyed to us that Valeria, a powerful witch has delivered the birth of a herculean female vampire. (Everyone was amused especially Sebastian.) Who is also gifted with the power of a Natalia witch. (The crowd murmured continuously.) This child will also have the ability to transmute into werewolfs.

Sebastian: How is that possible? How are we sure you didn't make up the whole theory? (He asked bemused.)

Savannah: Yes, it sounds impossible, but unfortunately, it is... She will be the one to defeat the Mongrel vampires, and free every frail creatures from their eternal slavery. (The murmuring continued among the crowd. Sebastian speedily stood in front of Savannah choking her neck in a very tight grip.)

Sebastian: Go back to work everyone, I will take it from here. (The crowd began to dismiss.)

Savannah: Stop... you're hurting me.

Sebastian: Are you seriously joking with me right now? Do I look like a joke to you?? (Savannah struggled to free herself from the choke but Sebastian was overpowering her. His eyes were red and his claws grew longer causing her to bleed around her neck.) How can a vampire be born? Especially by a witch. Vampires are dead creatures, we don't bear children, we feed to create more people like us. Witches hate vampires more than anything else in this world, why would they bear a vampire's child?.

Savannah: If.. y...you don't b..believe me, why n..not send your men to look for h..her? (She said forcefully. Sebastian tardily redraw his tight grip on her. Savannah gasped for air.) You almost killed me?

Sebastian: If I find out what you just said is a lie, I will kill you for real.

Savannah: The prophecy is true, and have done my path by spiting it out. It's left for you to turn against it or go with it.

Sebastian: What do you think?

Savannah: If my prophecy is true, it will be a very bad idea to be on the bad side of this child. This is something that has never happen since the beginning of time.

Sebastian: How do we find her?

Savannah: You didn't think about that before having to kill me few seconds ago.

Sebastian: Tell me how to find her or I will choke you once again. (He said in a warning tone.)

Savannah: I don't think you'll be able to do that. (Sebastian made an attempt to choke her again but she interrupted him.) Choke me once again and you will never be able to find her. (She stood confidently.)

Sebastian: Is that a threat?

Savannah: No, you just need to be reminded that you will always need me. I'm not your slave Sebastian, I dedicated myself to working for you.

Sebastian: Tell me how to find this child.

Savannah: You need to look for her mother Valeria. (Sebastian turned to leave.) Do you think a powerful witch like Valeria will let anyone get to her daughter knowing what she is? (Sebastian came to a halt.) She has probably casted a powerful spell on her by now, to keep anyone from finding them.

Sebastian: How do we see through this spell?

Savannah: You will need me on your journey to finding her. (She smirked her face.)


A black wolf chase after a white wolf deep in the woods. The white wolf accidentally stepped on a sharp object and cried out. The black wolf ran to the white and caressed it. They both growl in pain transmuting into a human form. The black wolf transmogrified into a man called Maverick, and the white wolf transformed into a woman called Ariana.

Maverick: You are hurt.

Ariana: It's already healing.

Maverick: Good.

Ariana: Maverick, I called you out here to tell you about the prophecy.

Maverick: You know I don't believe in prophecies.

Ariana: Maverick, the child that possess the power of a vampire, werewolf and witch has been born. The vampires would have probably started looking for her by now. She is said to be our saviour, the only one that can stop the Mongrel vampires from the endlessly killing of our people and other frail creatures.

Maverick: So what should we do?

Ariana: As the leader of this pack your people need to hear this from you. Then you have to set out muscular men to find the child so she can be with us until she comes of age.

Maverick: I will call for a meeting tomorrow, so we will know what to do next. (Ariana smiled excitedly.) Why are you smiling?

Ariana: I'm just glad you finally believe in prophecies.

Maverick: I still don't believe in prophecies, but I believe you. (Her smile widened as he took her hand and kissed it. She hugged him tightly.)

Ariana: Thank you for believing me.


Miranda stood in her balcony gazing endlessly at the sky, with different kinds of thoughts bombarding her head. Leslie walked in.

Leslie: Elder mother Miranda, all the witches has gathered at the coven.

Miranda: Tell them I will join them in few seconds. (Leslie exited, Miranda sighed exhausted.)


Leslie entered a coven where women in red garment had gathered.

Leslie: Elder mother Miranda will join us in a short while.

Payton: Better tell her she can't keep us waiting here for so long.

Leslie: I said she will be with us soon.

Payton: I'm a senior witch to you, you should talk to me with more respect.

