
Clean Up

Waking up the next day, Adam felt a weird sensation on him. He opened his eyes and brought them down to a wet liquid on his stomach. The source of the liquid was Xenovia who was drooling on top of him. Now that he was well awake he looked around and saw that all three girls were sleeping on his bed. He then looked at Mikasa who was pretending to be asleep.

"How did they even get in here?" Adam questioned her.

"Xenovia saw me as I was sneaking into your room. She then started to make a ruckus about how she wanted to sleep with you as well" she told him.

"So then why is she in here?" Adam asked her again since he still hasn't gotten his answer.

"She wanted to have a fight and if she won she would be able to sleep in here" she added with an annoyed tone.

"So.... did she win or something?" Adam asked unsurely.

"Of course not, we didn't even have a fight. It was like two in the morning, why would I want to fight when I could be sleeping with you" she said. "I let her sleep here but she wouldn't get to sleep next to you."

"Right..." Adam didn't say anything else and got off the bed where Xenovia was still sleeping and Asia who was sleeping as well. He put his uniform on and went straight made breakfast to eat. Once the girls were able to smell his cooking, they rushed downstairs to join him in eating.

"So we're going to that town to help with its repairs today?" Xenovia asked.

"That's what Sona told us so you're right" Adam replied.

"How were they even able to cover up the incident and blame it on something else?" Asia asked Adam since she was still confused.

"I made sure everyone close enough to see it forgot about it. Of course, it only worked for normal humans. There were other people who resisted the effects as well. But it wouldn't really matter if I didn't do something about it since someone else would have done it. There's a lot of people who want the existence of the supernatural to be kept private. I bet there are a lot of people who aren't too happy with having to cover up so many explosions. " Adam replied to her while his voice became quieter as time passed. He looked at the girls who had gone quiet. "What's wrong?" Adam asked.

"You can change people's memories? Since when?" Mikasa was the first to ask. She seemed to have a problem with Adam being able to alter people's memories.

"Have you changed our memories?" Xenovia added.

"I've learned of it when Rias tried using it on me during our first meeting. I can't do much with it since it requires me to use it on multiple people for it to work. If I try it on just one person all that happens to them is they get a headache" Adam replied to their unnecessary questions.

"So it only works on multiple people at a time? That's a relief" Mikasa said to herself. Seeing that Adam was looking at her like she acting crazy she had to say something to defend herself. " If you could change one person's memories it'd be easier for you to lie to me." She said.

'That doesn't explain anything' Adam thought to himself. But at the end of it, he didn't try and decipher all of Mikasa's explanations since they'd usually be quite extreme.

"Out of curiosity..... how many people would you be able to affect?" Asia asked.

Adam thought about it for a few seconds and nonchalantly replied, "If you were to give me enough time I could change the entirety of Earth's population's memories."

"Wouldn't that make you like a world-class threat?" Xenovia asked sarcastically and was going to laugh but then she saw Adam hadn't replied to her. " Oi oi oi, you're not going to tell me that you're actually a world-class threat right??" she asked worriedly.

"Of course not," Adam said as he finished eating. He then walked up to Xenovia and whispered into her ear " At least not until I'm given a reason". After leaving a scared Xenovia at the table, Adam walked out of the house to the train station so that they could leave for the city.

Mikasa and Asia finished their food and left behind Adam while laughing at Xenovia who was still sitting at the table. "He was just joking right, Mikasa?" she tried asking Mikasa.

"I don't know," Mikasa said while pretending to be confused.

"Don't act dumb!" Xenovia told her.

"It doesn't matter because, in the end, we would never know" Mikasa replied to her while getting closer to her. " Now hurry up or we'll be late," she said as she smacked her in the back.

Once inside the train station, it was already packed so Adam made his way to where there a corner. He was already aware of the lecherous looks people were giving the girls behind him so he let them all go into the corner and he stood in front of them staring at everyone else on the train.

The rest of the train ride was a tough one for all the other passengers since Adam was unintentionally giving off pressure. All the people who had malicious thoughts had quickly given up and moved as far as possible from Adam as they could.

