
Blood Brother - Invincible

Just your regular guy, with a regular life. Until it wasn't. In a world where Invincible protects the Earth, a new hero emerges - Matthew the male twin brother of Mark Grayson. Now, he was more than he had ever hoped for. Born out of deciet, raised with love and care, and grew with the knowledge not many have. When Mark's Viltrumite powers awaken, so do his, revealing his true heritage. But something peculiar occurs - he suddenly also finds himself grappling with an entirely different set of powers, ones he can't trace back to Viltrumite lineage and are much harder to control. As the mysteries of these new abilities unravel, he must navigate the dangerous and mysterious paths of his heritage while facing unforeseen challenges. Will he join forces with his brother to protect the Earth, or will his divergent powers lead him down an entirely unique path of heroism? .... OC's are mine for all intents and purposes, while others belong to their respective companies. This has been an itch of mine I had wished to put to writing for a long time now, and finally here it is. it won't be a story for everyone, that for sure, but it will be one I will not regret writing at all. So with that, Happy Reading y'all!

Enigma_Black · Ti vi
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39 Chs

Chapter 19

° Guradian's Grand Memorial

° A Week Later, Early Morning

Matthew quietly sat with his mother and brother along with hundreds of others as they attended the public funeral reception for the recently passed Guardians of the Globe members. The event had been broadcast for the entire world to mourn along with those present.

Dozens upon dozens of civilians and heroes from around the world gathered to pay their respects for the fallen heroes. Giving them their best wishes and thanks to them in their journey to the afterlife, whatever that may be.

All mourned them in different ways, though none could compare to the pain going through those who were close to or the loved ones the Guardians left behind. Still, they showed proper decorum and waited for the respects and words to be given first.

Matthew kept his mental probing to himself for the day, respecting the privacy of those around him. He already knew what most of them had gone through, more than he cared to admit to himself or anyone. In this life.

He turned his head, alongside the others, when he heard the distant but quickly closing in roaring of highly sophisticated jet engines approach. They flew over the gathered crowd in a tight v formation, a symbolic and common gesture to honor those who have provided a great service to the country. In this case, it's a symbol of the respect the GDA holds for their fallen heroes and their legacy.

Accompanying the pair of jets was a familiar silhouette of a man in red and white costume, who broke off from the flyover to make his way towards the front podium where he was to give his final words of farewell to his comrades.

Omni-Man landed softly, the somber and blank look on his face remained until he focused on the people ahead of him. He closed his eyes and took small breath, then spoke his piece.

"I've fought the unimaginable in defense of this world. I've battled alien tyrants, defeated nightmares from the deep. Gone toe to toe with ancient gods..." Nolan took a short paused, "But no matter what threat I faced, I knew I wasn't facing it alone"

"Darkwing. Aquarus. War Woman. Green Ghost. Red Rush. Martian Man. The Immortal. The Guardians of the Globe" he enumerated "Today, we have lost titans, protectors, heroes, and we are left to wonder...who will save us now?"

The silence was deafening, the expectant look on the audiences faces was clear to him as if he was talking to each of them face to face.

"I will" he confidently proclaimed, then his eyes wondered towards his two sons "And so will others like me"

Both boys smiled knowingly.

"New heroes answering the call. New champions who are ready to risk everything to keep this planet safe. All inspired by these great souls who came before us. You will have moments of doubt, of fear, of uncertainty, but in those moments, have faith..." he paused, rising from the podium "and look to the sky"

He lifted off and into the sky, making his exit with dramatic finish.

The rest of the funeral reception blurred after that. Numerous other heroes came to the podium, telling their own piece. Some reminising about their time with the Guardians and some sharing painful stories of longing for them.

Nolan joined his family moments later in his civilian clothes and stayed with them until the end of the reception. Afterwards they greeted other heroes, both familiar and new faces alike, and shared condolences alongside the loved ones left behind.

There was one villain that tried to take advantage of the scene despite it all, but Omni-Man promptly took care of it and made sure he mauled over his decision thoroughly in the bathroom.

Matthew, however, got a surprise of the day when a familiar blonde in a black dress. Her top hair swept to one side, exposing the thin shaved sides of her style.

She came up to him and didn't recognize him at first, so Matthew gave her a hint.

"Sorry for not calling" was all he said as she spoke her condolences. He saw that it didn't take at first, but after a few seconds her eyes finally opened wide and a small smile cracked the sides of her mouth.

She composed herself first before replying, "It's okay. I can understand. But..." she gave him a once over.


"Nevermind" she smiled, looking satisfied about something Matthew couldn't tell. "Just don't take too long, okay? Or else"

Matthew smirked "I swear on my honour"

Throwbolt chuckled and gave him a light wave goodbye before walking away, Matthew watched her go and her hips swayed from side to side. She glanced behind and smiled mischievously at him and continued her walk, putting on a show.