Leslie: You don't look like you deserve one... (Miranda interrupted them.)

Miranda: This is a coven not a court for arguing, watch your tongues.

Leslie & Payton: We're sorry, elder mother. (Miranda walked to stand in front of the coven. Payton hissed inaudibly.)

Miranda: Apologies, if I take some minutes of ur time, I know how time is precious to everyone especially to we the witches. Have gathered you all here...

Alicia: Because you failed to carry out our contrives. The plan was to kill Valeria if she insisted on keeping her monster child. (Alicia, one of the elders voiced out agitated.)

Leslie: Valeria is the elder mother's daughter, what mother is ready to dive a dagger into the heart of her daughter just because of some prophecy that might not even be true.

Alicia: You're over stepping Leslie, don't trigger me to hurt you before the end of this meeting.

Miranda: Alicia is right Leslie, you shouldn't interfere anymore, don't worry, I will make sure this situation is situated.

Alicia: What are you going to do? If you can't stand getting tainted by the blood of your daughter, then you should have me do the job.

Leslie: Even if your daughter Payton is the one we're going to execute, will you still be willing to do the job? (Payton and her mother stared at Leslie with bad eyes.)

Miranda: Leslie, I said no more words from you, let me handle this.

Leslie: I'm sorry, elder mother. I just can't... I'm sorry. (Miranda cleared her throat and sighed.)

Miranda: I would like to remind everyone some few things we all know about us the witch people. If a witch bears a child, the first spell to be casted on that child is the spell of...

Leslie: Death.

Miranda: This spell will make the child cursed to the bite of a vampire, instead of turning into a monster we rather die from the bite of a vampire.

Alicia: Why are you bringing that up, it's a fact we all know.

Miranda: If a werewolf impregnate a witch, the child won't last long cause a wolf poisonous venom weakens our...

Leslie: Inner strength.

Miranda: Thank you Leslie.

Alicia: So what are you trying to say?

Miranda: Valeria slept with Nicolas because she was under my spell. (They where all stormed.) I couldn't bear my child sleeping with Marcus after finding out he was a Mongrel vampire and they have feelings for each other. Nicolas was a wolf that love Valeria but she only sees him as a friend, so I use his love for her to get Valeria. The night she was going to go on a date with Marcus. I casted a love spell on her, she met Nicolas on her way and the love charm manifested on him, she began to see Nicolas as Marcus. It was after she had slept with Nicolas she realized she had sin against Marcus. Valeria resented herself and couldn't bring herself to understand why she would ever sleep with Nicolas when she was going to meet Marcus that day. Immediately she knew it was the handwork of a witch. She resented me after I told her I was the one that casted the love spell on her. She ran away from home and hid herself from Marcus because she was too ashamed to face him. Two months later she came knocking on my door one night, insolently staring at me, but I was the only one she could run to, because she was pregnant. I told her every theory I knew about a witch carrying a werewolf child. I told her it's better to kill her unborn child than watching it die with her two eyes. She insisted on not killing the child. After some argumentation and misunderstanding, she gave me the choice of killing both her and her unborn child. I couldn't bring myself to kill my own daughter because she was carrying a cursed child. I thought about Marcus, he was the only one that have his way of persuading Valeria. I searched for Marcus and told him what was happening to Valeria, of course he was very angry to see me but he decided to help because Valeria was involved. He talked to her in everyway that could make her change her mind, but she stood on her decision on killing both her and her unborn child. Marcus was against her decision, the only solution he could come up with was to bit her by socking all the poisonous wolf venom in her body. I tried to stop him but I was no match for him, he socked Valeria blood until she was deprived of life. She fell to the ground lifelessly but I could still hear the heart beat of her unborn child kicking in her stomach. (They murmured.) Yes.. it's kind of impossible, but it happened and I was a witness. I attacked Marcus with so much range blaming him for killing my daughter, but all of a sudden Valeria stood up breathing rapidly, but she was still looking lifeless. I couldn't understand what was going on few seconds she was dead and now she is standing in front of me looking pale like a person that just came back from the land of the dead. I asked Marcus. What was going on? Then he said to me. She died, and have now resurrected as a vampire.

Alicia: WHAT?? How is that even possible?? We were all gathered here when u casted a spell of death on her to any vampires bite.

Miranda: I think History has began to write itself.

Payton: This is just more reason why we should kill her. A witch breathing as a vampire, that's sounds shuddery and groggy. In my own mesmerism, I think we should kill her baby before it monstrosity grows hazardous and become unstoppable.

