
I don't think they like me.

I walked down the crowded hall, glancing around anxiously. People snickered as I passed by. I felt their eyes boring holes into my skull like lazer beams. They took one good look at my clothes and decided that I was trailer park trash. I soon arrived to my new locker. Hideous, I thought to myself. Lumps of gum were stuck to the side, and someone had kicked dents in it. I sighed and flung my bag to the ground. I fumbled through my bag, trying to find the sticky note with my locker combination on it. "Damnit," I sighed. I dropped it somewhere. I banged on the locker, but it was no use. I sighed, grabbed my bag, and looked around for my first period class. No luck, once again. "Fuck," I mumbled. I stood in the hall, wondering how I ended up from happy five hours ago to pissed and depressed in two minutes. Suddenly, my pondering was interrupted with the sound of a shriek. "Young lady, why are you not in class?" she asked.

Her voice sounded like a thousand screaming kettles. "Because I'm new and I don't know where my class is." I muttered. She tilted her head. "Then why didn't you go to the principal's office and ask where the room was?" I flinched at the sound of her voice. "Because I don't know where anything is at." She rolled her eyes. "Follow me," she ordered. I trailed behind her. Not long after, we stood in front of the classroom door. My arms were frozen to my side. "Well? Open the door and get situated." I looked straight into her brown eyes. if looks could kill, my resting bitch face would have made her drop to the floor. I sighed, turned around, and knocked on the door.