Matthew shook his head at the sight, still keeping an eye on that by now like balls.

Mark elbowed him and whispered, "Dude, you're at a funeral"

Matthew shooed him away, "I wasn't doing anything disrespectful"

Mark sighed and asked, "I don't know. And was that Throwbolt?"

Matthew hesitated but didn't see the harm, and so hummed in confirmation.

"Damn" Mark shook his head and went back to his proper attitude, "Just keep it in your pants, okay?"

Matthew rolled his eyes, "Yes, mom"

"Hmm?" Debbie turned to look at him," What is it Matt?"

"Just...wanted to ask if you're okay" Matthew said.

Debbie gave him a warm smile, "I'm okay, honey. Thank you for asking"

Matthew glared at Mark, who was 'trying' to to the side and went back focus on the funeral.

Everyone slowly left and before long only the relatives of the fallen remained for their private burial.


° Undisclosed Private Property

° Afternoon

The sky turned gloomy as a light storm settled over the lot, painting a dour mood to the already heavy atmosphere of the private burial.

The families and friends of the deceased gathered around the coffins of their loved ones, unable to hold back all their emotions and letting out loud sorrowful sobs. The local heroes such as the Teen Team, save for a few members who busy, also came as well as Cecil Steadman and his trusty second Donald. The Grayson's stood amidst the gathered crowd as well. All were silent.

"We seriously have to put everyone through this again?" Mark asked.

"The big ones for show" Eve replied, standing near him "But the public can't know where the actual bodies are buried"

Mark gave her a questioning look.

"Souvenir hunters" Eve whispered.

"Jesus" Mark was shocked.

"I saw an article about that, the last 'souvenir' was smuggled out of the country and sold for millions of dollars. And that was just a bag of sparkly blue blood" Matthew asked quietly.

"I saw that too" Eve made a disgusted face, "My skin crawled when I read it. Poor Marlin"

They went quiet as Nolan stood at the forefront of the array of coffins, the rain flowing over his head and coat as his sorrowful face painted his internal turmoil as he let his words go.

"I was never a Guardian of the Globe, but it was the Guardians who welcomed me when I first arrived on this planet" he said "They were my mentors. My comrades. My friends. They knew the reality of this life"

He let out a small, sad smile as he continued "Martian Man was exiled from his own people. War Woman was from a different age. Darkwing...Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude"

"It was a rare, lucky few of us who found someone who understood our path, even rarer if they accepted it. I hope they will rest in peace, but at least they will rest together" Nolan finished, which signalled the lowering of the coffins to the ground.

A woman's wails and loud sobbing broke the silence as she wobbled over one of the coffins. Matthew recognized her as Olga, wife of Josef who was the civilian name of 'Red Rush'. Large tears fall from her puffy eyes as glared at the coffin, as if accusing it of offending her.

"Get your hands off me!" Olga shouted when GDA Agent Donald tried to help pull her up.

"Olga, please, calm down" Donald said in a calming voice. But Olga wasn't having it.

"You wouldn't even let me see him" she said, wailing in her mud soaked dress, "Josef is finally standing still, and I still can't see him!"

"I'd better..." Debbie said to her sons, letting her words go when they saw their understanding gazes.

"Yeah" Mark said as she went to her friends said.

Matthew silently watched her go, memories of an old life flashing through his mind. Memories he thought he had forgotten, ones that he wished had faded away when he came to this new life.

"You guys okay?" Eve asked suddenly, her eyes darting to both brothers.

Matthew had no words to say and stayed quiet.

"Me? I..." Mark hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words "I dunno. It just doesn't seem real"

"That could have been my mom, putting my dad in one of those holes, or me, or Matt" he continued "If this could happen to the Guardians of the Globe, it means that none of us are...Invincible"

Matthew was feeling so down that he didn't have the energy to make a joke about Mark's choice of words.

The coffins dropped to the bottom of the grave and were finally, slowly filled in. After a few moments, the crowd began to disperse and were securely escorted off the grounds with the GDA's assistance.

The brothers came to their mother's side and accompanied her and Olga to their designated car, while their father stayed behind. Matthew hazarded a peek and was shocked when he saw who his father was talking to.

Damien Darkblood, a true demon investigator. His unmistakeable red skin, goat-like legs, and swishing red tail were hidden by a fedora and a large biege trenchcoat that reminded Matthew of an unpleasant, chain-smoking blonde english man from old hero movies.

Matthew wondered what the demon was talking to his dad with and so focused his mental reach towards it while walking away.

