

I'm walking in the forest in the middle of the night. I'm wearing a red dress and the moon was bright and blue. I hear howling, like how my Hershey and Kisses would but louder. I thought they were in danger and I ran towards the sound and when I reached them I didn't find my dogs but very huge wolves. Like 6 feet tall wolves. Instead of getting scared, I walked towards the White wolf with brown patches on his body and there was a baby wolf behind that. It was trying to protect its baby. Suddenly I heard growling behind me and when I turned, there was another wolf snarling at me from 6 feet away. I was scared but I extended my arm to show him that I meant no harm and that brown wolf started walking towards me. I was about to pat his head but I heard a gunshot and I woke up breathing hard. That was a weird dream. Adrian Tyler Pierce is a dominant and recessive man. Whereas Kria Rosanna Martin is a polite and humble girl. He's from the USA She's an Indian. He's a werewolf. She's a Human and She's his Dream. Compromising isn't a word in Adrian's vocabulary and Kria doesn't like to be ordered. Will they accept each other's differences? Different nationalities, different cultures, different thoughts and also different species. Well Adrian isn't the one to let go of her. Let's see how our Kria makes our Adrian lose his mind. This is a cross country Werewolf love story. Show some love

Keerthana_Raj_8678 · Kỳ huyễn
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America!! America!!

Justin's POV....

"You're what now?" I heard my mate's voice. We all turned around to look at her and there she stood with her eyes wide and disbelief all over her face. "Please tell me it's a joke. I'd rather be you guys be Mafia dons than be werewolves. Oh My God, am I hallucinating? Did I hear correctly?" she started babbling and I held her hand to calm her down.

"Aadya, calm down. You're not hallucinating. We were just joking because Kria has such a poor eye sight" Manik tried to undo the mistake but it was too late.

"Don't even bother Manik. I heard you. You are my childhood best friend. How can you deceit us, that too for such a long time? Even Ahana lied to us all this time. I don't know whether to be shocked that you're an animal or be ashamed that we let us deceive us all this time" she turned around to leave but Ahana was standing there crying. I didn't know what to do?

"Go behind her and console her. Only you could do it. Do something so that she would keep this to herself" Manik said and went to console Ahana. "How did we not hear her or smell her when she was this close to us?" Axel asked and that stopped me in my tracks. I'm her mate and I couldn't smell her.

"She's wearing Ahana's clothes so that's why I ignored it as she mind linked me telling that she is on the way to us" Manik was now hugging her. "Justin, please go and tell her it wasn't my fault" Ahana said, bawling now.

I nodded at her and went to my mate's room and knocked at the door. "Who's it?" She asked, her voice sounded like she was crying too. Oh my god. Why are all the women around me crying today? I didn't answer but kept on knocking because if she knew it's me she wouldn't open. She opened the door and the moment she saw me, she tried to close it but I pushed it and locked it. "Why are you here? Get out. I don't want to talk to you or anyone" I just held her hand and pulled her towards me and let her cry. Once I felt that she stopped crying now, I made her sit on the bed and started speaking.

"It's okay if you won't speak to us but Ana is not at fault. We aren't supposed to talk about ourselves unless they are our mates. It's not Ana's place to tell you guys either. I've heard Manik telling that Ahana is worried and sad about not telling her boyfriend's supernatural ability to her best friends. It was killing her already. I know you felt wrong but give her a chance. I'll answer all your questions so you can ask me anything you want" I told her. "Are you a werewolf like in Harry Potter or in Twilight?" I laughed at her and started answering all her questions.

Kria's POV....

I went downstairs to see guys and Ahana waiting for Jia, Ayra, Nat, Aadya and I. Ahana's eyes were swollen so I asked her what's wrong so she said that she cried because she's going to miss her parents.

Aww... "Babe, We'll be with you all the time and uncle and aunt can visit you whenever. So chill madi" I hugged her. Nat, Ayra and Jia came downstairs but no signs of Aadya. I texted her to which she replied she is coming downstairs too. Even she looked like she was crying. Am I supposed to cry? I mean our parents are coming to America next month so I'd not cry or else my sister would start crying too.

"I'm really sorry" Ahana ran towards Aadya and she started crying. AGAIN.

"I'm sorry too. From now on don't keep anything from me" Wow now they are keeping secrets from me?

Nat and I looked at each other and joined their hug resulting in everyone laughing. I'll ask them what they were talking about later.

"Let us drop you guys to the airport and leave for our respective houses" Bhaskar uncle said almost in tears.

After everyone hugged us good bye and warned us to stay safe and act like adults and some dramatically emotional good bye later, we went to the Airport. America, here we come.


Kria's POV...

