
Blood Moon ( vampires and werewolves)

This is a story of a prophecy " On the day of the blood moon the vampires shall meet their end and the tyrant of which they have has their leader shall be killed by one of his kind" . Come readers and let's follow the you human boy named Tristan on his journey to end the terror of the evil vampires.

FallenPope · Võ hiệp
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After speaking with Prof Tee, Tristan went out to a club to have fun "A shot of 99 full flavor

please" Tristan told the bar.

A/N: The club is for supernatural creatures so all their liquor are strong so now think of a human drinking liquor for the supernatural

"What's the point you can't get drunk anyway" the bartender said giving Tristan the cup. "I know but I'm just trying to drink my frustrations away" Tristan told the bartender "Well I'll see it as you drinking fruit juice" the bartender said while sighing "Why are you been moody today" Tristan asked "Well the vampires got another today" the bartender replied "What did you say" Tristan said not believing his ears "Yeah it's unbelievable right another top moon chasers warrior is gone and by the vampires hand at that" the bartender said "Have the vampires been identified" Tristan asked "No, but they have a clue already" the bartender replied "Who" Tristan asked in a dangerous tone filled with Killin intent "Supremo himself" the bartender said with disgust and hatred "I taught they said they didn't know his identity" Tristan said "That's the problem the killing was so clean that it looked like they just disappeared from existence which is definitely impossible" the bartender shakes his head before sighing "So they gave up the tracking" Tristan asked with his frown deepening "Yes after all they said they can't afford any more losses" the bartender replied "So they are scared of Supremo" Tristan said in anger "Tristan you of all people should understand Supremo power by now, it's on top of the food chain even your parents who were very confident of defeating him are in their graves right now and yet you think you can kill him, stop the dream and remember a baby werewolf can kill a grown up human so don't think some little training can make you move up the food" the bartender said hitting Tristan with the harsh reality "So you too huh, I'm leaving" Tristan said and stood up moving to the door "Tristan with it's not like that it's just that..." the bartender tried to explain himself but got cut off by Tristan "No need explain I know what you exactly what you mean" Tristan said before leaving while slamming the door

Since Tristan parents died it was forbidden to speak of them in front of him and it's said that Tristan is very sensitive emotionally

In a abandoned building

"Supremo are you sure we are too meet here it's not that safe" a ridiculously handsome man, he was handsome to the extent that he could rival countless models I the world he was the leader of the demons who are called beings of hell and his name was ...…

"Mammon Morningstar I am invincible so there is nothing that can possibly kill me so why fear when you are before the king of the world" Supremo said with his face under a mask "A king scared to the extent of hiding his face behind a mask" Mammon Morningstar said mockingly "It is called learning to take precautions Mammon and also learn to respect your king" Supremo said with dense murderous intent been emitted from his whole being "And also learn on thing Supremo" Mammon spoke slowly moving to supremo's position "You might be a king who have killed many people but I Mammon is also a king the king of the underworld and of death so learn to also respect me because I am certain you know although I can't kill you, you can't possibly kill me too we are evenly strong" Mammon said staring straight at supremo's eyes "But you can't rule over this world and I can so shut up and listen to what I have to say already" Supremo said with annoyance "You can start then " Mammon said smirking "I need the to make use of some of your witches" Supremo said "Don't you have your own witches after all you even tried making babies with one" Mammon said mocking Supremo "Will you give me one of your witches or not" Supremo asked "Are you certain" Mammon asked in a serious tone "Yes" Supremo said with determination "But you know the witches who have remained neutral to all your issues might start interfering with your matter if you manipulate one of their own for your own interests" Mammon asked "Yes after all they can't kill me so they can try to put me down and then they die it's as simple as that so get me the witches" Supremo said not caring about Mammon warning "Okay then so how is your injury" Mammon asked "since I agreed to be on the same power level as you it's still healing" Supremo said with a frown "Well I'll be on my way and also good luck with healing that massive cut and stab" Mammon said smiling at Supremo before opening a portal to a world filled with mimasa and endless flames "Till we meet again Mammon" Supremo said "Yes till we meet again" Mammon said before jumping into the portal

"So the great Supremo is making friends interesting" A woman coming out of the shadows said "Don't get started with me Lilith" Supremo said while signing looking at the woman who came out of the shadows, she had a pair of bright red eyes and also a silk like white hair had flesh is the right places with no excess fat but she had a pair of horns, wings, a tail and a face which will put the greatest world beauty to shame she was Lilith the mother of all demons "You know I don't like been around your also since you are not a living or a dead so my charms don't work on you" Lilith said with an annoyed tone "So what do you want" Supremo asked with a tired tone "I have a deal for you from the Morningstar himself" Lilith said

In another location

"What's it Mira" Jake asked while looking at a panting girl who was dressed like a boy run inside "I saw a member of the moon chasers staring at me like he new me so to avoid been caught I had to run and I ran down here direct so he lost me on the way" Mira said in a quick tone "Wait you ran because someone was staring at you" Jake asked "Yes" Mira said in a confused tone while trying to catch her breath

"But you are supposed to act normal not the other way round" Jake said while rubbing his forehead "I have the identity card of a female and I'm dressed as a male so how is that normal" Mira asked not understanding what Jake was saying "Did you check the brown envelope in your bag" Jake asked "No I didn't" Mira said "Then check it now, in it is your new credit card, identity card, birth certificate and all others that is needed for the mission so till you are done with the mission your Identity is whatever name you find in the envelope" Jake said and Mira brought out the envelope before bringing out her Identity card from it "So my name is Nil Bastados now" Mira no it Nil now asked Jake " Yes till the mission is over" Jake said "Well let's get started shall we" Nil said

Did I forget to mention that Lilith is also a succumb and they are the best at using charms

FallenPopecreators' thoughts