
Blood and chaos

Losing everything he once ever had, he was destined to live poorly for the rest of his life... But coming in like a guardian angel to save the pure innocent child, a middle-aged, rich man adopted him rescuing the kid from the dark fate awaiting for him. Or so they thought... But The kid's life was turned into a living hell like many others because of the evil, obsessed scientist and his research. Many lost their lives, their friends, their homes, and even their minds in the despair and pain of this monstrous activity... The question is... Will the unknown kid from the adoption centre survive this hell? Or will he be lost in the sea of time like many others?

Zied_younis8 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
23 Chs

First Mission

Two days later… 

Kai and his crew were wearing their uniforms and packing supplies like food and water, while also preparing their guns and weapons… 

Though guns and firearms weren't of much use against strong monsters or superhumans, they still had the ability to kill the low-ranked, weaker ones if they weren't careful enough… 

There were some other -super- weapons in the form of swords, axes, daggers and old-fashioned weapons, to deal with the stronger species which people like Kai and his crew shouldn't be able to get ahold of yet they did due to some exceptions made for them by commander John…

Weapons of such had ranks just as superhumans and monsters did, and the higher the rank the higher the chance of the weapon having something special like an ability of some sort… 

Though these abilities were only accessible for superhumans and normal humans would only end up wasting the weapon's potential as they could only use its raw strength… 


Conor was loading his bag when out of the blue, Ken appeared behind him slapping the back of his head as he admonished… 

"The heck are you getting all these guns for you idiot, how many do you think we are? All we need is five guns and a few mags to load our guns when needed you stupid idiot…" 

Conor scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he apologized for his ignorance, replacing the pile of guns in his bag with some actually needed stuff… 

"Are you nervous???"

Watching the two's funny childish behaviors, Ellen turned towards Kai who was lost in his thoughts as she asked, hoping to get some comfort from him as she herself was very afraid and worried… 

Though she had seen many corpses and blood before, they were all of those humans who were entirely normal, and it was never exactly her who did the killing but her dear friend Sophie… 

But now, now it was different… They were going to fight a real monster, a being that is driven by nothing but blood lust and their will to kill… 

And it was she who had to fight and kill this time as she couldn't let the others know about the existence of Sophie or else the chances of them finding out that she's actually a superhuman will increase drastically as Sophie was much more reckless and always acted carelessly which caused them troubles many times before… 

And thinking of the ugly, terrifying looks she had seen when looking at pictures of some monsters, Ellen's body shivered in dread as she tried to get her head away from that subject… 

"Why would I be nervous…? It's just an F-rank wild monster, it has no intelligence whatsoever and can easily be killed with enough bullets and distraction…" 

While Ellen's head was numb in fear, Kai finally appeared to have gotten out of his thoughts as he answered Ellen's previous question… 

"Y… You're right… We can do it." 

Kai's confidence seemed to have affected Ellen, making her worries slightly go away… 

When finally done with their gear up, they headed off to the location sent to them by the commander's office this morning… The location wasn't that far from them as it was merely 4-5 kilometers away from their current location… 

Though they had to use a motorcycle to get half of the way there then continue the rest of the journey by foot… After all, the military preferred to do things more secretly with their soldiers except when in large-scale wars, of course… 


After reaching the halfway milestone and leaving their motorcycles hidden for the ride back, Kai and his group walked on the lifeless long road for hours before finally arriving near the walls of the city they were heading to… 

"Last check… You guys remember what you're supposed to do, correct???"

Kai glanced at the others while asking for one last review of their plan of action and what they need to do soon as they enter… 

"Ugh… Brother Kai, we've already repeated this like a thousand times on our way here, we remember the whole plan, why do we have to do this again?" 

Conor nagged as he felt it was getting kind of annoying, they had already fully memorized their strategy perfectly yet Kai kept asking them to repeat it again and again and again… 

"Because I said so!"


Kai gazed into Conor's eyes showing a rare display of anger included in his voice and expression, looking into the cold blue eyes piercing right through his soul with an uncontrollable blood lust hidden inside of them, Conor's back was covered in cold sweat as his heart began to beat rapidly… 

It was like he was in the presence of an ancient monster that should never be awakened under any circumstances or else the world will have to fall into the chaos this beast would cause… 

But when Conor's legs were about to give up just like the rest of his muscles, the pressure compressing him in place suddenly disappeared out of nowhere like it was never there leaving Conor confused if it was all just a dream or an illusion yet he immediately rejected that assumption as he was sure what he just felt was all real… 

"I apologize for shouting at you… I lost control… the heat affected my mind a little…" 

Noticing Conor's face losing all color as it went pale in fear, Kai apologized instantly as he realized he had just lost control of his anger which was completely unprofessional of him as he tried to explain calmly…

"We're risking our lives here, this isn't just a normal training, we're not here to have fun… And the more careless and reckless we act it won't merely increase our chances of dying but even others' lives… Normal people's lives will be at great risk…" 

"This is why we can't make a single mistake no matter how slight it might look…" 

"Do you get it...?" 

"A.. Ah… Yes… We understand… "

Kai's explanation made them all realize how serious this mission truly was as even if this monster could be taken out by any newbie group, it'll still be able to take hundreds of normal people's lives effortlessly if not stopped immediately… 

"We will split up and search the town or the area where the monster is suspected to be… When one of us finds it, they use the radio to report their location to the others…" 

"Don't get cocky and attack alone, wait until we all reach you then we'll attack together…" 

"Don't disobey your leader's orders in the midst of battle no matter how silly or illogical they might sound…" 

"Be careful and don't risk your life stupidly…" 


While the five were recalling their plans and what they needed to be cautious about, a pair of red eyes in the faraway trees shone at them brightly before jumping from one tree to another at an absurdly high speed with an unknown direction in its mind…