After brushing up against father's familiar mental walls, Matthew's perceptions slammed into a searing barrier that repelled and caused a headache for the young man.

The demon blinked a few times and looked around cautiously, confusing Nolan.

"What are you doing?" Nolan asked.

"Telepath. Tried to enter my mind" the demon explained in its hoarse voice, "Failed. But can still sense. Very  powerful"

Nolan shrugged, "Please. There are no telepaths on the planet, you're just making up excuses"

The demon growled in annoyance and said nothing more, disappearing from where he stood.

Nolan turned and walked towards the car, the demon's 'fake' concerns already thrown out of mind.


° Grayson Residence

° Late Afternoon

The Graysons entered their home in silence, each settling into the house in their own way.

Matthew went up the stairs first, "Need a change of clothes, I'll be back"

He made it up and entered his room, settling on the foot of the bed as he let his body crash into it and let out a deep sigh of relief. He closed his eyes, enjoying the comfort of the cushion and the moment of quiet.

He let his mind clear before he stood back up, feeling slightly refreshed. Then he changed into his normal clothes and exited the room.

Upon reaching the stairs, he met Mark's pissed off look.

"What?" Mark asked with a hint of aggressiveness in his tone.

"Nothing" Matthew replied, "What happened?"

Mark sighed through his side, making a beeline for his room in silence.

Matthew let the matter go and descended the stairs, but stopped when he heard his parents talking below.

"We just came from your friends' funeral--" Debbie said.

"Co-workers" Nolan corrected.

"--and you're talking about pizza, and telling Mark not to feel anything?" Debbie ignored the words and went on.

"This is the life" Nolan said, "The boys need to learn that"

"What if we were burying you today?" Debbie asked suddenly.

"I'm not so easy to kill" Nolan said with a bit of arrogance in his tone.

"Yeah, well, I'm sure that's what Red Rush told Olga" Debbie retorted.

"Hey, he could run fast, okay?" Nolan teased, "It's not exactly one of your premier superpowers"

Matthew couldn't believe what he was hearing, at how callously his father was speaking such things about the people they had just seen buried. But inwardly, Matthew had to admit that he.had won a superpower lottery with his viltrumite powers.

"I'm sorry" Nolan suddenly apologized when Debbie went quiet for a bit "I didn't mean that, but the boys and I can do more good out there than sulking here"

Matthew peeked down and saw both of them hugging each other tightly. He walked back up.

"Just remember that Mark's a 17-year-old boy" Debbie said, as Matthew stepped into the second floor "They both are. They break more easily than you think, and I don't want a broken family..."

Her last words, upon reaching Matthew's ears, caused him to flinch and freeze up. An old fear he hadn't thought of ever since he first laid eyes on his new family came surging up the depths of his mind.

He rushed to his room and shut the door,  his breathing was heavy and his eyes wandered around his room. Searching for something to distract himself with, to ignore that fear.

He looked to his closet, to his computer, to his many books, to the small pouch full of dice Madison had given him last year, and finally to his phone on his bed.

His previous train of thought was finally replaced by something more present and pleasant at the same time.

He picked it up and dialed a number he had been meaning to call for a while now. Taking deep breaths to calm his fast beating heart as he listened to the ringing.

Finally, the call came through and a sweet voice answered.

{Hey, superstud}

Almost instantly, his fear was pushed back into the depths and a smile crossed Matthew's mouth.

"Hey, sexybolt" he said, then cringe at his own naming sense.

Throwbolt laughed heartily on the other line, {Sexybolt? That's new. I like it, straightforward and bold. Just like you?}

Matthew hid his embarrassment well as he replied "You're welcome. I also like the superstud, it's a very...generous nickname"

{Oh, don't be so humble. It fits you so well. Handsome and a gentlemen}

Matthew couldn't help but grin, "That's a shame. I recognized you instantly. You were very hard to miss"

{What can I say? I have a magnetic personality}

"Oh, I know. My eyes were glued on you the entire time" Matthew said.

She gasped, {So you admit to staring at my ass?}

Matthew was momentarily stunned and wanted to explain but stopped when he heard Throwbolt laugh the next second.

{Got you!}

"Jesus..." Matthew sighed in relief.

{Relax! I don't mind. Guys have been staring at my ass since I started my hero career, so it's not a problem. Plus, it's my best asset}

"I don't know about that" Matthew said, emboldened by her words "I was admiring a lot more than that after we met"

{Oh. You are just so...} she took in a sharp breath and laughed again {I like your style, superstud}

"Likewise" Matthew replied with a smile.

{So when can we meet? Are you going to the tryouts tomorrow?}

Matthew furrowed his brows in confusion, "What tryouts?"