By the time they arrived at Okagi City, the train had already been cleared enough to allow them to sit down. As they got off the train and made their way to the location they were given, they were able to see how much construction there was going on.

"You really had fun here didn't you?" Xenovia said sarcastically.

"The other guy definitely had more fun" Adam replied thinking about the upcoming Grail War.

"But it really looks terrible, how much would it cost to fix this?" Asia asked.

"It wasn't that much if I remember correctly. I think the overall cost would be a couple of hundred million dollars" Adam said casually as he walked.

No one reacted to it since they hadn't processed what Adam had said but then " Wait a minute, did you just say dollars? As in United Stated currency?" Xenovia asked him.

"Yes, that what I said. Why?" Adam asked confused.

"Isn't that too much for a city?" she asked.

"Of course it is" Adam replied immediately. "I'm planning on building a branch of my company here," he told them.

"Oh, that makes sense," Xenovia told him but she then thought about what she heard. "You have a company?!" she asked since she never heard anything about him owning a company. She didn't hear her answer since she noticed something on the construction company's logo. It was a golden A, she had seen something similar in the sword Mikasa used and finally understood what he meant.

"That nice... I think" She told tried convincing herself.

"It's easier to do anything if you have money," Adam told them. "You know how difficult it would be to be a magus who had no money?" He added. He thought about how difficult it must be for Rin to do anything with very little money.

"Do you know anyone like that?" Asai asked him since it sounded like he was thinking about someone.

"No," Adam told her. "Let's hurry up, we should be there soon," he said as he began to walk faster.

They arrived at the location and there were dozens of people with yellow hats all over the place. They seemed to be doing their best at cleaning up the debris and other things.

Adam looked at a person who had people asking them questions and decided to ask them for instructions.

Once they got closer to them he could see her characteristics. She had long black hair that reached her heels and was wearing a lab coat. Her bangs covered up her purple eyes.

"Hello Miss, We're from Kuoh Academy and are here for the volunteering," Adam asked her.

"A school actually sent people? We didn't actually expect anyone to send people. I guess Kuoh Academy must be very serious about this stuff" she told them but just continuously stared at Adam.

"Of course we do. Our President might be the most serious one there it" Adam told her with a smile.

Mikasa quickly stabbed him with her hand on his side.

Adam winced in pain but didn't say anything to her since he already knew why she did that.

The woman just stared at Adam weirdly since she hadn't caught Mikasa's attack.

"Anyway, I want two of you to help those people pick the garbage up over there," she pointed at a group of people that were ranging from all ages. "The rest of you will help take materials to the construction workers over there" she then pointed to workers who were hard at work. "It doesn't matter how you decided to split up; just do it quickly or I'll choose for you". She didn't tell them anything else and left.

"Mikasa, can you go with Asia to pick up the debris?" Adam asked her.

"You're saying Xenovia is unreliable?" she asked since she wanted to be with Adam.

"Exactly, good thing you understand," he told her as he looked to where Xenovia was.

"Aren't you being a bit mean to Xenovia?" Asia tried reprimanding Adam but then she looked over to what Xenovia was doing and she saw that she was swinging around a piece of lumber almost hitting other volunteers.

She didn't say anything else since she could see that she would need someone to take care of her.

"I'll have to make sure she doesn't cause more damage or bother other people haaaa," he sighed as he told Asia.

Adam left Asia in Mikasa's care and followed Xenovia. He picked up a piece of lumber and went after her.

At the place where people were leaving the items, he saw Xenovia arguing with a construction worker. He thought she had done something wrong so he was getting ready to apologize on her behalf.

"I just asked for your name that's all sweetheart hahaha" he laughed and a group of workers behind them laughed as well.

"Of course that's what's going on," Adam told himself. These people seemed to come out on cue whenever he went anywhere.

"Hey man, stop trying to pick up a high schooler and do your job," he told the guy.

"Huh? Is that a spoiled brat trying to tell me what to do? Do you see that guys? Young people don't know how to respect their elders nowadays" he then grabbed Adam by his collar and tried picking him up.