Once we reached the airport we rushed to get our luggage from the trunk of the car but the boys seemed to be in no hurry. Do they want to miss the flight or what? I mean India is a great country and Bangalore has the best climate in the whole world but we gotta get moving. "Guys hurry up, we are going to miss our flight" Natasha said, a bit frustrated. Aaron was helping her with the luggage but she was angry at him.

"You, start behaving like an adult that you are and take care of your sister" my mom hugged me while crying that made me cry too. I reassured my parents that I'll be fine and would look after everyone and see them all in a month and looked around to see everyone except certain someone.

'Looking for your Lover?' My brain mocked me. I didn't bother correcting myself.

"The aircraft is waiting. Let's board now. Shall we?" Adrian appeared out of nowhere and asked us to which we nodded. After one last goodbye we showed our passports to authorities and all the security checks later, the coach took us towards an aircraft that didn't look like a commercial flight.

"You guys have a private jet?" Ayra shouted excitedly, asking no one in particular.

"Kinda. It is our Airline. We rent our aircrafts to VIPs and CIPs as chartered flights and also commercial flights for domestic use. This is for personal and Business use for us. We have 2 aircrafts which belong to our pac.. I mean our family and friends together. We use it only when it is needed" Justin replied, looking at Aadya gaining an eye roll from her. He thought he could impress her with money? Keep it up dude.

"Why does it have a weird name? Crescent Blood Moon? I mean it's a beautiful name but very weird... I mean not in a bad way. It's really unique" My baby sister asked Adrian. I had the same doubt but I'm not gonna open my mouth until a certain someone apologises to me.

"It's an old story that you must ask Adrian's grandpa because he's the best person to explain this" Axel replied, looking at my sister, lovingly. "What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"Kria, take your bag. Let's hurry. I can't wait to look inside the aircraft" Aadya distracted me before I could say anything to him. I turned towards him, squinted my eyes and made an 'I see you' gesture before grabbing my things.

"Why are you ignoring Adrian?" Ahana asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I acted like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"She has been ignoring him because he has not spoken to her since breakfast. She's angry because he was not giving her attention, right Kiki?" Aadya joined in our conversation.

"I don't know what you girls are talking about and when did you start supporting them? And I thought you didn't like them either" I asked her

"Well, I realised they are not as bad as they seems" she said and climbed the stairs of the flight.

A beautiful and polite flight attendant greeted us and we were shown to our seats which looked comfortable. Once we were seated, the pilot and the co-pilot greeted us and informed us about the flying time. The doors were closed and the flight attendants briefed us about safety instructions and we were ready to take off.

Once we were in the air and the seat belt sign went off, Aadya got up and left to use the lavatory. I closed my eyes to continue sleeping but that certain someone came and sat beside me.

"A little birdie told me that my girl was missing me. Sorry darling but I was busy as I was arranging your stay and all in NYC" He said while tucking my fringes behind my ear.

"You've got the wrong information and I'm not your girl. Take your hand off of me and just let me sleep"

"You don't know that you are my girl. Anyway I don't want to argue about that. I was speaking with Natasha and she told me that you wanted to be a flight attendant but your father wasn't delighted about it because of the risk and all. So I was wondering if you would like a tour of the aircraft. It's a Boeing flight" once he said that, I was up on my feet and waiting for him to get up so that we could start the tour.

I have travelled many times but I never got a chance to explore every part of the aircrafts and I'm not going to miss that opportunity now.

"Just a moment" he told me and went near the other girls "girls, if you're tired there are six bunkers. We can use 5 as 1 will be used by the Crew. First let's eat lunch upstairs and we can rest after that. If I was you, I'd sleep well as it will be early in the morning over there when we land and we would not be jet lagged" he informed and held my hand.

After Lunch Adrian, Ahana and I looked around the aircraft. I had so many questions to ask the Captain but was pulled out of the cockpit as Adrian thought the first officer was flirting with me and threatened to fire him. So I started questioning the flight attendants and they answered me without getting annoyed. I left them to take a rest and went to look at the bunkers downstairs but both of them were occupied by Ahana and Manik in one, Justin and Aaron in the upper berth. I went inside a bunker upstairs to look for Aadya but she was sleeping with Natasha. Jia and Ayra were sharing the upper one.

Suddenly I was pulled into one of the bunkers. I was about to scream but someone closed my mouth. "Shhh... it's me. Don't argue now. Just sleep. We have plenty of space. I will sleep on the opposite berth. I know you are tired and I heard you're anaemic too. So rest now" he made me lie down and started massaging my head.

"I don't know who's giving you all this information to you but once I get to know who's it I'm going to kick their bum" I mumbled and fell asleep right after Adrian said,

"Sleep well, My Luna" he kissed my forehead and I was out like a light.

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