
Chapter 5: Seen In The Dark

Trevor Belmont POV (A.N image here)

'Just a place to drink and rest my head after' thinking to my self in this waste of a town, at a shitty inn.

Sitting in the far back, trying to enjoy my ale, while over hearing a story about a man, fucking a goat. Not something I would have thought to hear.

Random man "another ale for me and my cousin!" Laughing.

Random guy 2 "brother?" Leaning on the bar.

R.D1 "we may have the same father, but you came out of my aunt" banging his mug.

Bartender "*sigh anyone else, while im pouring" annoyed.

"I'll take another.." raising my mug.

*bang *bang

A frantic knock could be hear at the door as a young man rushed in, out of breathe and sweating. He moves to the bar.

Boy "ale please" getting his breathing together, getting a ale.

R.D1 "why in a rush, what's the word Peter?" Rubbing his own belly.

Peter "the horde! It's been seen sweeping west!" In a almost yelling voice.

R.D2 "you think they will reach us?!" Worried.

Peter "I think they might pass us by, i don't know, I hope, I heard there closing in on Gresit but..." before being cut off.

I perk my ears up a little.

R.D1 "serves them right, stuck up bastards" angry.

Peter "but.." still trying to speak.

Bartender "oh come on" leaning on the bar.

R.D1 "no all the great houses allow us to die as they sit back, but the worst was the Belmonts, we should have killed all the Belmonts" spitting on the ground.

'Oh fuck, my luck' trying to cover my face with my fur coat, Until.

Peter "listen to me!" Slamming his hand on the bar.

Everyone/even me "hmmmm?!" Looking at peter.

Peter "one has been spotted in murd following killing everything!!" Shaking and trying to drink ale.

R.D1 "what Peter, speak clearly who?!" Slamming his mug.

Bartender "come on now Peter" looking at the boy Peter shaking.

Peter "mersul morții" in a very quiet voice.

R.D1 "huh Peter speak up!" picking at his ear and smacking Peters back.

Peter"mmmm..." as I finally spoke up.

"He said mersul morții" as i thought on it.

Everyone froze, hearing the name even I was taking aback by this.

R.D1 "death walkers,here of all places". Gulping.

R.D2 "it can't be why would they come out here?!, must have been a lie!" banging his fist.

Peter "it's not, the crow has been seen in murd, black hair as dark as night, tall, long cloak that looks that of a crow, twin blades covered in blood and the rough gold half mask that looks like that of a human, there is no mistake!" shivering, holding his chest.

R.D1" wherever they walk..."

"Death will follow" speaking Out loud.

R.D2 "if one is seen, the others won't be long behind, murd is a few days ride from here". Breathing heavy.

Bartender "leaving might be the best option, they will kill everything, the horde touches" grabbing the back of his neck.

R.D1 " you may be right, but a few days by horse, there would still be enough time in the morning to leave" downing his ale.

'mersul morții (death walkers) to them they might think it as horror stories but they are very much real, they many be called that but my family knew there name, kainhurst hunters, they kill the horde, powerful and as they say wherever one might be the others will soon follow. It is said if you see one, it will be last of that city' thinking shaking my head, and getting up, dropping money on the table.

R.D1 "they wouldn't be in this situation, if it wasn't for those families, especially the Belmonts, dealing in black magic, now black magic is everywhere!" Spitting again.

Walking to the bartender to see about a place to sleep, messing up from drinking moving my cloak.

R.D1 "what's that?!" Seeing my shirt.

"What's what?"

R.D1 "on your fucking chest" getting madder, as his brother/cousin eyed me weirdly.

"My fucking shirts on my chest" shrugging it off.

R.D1 "that's a fucking crest, a family crest" trying to grab me.

"I'm leaving ok ?, leaving" trying to walk away.

Everyone but me "no your not" looking at me with anger in there eyes.

After seeing the crest on my shirt, getting into a fight, getting kicked in the testicles many....many...many fucking times. As well as getting hit with a chair. I walk out of the bar as the 4 men lay bloody on the floor.

"Served you right! Hope you all fucking die!" Drunk stumbling, wiping blood from my nose.

Looking out to the forest a good distance away.

'Guess I'll call this home for tonight' walking to it, as I catch something Out of the corner of my eye.

Standing on a hill with tall grass, 1 figures could be seen, hard to make out being drunk but the mask is something told in many stories a shine of gold, in the shape of half a humans skull. Wiping my eyes and blinking 2 more figures were now standing there.

'Fuck so the little shit didn't lie, death walkers' cursing my luck, turning to continue to the woods, and looking back for a second they were gone.

(A.N hope you guys are enjoying, what do you think of the name ? And how the story is so far, I personally like bloodborne and castlevania so why not mix them you know, hope that gold skull thing isn't to much)

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