Miranda: Killing Valeria or her child is not a suggestion. Especially when her child won't be dieing from the poison of a werewolf venom.

Payton: What? (Mazed.) The werewolf venom was supposed to kill it before the age of five, the child won't survive that long.

Miranda: Yes, but alas... it will. Who do you think heal Valeria when she got bitten by Marcus?

Leslie: The child. (She uttered astonished.)

Miranda: Precisely.

Leslie: That means Marcus was sure of his tracks before he bit Valeria, he knew his child was going to heal her, or the werewolf child, or should we probably say his half child. He panic a little because he wasn't hundred percent certain it was going to work.

Payton: Huh... (She uttered nettled.) Bunch of nonsense. (She said maddened.) I can't believe you guys are not plotting on how to kill Valeria and her monster of a child.

Miranda: I see you don't still know what you're up against.

Payton: Of course I know what I'm up against, it's you that don't understand that we have to kill that monster now before it grows hazardous, why isn't no one understanding this. God, am I the only one using my brain here?

Miranda: If you hurt a lineage of the mongrel vampires, you are only planning to wipe out your entire family. They are so loathsome that they will chase after your generation and kill every single last one of them till the end of the world. Let me ask you one question Payton. Are you ready to take the risk and get chased by the family of the first bloodlust vampires to ever walk the earth? (Payton sighed frightened.) Do you know what's the most funniest part? You won't even last three days before they get to you. Chuff... Your head is gone and so will your love ones, one by one, till your generation runs out of head. (Payton took a step backward traumatized.)

Alicia: She is right Payton... the mongrel vampires are not known to be merciful since their existence on earth. What do you plan to do Miranda.

Miranda: I need to find my daughter first.


The sound of a baby crying reverberated from a tree house in the woods. Valeria sat on a wooden bed caressing her new born child with a tuneful lullaby, but the baby refuse to fall asleep.

Valeria: Lullaby don't seems to work on you, huh? Why don't we try a little bit of scary tales. (The baby tardily stopped crying and began to smile.) Oh... seriously, u prefer a shuddery bedtime story than a tuneful lullaby. Okay fine, let's get through with it. Once upon a time in a dark and spooky town.... (She told the story and her child fell asleep fondly.) You have the face of Nicolas, but your eyes, hair, lips and smiles are no doubt the features of Marcus. Speaking of Marcus, I wander how he is doing, he hasn't showed up since the day he took out the werewolf venom out of my system. Well I covered my tracks so no one will be able to find me especially my mother, your grandmother, unfortunately she won't be a grandma to you cause she want you dead, and we are going to prove her wrong by surviving. Welcome to my world child, a world of bloodlust and foolishness, a world where everyone is thirsty for power. (She laid her child on a soft baby bed and kissed her forehead. Valeria claws came out sharpen and shiny.) I need to feed. I'll be back soon child, mother needs to go hunting. She turned to leave, her ears strained and she heard strange sounds of horrific beings approaching the tree house. She peeped out the window to see what saw coming, but the woods was quiet all of a sudden.) What was that? (The strange horrific sounds started again.) I need to go out there and see what is sounding that way before it gets anymore closer. (Valeria quickly casted a spell of invisibility on her child. The child became invisible on the bed. She came out of the tree house and walked few steps away from the tree house towards the woods.) Whatsoever or whosoever you are don't be a coward, come out and face me. (A lion came in front of her, another at her back and one at her left side, but they wasn't ordinary lions. Their fangs were longer and sharper than that of a normal lion, their eyes were darken and redden in colours, the lions roars fiercely.) Lion Vampires, unbelievable scary... (Unanticipated, a lion attacked Valeria vigorously from her right side, as she closed her eyes in dread. Abruptly, she began to hear vigorous sounds of the lions being slayed vehemently by someone. Valeria tardily opened her eyes, but when she those, it was like nothing happened. The lions were lifeless on the ground with blood all over the place, but there was no sight of anyone else around the woods.) Show yourself, I know you're right here. (She waited few seconds, but no one appeared to her. Her mind immediately darted to her child. She turned to leave when she heard the sounds of footsteps behind her. Valeria turned to see who it was and was bemused.)

Marcus: The birth of the first Mongrel Vampires has finally come to pass. Long time no see... (He paused for a while with a smirk on his face.) Val.


Light fades

To be continued 📝📒🖋️

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