
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · Kỳ huyễn
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100 Chs

The bird and the worms

"Hey guys, there is our target. Impure or not, there is our target." Grad said to the ten some people with him squatting behind a tall dead bush.

Grad had been spawned in a dangerous zone, one where ground cracked open and lava spilled from it. Many were stranded on it, unable to leave or to proceed as their weight was also a factor that was against them, but when the smart team leader grad had appeared, everything became at ease.

He now has the nickname of disaster traveller. Since he is able to travel through disasters like they mean nothing to him.

Back at the lava spilling breaking barren land, he had only needed to use three minutes before he thought up a plan, and the plan was a dance. Everyone was thought the dance, it wasn't really a dance he created as some even knew the dance but they just didn't know what it's usefulness will be in their situation.

That was when Grad showed them the usefulness of it as even with his huge body frame and weight he was able to go and come on the barren land without causing as much as a small crack. The dance was a dance that could only danced by staying on ones toes, it can't be danced with the whole feet but only the toes and it's weird movement kept the body gravity yo he slightly moved upwards asking the body even lighter.

Those that knew the dance made it through with him, and those that didn't tried to emulate what does that did showed, but few of them died from either a mistake on their part or the ground cracking randomly beneath them.

After that they decided to move with Grad as even if they all didn't know where they were going or the main location of the gods field ruins, they knew that they might be just a bit safer with Grad around them.

Their decision truly saved them again as they met with another disaster, that took almost half of them even with Grad helping them, but they owed their lives and thanks to Grad who saved them twice not for the glory or the appreciation or for money, but for them to be alive as he told them. He said to them when they asked what should be given to him for saving their twice, "You being alive is enough thanks to me, someone who aspires to be a good party leader!"

Since then they did not follow him to be safe but to be a team or friends whichever one he considered them to be. Now they were currently hiding behind a dead bush eyeing a tree where a birds nest is, the bird just left and as the saw it, it was clear to them it wasn't a normal bird beast anymore and it was now corrupted, or as they called it, impure.

As Grad had said pure or impure, after surviving two disasters and numerous encounters with impure beasts, their hinger is more than what they could ignore a gigantic egg for.

"So what's the plan, do we wait till the mother bird comes back so we can know how long it leaves for?" One of the six guys in the temporary makeshift party asks as he looks around the tree for signs of mama birdy.

"No we can't risk waiting, there is a possibility that if we wait till the mother bird comes back, then it probably might not leave again until who knows when. I'd say we strike now and do not delay." Another guy said while he pulled down a dead grass from his view.

The two guys look at each other with an argumentative stare down. Grad raises his hand signaling for them to stop.

"We strike now, but we must be on guard. Fully prepared for a mess up incase mama bird decides to come home for a rest." Grad looks back at the party as some seem to be fine with the idea, but some are not exactly fine with it, but with Grad saving decisions that has kept their heads on their necks for more than enough times already, there is no other choice but to listen to him again this time.

The team equips their weapons and checks their environment as they all took a formation, with Grad at the front leading them, they proceed cautiously towards the tall dead tree.

Using an improvised version of a dagger tied to their shoes, the party stick to the dead tree with their hands and hold with their feets.

Climbing within few minutes, they reach the top of the tree and arrive at the giant nest. What they had thought to be a nest made of branches from afar actually wasn't, as now that they have arrived right in exactly made of wood and branches but was instead made of bones.

Dry, withered, old, ancient bones. Scattered from their skeletons and patched up together to form a nest that houses four gigantic eggs that should be more than enough to satisfy fifty people at once.

"We're here, how many can we take?"

"Depending on their sizes we can only take one, and we had better take it now so we don't waste time!"

"Wait! Do you hear that?" Grad motions for them all to stop and listen closely.

As they did, a silent echo of a screech could be heard and it was dangerous drawing nearer.

The team look around and someone soon spotted something in the red skies.

"Look! There is something coming... IT'S THE BIRD!"

"What! How did it know, and how is it immediately we came here it knew."

Everyone was still confused and in disarray, but Grad pulling his broadsword catches their attention.

"It's a trap, we were fooled by it. It always knew we were around since the time we entered it's range and it only just played us to believe it had left whereas he never did go far, only distant enough for imus not to pick. As for how it knew..."

As Grad explains, before they could even have the time to understand or think if why he might mean. The four eggs behind them start to shake, cracks spreading from it, an ominous energy pours out making everyone want to puke from the horrid smell that hits them.

It was worse than an expired egg, it was so terrible to breathe in and one could even taste the smell on their tongue.

"Jeez! This is bad, real bad!"

The eggs broke open, and not in anyone's imagination could they have predicted this development. The egg shells all crumbled like the great wall and black squirming devil's crawl out of them.


Black worms, with multiple teeth arranged in rows along their mouths. More than a hundred of them crawling out like demons from hell. Squelching and squirming, gnawling their numerous glass like teeth.

"Everyone, your shoe daggers to your hand, jump!" Grad yells as he removes the daggers in his shoes and holds them tightly, then without waiting to sightsee further, he jumps as far as he could.

He jumped a little to hard and hits the tree equally as hard. He falls but he quickly catches himself and stabs both daggers through the tree. Slowing his fall greatly, then he removes the daggers and jumps down the remaining distance.

As he lands, three others land with him. They all look up searching for the other three.

"Help!" One of them yells drawing the attention of the others to him, as they see him still on the bird tree, he was held over at the edge of the nest by the worms, he looks endangered but luckily the worms haven't found a suitable position to dig their teeth in yet.

Grad draws his broadsword again and runs towards the tree. Using the flat side of the sword, he hits hard against the tree, causing the whole frame of it to shake vigorously.

The shake seemed to have tumbled the slippery worms over themselves as they let go of the guy's leg, causing him to fall.

Grad jumps up and catches him then he holds him to the tree as they both slide down to the others. Grad pushes the guy to the side as he also rolls to the side.

The floor cracks away as the bird talons hit against the ground, then it flies away again turning around for another round.

Grad still searches around for the two remaining guys, while he shifts back to meet up with the rest.

The giant black dead looking one eyes bird, flies to the nest and tips it down. The nest falls to the ground along with it all the worms as well.

The bird lands on the ground, surrounded by it's army of wriggling worms. The worms stands with the bird against the party of fighters.

"It is just like the forbidden story we were always told of when we were children, the story of the bird that befriend the worms."