Adam was already tired of these things happening to him all the time. 'Is there some law that governs this kind of things' he thought to himself.

"What's going on over there?" A voice coming from inside a tent said. A tall man walked out of the tent and looked in Adam's direction.

"Nothing important Sir, I was just teaching this kid some manners. Right guys?" The man lied to the tall man and his friends lied with him.

"If you say so..... wait Boss is that you?!" The tall man panicked when Adam's face came to his head. He had only seen the boss of the company a handful of times since everyone says that the boss was still in school and is usually busy with other things.

"Ah, your name is James correct? I'm not going to blame you for the actions of these guys since no one can control other people's actions but you can do a better job in hiring decent people" Adam said as quietly as possible since he didn't want other people to hear him. "Do something about them once I leave. Do you understand?" he asked him without any emotion.

"Yes Sir!" James said as loud as he could by only whispering.

"Come on Xenovia, let's go help other people." He told her.

"You didn't have to help, I could have easily dealt with him," Xenovia told him a bit annoyed with his intrusiveness.

"I know you could have easily broken all of his limbs but that would be bad in many ways. Also, you shouldn't have to deal with every bozo that tries to get hands-on," he told her trying to explain himself.

"If you say it like that then it's al-" she was cut off by Adam.

"And what kind of guy would I be if I let a cute girl be bothered by some random guys? Hahaha," Adam then left to help people who were in need.

"Cu...te? Me?" Xenovia was left dumbstruck with a growing blush on her face. She had never been described as cute by other people and didn't know how to feel about it.

Adam helped a few people and decided to see what Mikasa and Asia were doing so he searched for them in the crowd of yellow helmets and quickly found them since Asia's blonde hair stood out like a sore thumb in the crowd of mostly black and brown hair.

Walking up to Asia, Adam saw a face he'd seen before. "Nice seeing you here again Shouko," he said to the pinkish-browned hair girl that was talking to Asia.

"Do you know Nishimiya as well, Adam?" Asia asked.

"Yes I met Adam a few minutes before the accident happened," she said in an excited voice. She was finally able to meet the person who had given her what she wished. She was about to bow to him and thank him for what he had done even if she didn't know how it had happened but was stopped by a flick to her forehead.

"Don't bow for that. You helped me and all I did was return the favor so now we're even. Alright?" Adam told her in a stern voice hoping that she would just agree and not bring it up again.

"That is Unacceptable, I must return your kindness." She said with a face filled with persistence.

Adam flicked her forehead again. "Fine, but don't do anything over the top. You can just be my friend and then we'd be even, Alright?" he told her.

"Of courth" she bit her tongue trying to speak to Adam while rubbing her forehead.

"I'll be your friend too. Is that okay with you Nishimiya?" Asia said excitedly. She felt that she could get along with this person she had just met.

"I'd love to. Please take care of me, Adam, Asia" she said while bowing.

"This girl really loved bowing" Mikasa interrupted their talk from behind Adam.

Adam had found it weird that he hadn't seen her already and got a bad feeling so he turned around to see her pulling Xenovia who was in a daze. "Welcome back?" he told her. "Please don't jump to conclusions," he told her since he already saw a jab coming at him.

"Go ahead then," She told him

Adam quickly explained what happened and Also added what he told Xenovia which only made Mikasa sigh.

"Can you not say such sensitive things so nonchalantly to girls. You'll regret doing so later" she said trying to warn him.

"I'm sure It'll be alright," he told her without thinking about it any longer. Trying to change the subject he said, "It's already pretty late we should try finding a hotel to stay the night in. We can go back tomorrow".

"You guys can stay over at my house. I'd like to introduce my new friends to my family" Shouko told them.

"There might be too many of us. Are you alright with that?" Asia asked her. She didn't want to take advantage of her new friend.

"It's fine, we have more than enough room," she said trying to convince them by stretching her hands out.

"If you're so insistent then I guess we'll take you up on your offer" Adam caved in to her demands.

"It's fine with me. Let's just go tell that old lady over there we're done" Mikasa said while pointing at the woman they had talked to when they arrived.

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